Mercury Removal Market to Exceed $1 Billion/yr By 2015

Next year U.S. utilities, industrial boilers and cement plants will be required to limit mercury emissions from stack exhausts.  This set of laws alone will immediately double the market for mercury removal consumables and hardware. When this new opportunity is combined with the markets in waste incineration, mining and oil and gas, the total will exceed $1 billion/yr.  This is the conclusion reached in the McIlvaine Mercury Air Reduction Market.  (

The largest established market is waste incineration.   Waste-to-energy plants around the world have invested in mercury reduction systems.  Early European systems installed in the 1980s utilized moving carbon bed reactors following wet scrubbers.  France was the first adopter of dedicated fabric filters with powdered activated carbon injection. Various adaptations of this technology have been embraced in Asia, the Americas and elsewhere.  As a result, waste incineration plummeted from being the leading source of mercury pollution to where it was far below power plants, cement plants and other sources.

The new sets of regulations address a much larger market.  The U.S. power plant market will be over $0.5 billion/yr.  Only 10 percent of the coal-fired power plants are in the U.S.  So, the ultimate market worldwide is very substantial.  China has passed rules for power plants which allow mercury emissions at ten times those of the new U.S. regulations.  However, China plans to tighten the standards to the U.S. levels by 2020.

There is a need to remove mercury in natural gas to a few ppb.  The reason is that mercury attacks materials in heat exchangers and other process equipment.  With all the unconventional new sources of natural gas, the mercury reduction market in this sector is increasing substantially.  The largest single increase will be in China where there are plans for 40 projects to convert 1.5 billion tons of coal per year to gas, chemicals and gasoline.  Most of the plants will use indirect gasification and will need to reduce mercury from the product gases.  Since the U.S. burns less than 1 billion tons of coal per year to generate electricity, the Chinese coal to fuels market alone will be 1.5 times larger.  Since China burns 3 billion tons of coal per year for power generation, the total market will be 4.5 times larger.

There is substantial investment in mercury control technologies.  Many advances are being achieved in:

·       Activated carbon efficiency vs. cost

·       Non-carbon sorbents such as silicates and kaolin

·       Halogen chemicals to make mercury soluble

·       Chemicals to prevent re-emission from scrubbers

·       Treatment of fuel prior to shipment to the power generator

For more information on Mercury Air Reduction Market, click on:

China Air Filter and Fabric Filter Markets Are Competing

Suppliers of filter fibers and filter media in China will supply more products for dust collectors and fewer products for indoor air and face masks if government plans are fully implemented.  Air pollution in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai is a major health threat. Throughout 2013 the Air Quality Index in Beijing was typically in the "severe pollution" category.  In Shanghai in December 13, the Index rose to the level deemed "poisonous."  This low ambient air quality is spurring sales of indoor air filters and face masks.

The government plan is to correct this problem in part by enforcing tough particulate emission standards on cement, power and other emitters.  According to the McIlvaine World Fabric Filter and Element Market report the market for dust collector bags in China in 2014 will be less than $1 billion.  This could increase to well over $2 billion in 2020.

The present market for indoor air filters is $800 million according to the McIlvaine Air Filtration and Purification World Market.  When you add the amount the Chinese spend on face masks (extracted from other McIlvaine reports), the present combined revenues are similar to those for dust collector bags.  The plan would result in only modest growth in the air filter market, a flat or declining facemask market and a booming market for dust collector fabrics.

The Chinese government is supporting a campaign to boost filter media manufacturing within China. Filtration fiber production is projected to reach 1.4 million tons by 2020.  The market could be even larger if the power plants convert from precipitators to fabric filters.  They would require 300,000 tons of fiber initially and 100,000 tons per year.

High temperature fibers such as PPS will be needed for coal-fired power plant filters.  Presently, PPS resin production is only 30,000 tons and fiber production is 20,000 metric tons, so major expansion of high temperature fiber production will be required. 

The major fiber used in dust collectors in China is polyester.  Presently, 600,000 tons is used for all filtration applications.  The need for better filtration efficiency for low temperature applications will lead to an expansion of this market as well.

For more information on World Fabric Filter and Element Market, click on:

For more information on Air Filtration and Purification World Market, click on

Revenue Potential for Outsourcing of Fossil-Fired Power Plant Processes Is More than $20 Billion/yr

Fossil-fired power plants around the world expend more than $400 billion to operate their facilities.  More extensive outsourcing could improve operation of these facilities with at least a 10 percent savings.  This is a multibillion dollar opportunity concludes the McIlvaine company in the latest additions to Fossil and Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis and Forecast.  (

There are many ways to reduce costs. They include:

·       Reduce fuel costs and increase efficiency

·       Reduce other consumables expenditures

·       Decrease labor

·       Decrease other maintenance and operating costs

·       Improve fleet operations

·       Generate additional revenue streams

The operation of power plants is becoming increasingly complex.  Fortunately, there are new tools to deal with the complexity.  These tools can be most efficiently employed by specialists.   Remotely located optimization systems can operate plants more efficiently than onsite personnel.   Maintenance tasks can be scheduled based on need rather than routine.  This is in part due to smart valves and pumps which communicate their health automatically.

Fleets which include renewable generation (wind and solar) increase the complexity of management due to energy source fluctuations.  The complexity in environmental laws which require a fine balance between opposing needs make outside expertise particularly important.  SO2 can be decreased, but CO2 is increased.  NOx can be decreased, but CO is increased. The operator must continually strike the optimum balance.  Day-to-day changes in the prices of pollution allowances, fuel and other factors make it desirable to outsource decisions to a supplier who can invest in the software and infrastructure to deal with these challenges.

There is a big potential to reduce the expenditure for consumables.  For example, all the filter purchases can be outsourced.  Continuous monitoring tools such as broken bag detectors and continuous emissions monitors capable of measuring individual metals, acid gases and other pollutants allow a third party to remotely make filter inspection and replacement decisions.  A medium size power plant can have more than 15,000 filters in operation.  Savings in purchasing and inventory can be significant with the large volumes involved.

The ownership and operation of pollution control systems can be outsourced.  NIPSCO has outsourced the ownership and operation of a flue gas desulfurization system at the Bailly station since the 1990s.  Air Products and Mitsubishi formed a partnership to provide the operation and maintenance. The program was quite successful in meeting emissions goals and minimizing consumption of limestone and energy.

Another big potential is for outsourcing of a "continuing education" program for plant personnel. There are both general as well as specific needs. Many general training options are available, but outsourcing provides a unique option for supplying the specific day-to-day needs to make the important decisions.

For more information on Fossil and Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis and Forecast, click on:

Renewable Energy Briefs

Foundation Design Challenges for World’s Largest Offshore Windmills

Off the shores of South Korea, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology professor Sangchul Bang is making history. Designing suction pile foundations for a 2,500-megawatt (MW) wind farm, his nearly $200,000 contract with Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institute (KEPRI) will result in foundations for 500 windmills ranging from 3 MW to 7 MW each the largest ever constructed.

The world’s current record holder stands at 5.5 MW, a prototype with the potential to power 1,100 households each year.

Housed underneath the towers, embedded in the seafloor, suction pile foundations are large-diameter and hollow, a structure Bang likens to an upside-down cup. Installed with a pump, they suck water out from the top and support the windmill above against external loads such as self-weight, wind, ocean currents, earthquakes, collisions and the like.

The current project presents a unique challenge as each type of windmill 3 MW, 5 MW, 5.5 MW and 7 MW will have a different configuration with varying lengths and number of blades as well as variant soil conditions, such as clay layers or sand, from one site to another. Thus, the foundation of each windmill must be designed individually.

United Wind Leasing Model Seen as Promising Development for Distributed Wind Power

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently released their 2013 Distributed Wind Market Report summarizing 2013 industry highlights, including the advent of third-party financing, which is expected to positively affect the market in subsequent years. The purpose of the report is to help guide future investments and decisions by industry players, including utilities, government agencies, and other interested parties.

Distributed wind, which accounted for 80 percent of last year’s U.S. wind turbine installations, is the installation of turbines to offset all or a portion of local energy consumption. Differentiated from power generated at large wind farms, distributed wind projects’ power is used at homes, farms, and businesses, allowing these property owners to benefit from reduced electric bills.

While 2013 had 30.4 megawatts (MW) of distributed wind capacity added, the report indicates that installed distributed wind capacity will be higher in 2014, in part due to new leasing options introduced to the market.

Fluor Completes 170 MW Centinela Solar Energy Facility in Southern California

Fluor Corporation has completed the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning for both phases of LS Power’s new Centinela Solar Energy Facility, one of the largest of its kind in the United States. Located near El Centro, CA, the 170-megawatt photovoltaic solar project will provide clean, renewable energy in the southwestern U.S.

The Centinela facility is the second major solar plant that Fluor has designed and built for LS Power. In November 2013, Fluor announced the completion of the 125-megawatt Arlington Valley Solar Energy II facility in Maricopa County, AZ.

LS Power is an independent power company that develops, owns, operates and invests in power generation and electric transmission infrastructure throughout the United States.

Viaspace Giant King Grass Reports Progress on Nicaraguan 12 MW Power Plant

Viaspace Inc. has issued an update on the Giant King Grass power plant and animal feed projects in Nicaragua.

Viaspace CEO Dr. Carl Kukkonen traveled to Nicaragua in August to participate in the formal power plant feasibility study being conducted by Pelican SA of Managua. The feasibility study team met at the plantation on the shores of Lake Nicaragua to assess the agricultural aspects of the project and to inspect potential sites for the power plant and survey the route for the transmission line to connect to the national grid.

The agricultural feasibility study team included experts from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Europe and the United States. The team reviewed plans for planting, growing, harvesting, transporting and processing 284,000 tons of fresh Giant King Grass every year for the 12 MW biomass power plant. The team heard from the local Energia Reino Verde team that has been growing Giant King Grass in Nicaragua since 2012. Energia Reino Verde (English translation "Green Kingdom Energy") is the special purpose company that will own and operate the 12 MW biomass power plant and 2,100 acre Giant King Grass (GKG) plantation in Nicaragua.

NEC Energy Solutions to Install Energy Storage System in California

NEC Energy Solutions, a leading energy storage system manufacturer, has been awarded a contract to supply a 2.5MW, 3.9MWh GSS™ to one of the largest electric utilities in the United States.  As a key part of a distributed energy storage integration program, the GSS, or Grid Storage Solution, will be used to support analysis of the value streams that energy storage can provide to utilities, ratepayers, and other involved parties.

For this project, NEC Energy Solutions will supply a building-based LD (Long Duration) type GSS, which will be located in a distribution circuit in California.  To support the LD GSS, NEC Energy Solutions will provide a purpose-built facility to house the storage solution.  The custom building will be designed by NEC Energy Solutions to maximize the value of the battery configuration by not only hosting the LD GSS, but also integrating the solution with client power delivery systems.

The LD GSS, which utilizes lithium ion cell technology, is a flexible modular energy storage platform which can be packaged in standardized 20-foot, 40-foot, and 53-foot long containers, or installed in either pre-existing or custom-built buildings to fit the available space.

For more information on Renewable Energy Projects and Update please visit

Headlines for Utility E-Alert – August 29, 2014


 #1189 – August 29, 2014

Table of Contents


·       Minnesota Power to Operate Baghouse at Boswell 4 by 2016

·       EPA wants comments on Four Corners proposed Permit for upgrade on Two Coal-fired Units

·       Mississippi Supreme Court sides with Mississippi Power on Emissions Control Regulations

·       Consumers Energy nearing completion of $250 Million Upgrade Project at Karn/Weadock

·       Duke Energy retiring Coal Operations at W.C. Beckjord Station in Ohio


·       Lackawanna Energy to build 1,300 MW Power Plant in Pennsylvania

·       Calpine to acquire Fore River 809 MW Gas-fired Power Plant in Massachusetts from Exelon

·       Duke Energy will buy existing Natural Gas-fired Power Plant in Polk County, FL

  • ·My Edition
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·       Reliance Power opts out of Gas-fired Power Plant in Dadri Uttar Pradesh, India

·       Group Five wins R4 Billion Ghana deal to build a 350 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant 

·       APR Energy signs Contract for Peaking Power Plant in Australia

·       L&T to construct 225 MW Sikalbaha Gas-fired Power Plant in Bangladesh

·       Santerre Limited to develop a 200 MW Combined Cycle power plant in Ghana

·       Foster Wheeler HRSG for Kimberly Clark Facility in Mexico


  • Petra Nova Groundbreaking at the NRG W.A. Paris Plant - September 5, 2014


·       Dynegy cuts exposure to Wholesale Power with Deals worth US$6.25 Billion

·       Scrubber Market veering from Hardware to Consumables


  • Lots of choices for Demineralization and Degasification of HRSG Water - Hot Topic Thursday, August 28
  • Is Hot Gas Filtration the New Path for Coal Plants? – "Hot Topic" September 4, 2014
  • Upcoming Hot Topic Hours

For more information on the Utility Tracking System, click on:

"Power Plant Pumps" is the "Hot Topic" on September 11, 2014

This webinar on September 11 will be both organizational and informative.  It is all part of a whole knowledge system for gas turbine combined cycle plant operators -- Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions .   The free website and periodic webinars empower the operators to buy the best products rather than the most familiar or least expensive. 

The webinar on the 11th will try to answer the question: What are the most important and difficult decisions you will have to make regarding pumps?

Here are some of the questions which will be addressed:

Where do you use variable speed drives? (William Livoti of WEG will lead this segment of the discussion.)

What type of boiler feedwater pump is best?

With fast start HRSGS and constant cycling, what pump innovations will counter some of the negative consequences of this operating mode?

What pump issues facing GTCC operators which are unique to this type of power generation?

What are the pump needs if zero liquid discharge technology is mandated? 

What other questions are GTCC operators asking?

Here is a list of pumps used in gas turbine combined cycle plants:

  • Primary Pump Systems include:
    • Boiler Feed Pumps (primary and startup)
    • Condensate Pump
    • Cooling Water Circulation Pump
    • Cooling Water Make-up Pump
    • Heater Drain Pumps
  • Boiler Feed Pumps
    • High pressure, high flow barrel type multi-stage centrifugal pumps rated ~5000 gpm and 2400 psi for major utility power plant systems (pressures will vary for subcritical vs. supercritical).
  • Condensate Pumps
    • High flow centrifugal pumps rated ~5000 gpm to move condensate from the condenser hot well to a deaerator and back to the feed water stream ahead of the boiler.
  • Once-through Systems
    • Pump surface water through cooling unit and directly back to source (lake, river or ocean).
  • Loop Systems
    • Circulating Pumps
      • Large centrifugals rated 100,000 gpm or more. Total coolant flow more than 200,000 gpm for a 400 MW plant.
    • Makeup Water Pumps
      • Large centrifugals rated 5,000 gpm. Makeup is typically two percent to three percent of total flow and is required to replace water lost to windage, evaporation, and blowdown.
  • Secondary Pumps include:
    • Chemical Feed Pumps
    • Chemical Transfer Pumps
    • Fuel Transfer Pumps
    • Fuel Injection Pumps
    • Slurry Pumps and De-watering Pumps (used in zero liquid discharge systems)
    • Lubrication Pumps
    • Service Water Pumps, Fire Service Pumps, others.
    • Fogging nozzles
    • Ammonia injection for NOx control

The power plants participating in the webinar will have free access to Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions .  In order to make the webinar most valuable to these operators, it is recommended that they review the following information on the site.

VFDs can make a big difference in optimizing pump energy consumption in cooling tower makeup

William Livoti writing in "Empowering Pumps"discusses some of the potential regulations which will force recycling of cooling water. He says that power plants need to assess their pump requirements and consider variable speed drives to reduce energy consumption. He cites the advantages when handling off peak loads. A specific example is given for the VFD saving with cooling water makeup pumps.


Hydro, Inc. is largest independent pump rebuilder

As the largest independent pump rebuilder, Hydro works hand-in-hand with pump users to optimize the performance and reliability of their pumping systems. Hydro’s mission was developed in 1969 when Hydro realized that as an independent pump rebuilding company, Hydro had a unique capability of analyzing and understanding various designs as well as their successes or failures in specific applications and operating environments.

3 suppliers of pumps for City of Tallahassee combined cycle addition City of Tallahassee, FL Unit 2A, A B Hopkins Generating Station

City of Tallahassee, FL Unit 2A, A B Hopkins Generating Station Size 300 MW Commercial operating date: June 2008 EPC contractor: BE&K, Inc. Owner’s engineer: Sargent & Lundy Type of plant: Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Manufacturer: GE Energy Wet Cooling Tower: Hamon-Custodis (existing) Boiler-feed pumps: Flowserve Corp Boiler-feed-pump drives: Voith Turbo, Inc. Condensate pumps: Existing Condensate booster pumps: ITT Goulds Pumps Booster-pump drives: Voith Turbo, Inc. Circulating-water pumps: Johnson Pump, an SPX brand (Existing).

Pump relocation is one best practices at the CTOTF® spring meeting

Circulating pumps for the evap cooling systems serving 7EAs located in the western desert were installed on the second level inside the inlet air house. Failure of a pump required its replacement under demanding conditions, high off the ground, and likely when the GT was in operation.  Certainly not ideal.  Plant personnel relocated the two pumps (one redundant) for each unit at ground level. There have been no pump failures or system degradation issues since the modification was made.

Tenaska Lindsay Hill Generating Station ammonia pump problem

The facility’s anhydrous-ammonia forwarding pumps did not allow for double-valve isolation during maintenance. These pumps are only required for use on very cold days. This requires additional maintenance and laying them up for periods of non-use. The system had single-valve isolation from the ammonia storage tank to the suction of the pumps, a potential safety risk for the O&M team.Solution. Plant management decided to install double-block-and-bleed capabilities to the liquid suction line from the storage tank and liquid return line to the storage tank.


Bottom of Form

MHI and Sheyang Pump have had joint agreement since 2006 for the Chinese boiler feedwater pump market

MHI and Shenyang Pump Co., Ltd. (SPC) have agreed to establish a joint venture company (JV) in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China to conduct sales and engineering relating to pumps. The agreement was signed on March 23 in Shenyang. With establishment of the JV, MHI aims to make a full-scale entrance into the Chinese pump market, where demand for pumps of all kinds is expected to increase vigorously. The focus is on pumps for thermal power plants. Creation of the new JV will enable MHI and SPC to build further experience in collaborative activities, as a prelude to possible establishment in the future of a manufacturing JV to serve as a local production base for a variety of pump products.

Sulzer high pressure barrel casing pump designed for boiler feedwater

The HPT is a pump specifically designed for boiler feed applications in thermal power stations. The pumps are optimized to provide high-efficiency operation over an extended period of time, thus reducing operating and maintenance costs.

MHI supplies ring section boiler feedwater pumps for combined cycle operation

MHI supplies a variety of pumps for combined cycle and coal-fired power plants. Several boiler feedwater designs are available depending on pressures and other parameters. The ring section type is used in combined cycle.

Flowserve Boiler Feedwater pumps have beneficial features

The boiler feedwater pumps must handle high pressures and fairly high flow rates and for these services between bearing multistage pumps are commonly used. For very high pressure, double case pumps are sometimes required; Flowserve models DMX and WXH are commonly used. These between bearings, multistage pumps offer the following features and benefits: Choice of axially or radically split case -- Ease of maintenance.  Choice of volute or diffuser case construction --Fluid dynamics best suited for application.  Double-suction first-stage impeller (option) ------------Minimizes NPSHR Flanged balance drum or hydraulically balanced rotating unit--------Balances hydraulic thrust and reduces vibration Finned bearing housing--- Maximizes heat dissipation.

The standardized Sulzer Pumps MD raqnge meets GTCC boiler feed requirements

Although most once-through HRSGS are subcritical, their BFPs have to provide very high pressure.  In order to increase pressure, BFPs have more stages and shafts with higher torque capacity than conventional pumps. The Sulzer MD range meets these requirements.

Mitsubhishi and BHEL team up to provide power plant pumps in India

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, the country’s biggest power equipment supplier, signed an agreement with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd in 2007 under which the Japanese firm will license technologies relating to pumps used in thermal power plants.

SPX's Diffuser Type Pump

The SPX's diffuser type pump CUP-FT/FK (2 Pole), ClydeUnion Pumps, offer flows up to 4,840 m3/h, delivering up to 8,200 m, on maximum temperatures of 350°C, with operating speed up to 3,600 rpm.

GE - DHM Series Pumps

High-pressure diffuser barrel multistage DDHM pumps (API610 / ISO13709 type BB5) are designed for ultra-reliability and efficiency in the most demanding onshore and offshore water-injection applications. They are also well suited for boiler feedwater, pipeline, amine, energy recovery and CO2 injection.  During the selection process, we can tailor the complete system to specific customer objectives in terms of CAPEX, OPEX and operability. This service includes matching of the main and booster pumps as a crucial step in optimizing performance.

Boiler feedwater pump for Dubai Fertilizer from SPX Clyde Union

This quote for a $300K BFP is not for GTCC but does provide very useful and detailed information of what is included and terms and conditions. The unique appearance of a document such as this on the internet adds to its value.

SPX offers pumps and many other components for GTCC plants

This brochure covers the complete range of SPX products for the power industry. Good diagrams on GTCC show the boiler feed pumps and other offerings.  Since SPX also offers complete cooling tower systems they can offer pumps as part of packages or separately.

Grundfos has pumps for steam boilers and district heating

Grundfos supplies the high pressure multi stage pumps for steam boilers. It is a leader in pumps for district heating. Gas turbine combined cycle plants are often replacing coal plants in district heating systems. At the same time, the distribution systems are being upgraded with new pumps.

The webinar is free to power plants.   Click here to view schedule and register

McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration

On Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $300.00 for non-subscribers.

See below for information on upcoming Hot Topic Hours. We welcome your input relative to suggested additions.









Hot Gas Filtration



Power Plant Pumps



Power Water Monitoring



Power Plant Water Treatment Chemicals


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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112