Material handling


U.S. and World total market for mechanical, robotic etc


The US market for material handling equipment and systems will reach $20.4 billion in 2008 according to a 2004 report by Freedonia. Demand will be generated by technological innovations such as material handling robots, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and high-end services. Nevertheless, conventional equipment such as industrial trucks and lifts, conveyors, hoists, cranes and monorails will remain dominant.


This study analyzes the US material handling system and equipment industry. It presents historical demand data (1993, 1998 and 2003) and forecasts to 2008 and 2013 by type (e.g., forklifts, work trucks and tractors, unit and bulk handling conveying equipment, hoists, overhead cranes, unit and mini-load AS/RS, automated conveyors, automated guided vehicles); and by market (e.g., manufacturers, trade and distribution, construction, mining. For more information on this market and this study click here.


A very rough market by country can be determined by utilizing the 2008 U.S. Revenue of $20.4 billion into the World GDP chart.


Material handling-Mechanical in UK and World


Key Note values the apparent UK market for mechanical handling equipment at £1.73bn in 2000, up from £1.3bn in 1996. The mechanical-handling industry is an input supplier to most of the UK's manufacturing sector, including agriculture. It is also a small supplier to the construction sector. The industry is, however, a relatively minor employer, with only 1,325 Vat-registered enterprises in 2001. Only 65 of these firms employ more than 100 staff. For details on this market click here.


The world mechanical material handling market can be roughly calculated and projected using the £1.73 billion for the UK in 2000.


Material Handling-Control Systems


Shipments of Material Handling Control Systems (MHCS) software and services reached nearly $494 million in 2001 in North America. This market is expected to grow at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of over 13 percent over the next five years, according to an ARC Advisory Group study, Material Handling Control Systems North American Outlook. Click here for the details.


Insert $494 million to obtain the 2001 North America forecast.