First of Three Webinars to assist PacifiCorp in selection of NOx reduction Technology 7/14/16 at 11:00 a.m.

PacifiCorp now has to install equipment to meet regional haze requirements impacting 4 x 350 MW coal-fired boilers in Utah. The company is investigating the possibility of installing alternative technology rather than conventional SCR to meet the 0.06 lbs./MMBtu NOx target. The utility personnel have been utilizing the McIlvaine Power Plant Air Quality Decisions (PPAQD) to help determine a course of action. They have determined that a number of alternatives outlined in PPAQD could be applicable.

PacifiCorp has assembled a very knowledgeable group of researchers and consultants in this endeavor. There is some potential research funding available to help them validate some of their conclusions as they move forward in the decision process.

McIlvaine is providing free services to coal-fired power plants to help them make air, water, combustion and other decisions. McIlvaine will be conducting three webinars for PacifiCorp. 

The first webinar on July 14 will identify the range of opportunities with the goal of reducing in furnace NOx to 0.22-0.15 lbs./MMBtu and then use back end technologies to reduce outlet emissions to 0.06 lbs./MMBtu.

The second webinar on July 19 will include in-furnace technologies such as neural networks and combustion modifications to reach the 0.22-0.15 lbs./MMBtu NOx levels.

The third webinar on August 2 will explore ways to obtain the additional reduction to .06-.07 lbs./ MMBtu NOx.

The webinars will be open to anyone. Already a large number of people designated by PacifiCorp are registered. The format will be a review of information posted in the PPAQD. McIlvaine welcomes contributions to the PPAQD prior to any of the three webinars and then at any time in the future. Utilities and subscribers have continuing access to the system and receive weekly Alerts relative to new content.

PacifiCorp would prefer proven methods. However, McIlvaine contends that the best solution may have been proven in some manner other than installation on similar coal-fired power plants. 

McIlvaine was president of Environeering in 1970 when it partnered with United Engineers to provide an MgO sulfuric acid recovery system to Philadelphia Electric. This system was based on Environeering MgO systems already operating in pulp mills. The conditions were identical and so it was not deemed necessary to conduct pilot plant studies. The system was successful and followed by additional systems at other Philadelphia Electric plants.

In 1965, Environeering partnered with Combustion Engineering to develop limestone scrubbing for coal-fired power plants. A $ 25 million R&D program resulted in the world’s first large scale demo plant (125 MW) at Union Electric Merrimac Station in 1968. Even after all the R&D and pilot work there were many unforeseen problems which developed in the scale up from pilot to 125 MW. The contrast between the successful MgO installation and the problem plagued first limestone installation can serve as a guide.

One option for PacifiCorp is to use SNCR and in duct SCR as has been applied by LP Amina in coal-fired power plants in China and by Fuel Tech in plants elsewhere. How identical are the conditions to these installations?

Catalytic filters from FLSmidth are now being sold for cement plant applications. They use fiberglass bags with embedded catalyst. Several other companies including W.L. Gore and Filtration Group also offer catalytic filter elements. There are hundreds of installations in biomass, glass, and small coal-fired boilers. Is there enough experience and are the conditions similar enough to extrapolate bag life? There is some time for the installation of some catalytic filter units in the existing baghouse to help determine life expectancy.

LoTOx and Pernoxide are attractive because the cost per ton of NOx removed is the same whether you are moving from 0-20 percent removal or 70-90 percent removal. DuPont has sold 30 LoTOx systems for refinery catalytic cracking processes. Is this experience sufficient?

You can register for the three webinars at: Click here to Register for the Webinars

Acid Gas Removal needs will boost the 2020 Fabric Filter Market by 2020

The market for fabric filter systems in 2020 will be $8 billion. Seventy-five percent of the applications will be just for particulate removal but 25 percent will be for acid gas removal or for a combination of particulate and acid gas removal. Fabric filters will take market share away from electrostatic precipitators because of both higher particulate and acid gas removal abilities.

The coal-fired power industry has remained loyal to the electrostatic precipitator until recently when regulations on SO2 and fine particles forced consideration of alternatives.  Reverse air cleaned fabric filters were the first to be proven successful in power plant applications. However, their use in acid gas removal is limited.  The high solids content of the combination of flyash and sodium or calcium sulfate is a challenge for this type of cleaning mechanism but not for pulse jets. The pulse jet cleaned bag can easily handle the high solids content.  China, Italy, the U.S. and South Africa are among the countries where power plants have invested heavily in fabric filters for multiple pollutant removal.

Mercury control regulations in the U.S. have resulted in the increased use of fabric filters with activated carbon injection for mercury capture by power plants.  China and the EU are considering regulations which are similarly stringent. Many waste incineration plants in countries throughout the world already employ fabric filters for dust, mercury and acid gas removal.

The use of fabric filters for acid gas control requires a review of bag cleaning technology.  The industry has adopted what in accounting terms would be LIFO rather than FIFO.  The goal has been to retain a base cake of the particles which are first in.  The particles which are last in are then pulsed off.  Efficiency and bag life are thus enhanced. However, the opposite is true when calcium oxide is employed. The particles first in have already reacted to form sulfates.  They need to be removed.  Reaction can then take place with the last in unreacted calcium particles. McIlvaine believes that considerable benefits will be achieved by fully investigating the LIFO options.

More information on N021 World Fabric Filter and Element Market     

More information on 1ABC Fabric Filter

Access to the Decision Guide on FIFO –LIFO bag cleaning options can be found at: Decision Guides

Sales of New Gas Turbine Systems to Reach $87 Billion Next Year

The U.S. will install gas turbine systems next year worth more than $30 billion while the rest of the world will install systems worth $57 billion.  Most of the systems will be designed for combined cycle operation with a steam turbine and heat recovery steam generator.  These are the latest forecasts in 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program.

The availability of inexpensive gas in the U.S. coupled with environmental initiatives to retire coal-fired power plants are leading the swing toward gas turbines.  Solar and wind are growing rapidly in the U.S. but from a very small base.  Gas has, therefore, been the fuel of choice.

The gas turbine power plants being installed next year were ordered more than one year ago.  Suppliers of the turbines with longer lead time have realized revenue from 2017 installations as early as 2014.  High performance pumps and valves have lead times around one year.  General purpose pumps and valves for 2017 installations could be ordered in 2016 or even early 2017.

The financial statements of suppliers also reflect the fact that final payments are often withheld until after successful operation has been achieved. Therefore, revenues and costs for major items could extend into 2018.

For more information on 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program click on:

Utility E-Alert Tracks Billions of Dollars of New Coal-fired Power Plants on a Weekly Basis

Here are some headlines from the Utility E-Alert.


#1280 – July 8, 2016

Table of Contents




The 41F Utility E-Alert is issued weekly and covers the coal-fired projects, regulations and other information important to the suppliers. It is $950/yr. but is included in the $3020 42EI Utility Tracking System which has data on every plant and project plus networking directories and many other features.




The opportunity to interact on important issues

July 14, 2016
9:00 am CDT



Thermal vs. Membrane; energy recovery, pump, valve, compressor and chemicals options; power/desalination combinations.
Click here for more information

July 14, 2016
11:00 am CDT

NOx Control for PacifiCorp: Overview and Summary of Low NOx Options

Discussion of options for PacifiCorp to comply with new NOx removal requirements for four 350 MW coal-fired generators operating in Utah. The first webinar will consider the range of both in-furnace and back end options.
Click here for more information

July 19, 2016
11:00 am CDT

NOx Control for PacifiCorp: Combustion Modifications and Neural Networks

Discussion of options for PacifiCorp to comply with new NOx removal requirements for four 350 MW coal-fired generators operating in Utah. This second webinar will consider the range of both in-furnace options to reduce NOx to between 0.15- 0.22 lbs./MMBtu.
Click here for more information

August 2, 2016
11:00 am CDT

NOx Control for PacifiCorp: Back end NOx Control

Discussion of options for PacifiCorp to comply with new NOx removal requirements for four 350 MW coal-fired generators operating in Utah. This third webinar will consider the range of options such as peroxide, ozone, and catalysis to reduce emissions to 0.06 lbs./MMBtu.
Click here for more information 

August 25, 2016
10:00 am CDT


Oil, Gas, Refining - Supply and demand; impact on flow control and treatment products; regional impacts e.g. subsea in North Atlantic vs. shale in the US vs. Oil Sands in Canada.



FoodAnalysis of 12 separate applications within food and beverage with analysis of valve, pump, compressor, filter, analyzer and chemical options; impact of new technologies such as forward osmosis.



Municipal Wastewater - Quality of pumps, valves, filters, and analyzers in Chinese and Asian plants; new pollutant challenges; water purification for reuse.



Mobile Emissions - Reduction in CO, VOCs, and particulate in fuels, oils, and air used in on and off road vehicles; impact of RDE and failure of NOx traps and the crisis in Europe created by the focus on clean diesel.

Click here to Register for the Webinars

Details on Webinars

McIlvaine conducts periodic webinars which are in a discussion format and are free of charge to all participants. The displayed material and recordings are free to purchasers of the products and services and by subscription to others.

Format:  50-90-minute recorded discussion using McIlvaine display material. The session will be free of charge to all participants but registration is required.

Approach: There are two types of webinars. One is focused on Markets and directed to suppliers. The other is focused on aiding purchasers make the best Decisions relative to purchases of flow control and treatment equipment and services.

Markets HTH
General overviews of the market including size and major variables will be discussed with heavy emphasis on technology and regulatory drivers. The presentation will be based on the latest information appearing in McIlvaine multi-client reports. Questions and views from both subscribers and non-subscribers are encouraged.

Decisions HTH
McIlvaine has been publishing information systems on pollution control since 1974. Each subject is organized by the pollutant control technology e.g. fabric filter, scrubber etc. There are search capabilities to retrieve information on any application. The newest addition has been slide deck systems displaying the issues and options relative to a specific applications. Coal-fired power, cement, steel, and waste combustion decision slide decks are continually updated.

The continually updated slide decks are displayed on the applicable Decision System.  It is recommended that participants view the slide deck in advance of the session and be prepared with questions and views.

Value to purchasers and specifiers:  Your questions and interests will be prioritized in the discussion. You will get a monthly newsletter and have continuing access to the system and multiple ways to interface in the future along with a networking directory of suppliers.

Value to Suppliers:  You have the opportunity to provide data to be considered at no charge. If you are also a subscriber you will see the summaries in advance and be able to shed light on issues and options not properly covered in the slide deck.  If you are a subscriber you will receive the monthly newsletter and continuing yearly access to the system including networking directories.

44I Power Plant Air Quality Decisions  includes 1ABC, 3ABC, 4ABC, 9ABC decision services but not 2ABC. So those with multiple technologies and at least partial focus on power will find this combination most cost effective. 

Applicable Services for Hot Topic Hours**





Fabric Filter








Air Pollution 



FGD  and Acid Gas

June 16, 2016





































 *Included in custom system
 ** Many of the decision guides also are displayed in the relevant market reports.  Power Plant Air Quality Decisions includes 1ABC, 3ABC, 4ABC, 9ABC


Sponsored Webinars allow suppliers to take advantage of all the valuable information on their power point presentations. Click here for details

Hot Topic Hour Recordings

See and hear recordings of past   Hot Topic Hours (Free for subscribers, $95.00 for non-subscribers)

·        Chronological

Order Now!

Free Sponsored Webinars

·        Albemarle - Cement MACT

·        AMC Power

·        Aquatech

·        GE -   Mercury Capture

·        Honeywell

·        NVISTA

·        Midwesco - Bagfilter Performance Analyzer

·        Neundorfer

·        Pavilion

·        Sick Maihak - Cement MACT

·        Tekran Instruments - Cement   MACT

You can register for our free McIlvaine Newsletters at:


Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext. 112