China Is the Center of the World’s FGD Market

The top five Chinese FGD companies installed more FGD scrubbers last year than exist in any country of the world except the U.S. and Germany. In the next five years, China will install more scrubbers than have been built in the last forty-five years in the U.S.  This is the conclusion reached by the McIlvaine Company in its continuously updated FGD World Markets report.  (


FGD Plants Start-ups in China in 2012 by OEM



Name of Company

Total Capacity put into

Operation (MW)




Dry \

Fluid Bed



Beijing Guodian Long Yuan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.






Fujian Longking Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.






Zhejiang University Insigma Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd.






China Huadian (Group) Engineering Co., Ltd.






Shandong Sanrong Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd.















Most of the installations utilize limestone as the reagent.  However, units installed in the western regions where water is scarce are opting for dry systems using lime.  Earlier systems used heat exchangers to raise the exhaust gas temperature to 50oF above saturation.  The latest systems have wet stacks with a steam plume and no heat exchanger.

Components and designs are combinations of international and domestic products.  In fairness to the Chinese, there is more international inclusion than there was in the FGD surges in any other region.  The U.S. was first and used its own designs. Japan was next, but chose to ignore the U.S. options.  Germany was next and opted mostly for their own designs with some partnerships with U.S. and Japanese companies.

For more information on FGD World Markets, click on:


$700 Million Market to Measure Particles in Air

Sales of devices to measure particles in the air exceed $700 million. This is the conclusion reached by the McIlvaine Company in its continuously updated Air & Water Pollution Monitoring World Markets. (

The market is very fractured. There are many applications and many types of measurement instruments.


Recent Annual


$ Millions

Opacity monitors-stack

150  (optical measurement)

Mass monitors-stack

100  with  $300 million bubble coming

Process gas particulate continuous monitors

40  (measure mass)

Broken bag detectors

30  (determine particulate escaping due to  broken filter bags)

Portable method 5 particulate sampler trains

40  (measure weight by collecting sample)

Ambient particulate monitoring stations

50  (measure weight)

Cleanroom  particulate network systems

60  (count particles)

Cleanroom  portable particle counters

40  (count particles)

Continuous indoor air particulate monitoring

50  (count particles)

Printer and other device particulate monitoring

20  (count particles)

Portable particulate monitors-indoor air

60  (count particles)

Biological viable particulate monitors-portable

50  (capture particles for later culture)

Engine test centers (particulate segment)

70  (particulate segment)


760  (plus mass CEM surge)

The biggest segment is a more sophisticated version of the London smoke chart developed over 900 years ago.  The smoke inspector determined whether the stack plume was black, some shade of grey or white.  The digital version of the device today is the opacity monitor.

Many applications need more accurate measurement. Mass monitors determine the weight of particulate in the gas stream. New U.S. EPA requirements for power plants, cement plants and industrial boilers are requiring mass measurement. This will create a several hundred million dollar surge in sales.

A very clean exhaust gas stream still contains millions of particles. In fact, clean normal ambient air contains about 500,000 particles per cubic foot. Semiconductor cleanrooms must maintain an air quality of less than one particle per cubic foot.  There is no mass measurement method that is of sufficient sensitivity. So particle counting is the only option in cleanrooms and indoor work spaces.

There is a great deal of complexity relative to the definitions.   The reported measurements are based on particles of a certain size (generally 0.5 to as low as 0.1 micrometers).  This means that particles below 100 nanometers are not measured.  Generally these small particles are not sufficient in quantity to be considered. However, with nano technology gaining in popularity, there is the potential for the number of nano particles to be significant.

Another problem is the distinction between discrete and total particulate.  New EPA and State rules take into account  condensible as well as discrete particles and call the aggregate "total particulate." There are challenges in making the measurements and challenges in supplying air pollution control equipment to reduce total particulate to the required levels.

For more information on Air & Water Pollution Monitoring World Markets, click on:

Continuing Changes In The Options Available To Meet Air Quality Regulations

In our weekly reporting of developments, it is a challenge to sort out those that will actually change the options available to meet the regulatory requirements.  To help our subscribers indentify the new options we are instituting Decisive Classification Updates.  Here were the changes flagged in July:

Decisive Classification System Updates for July 2013

Key words: Mercury   银(汞, Bromine, Circulating Dry Scrubber….bromine injection without ACI  for dry FGD is a viable option for high level of mercury removal.

Key words: Wet Electrostatic Precipitator, PM2.5, toxic metals, MS….Consider WESP for toxic metal reduction greater than alternatives. Consider using gasified municipal waste as reburn fuel in coal-fired boiler with scrubber and WESP.

Key words: Dry Sorbent Injection , Sorbent recovery….Consider option to recover dry sorbent and to recycle it. This is different from reagent recycle where the flyash, reacted reagent, and unreacted reagent are recycled, so the term "reagent recovery" should distinguish this from reagent recycle.

Key words: Activated Carbon  活性炭, Non-carbon sorbent-----Non-carbon sorbent should now be a commercial alternative to activated carbon based on the commercial contract.

Key Words: Carbon Dioxide, Regulation ….New coal-fired power plants would have a CO2 limit 10 percent to 70 percent higher than the original EPA proposal.

Renewable Energy Briefs

New Energy Department Report Chronicles U.S. Wind Industry Growth

The Energy Department released a new report showcasing record growth across the U.S. wind market –increasing America’s share of clean, renewable energy and supporting tens of thousands of jobs nationwide. In 2012, wind energy became the number one source of new U.S. electricity generation capacity for the first time – representing 43 percent of all new electric additions and accounting for $25 billion in U.S. investment. According to these reports, Illinois continues to be one of the country’s largest and fastest growing wind markets. The 2012 Wind Technologies Market Report finds that in 2012, Illinois installed 823 MW of new wind power capacity, bringing its total to about 3,560 MW – the fourth highest in the country.

In the first four years of the Obama Administration, American electricity generation from wind and solar power more than double.

The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations. In Illinois alone, the industry supported 6,000 to 7,000 direct and indirect jobs in 2012.

The Energy Department and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory released the 2012 Wind Technologies Market Report – detailing the latest trends in the U.S. wind power market.

Last year, over 13 GW of new wind power capacity were added to the U.S. grid – nearly double the wind capacity deployed in 2011. This tremendous growth helped America’s total wind power capacity surpass 60 GW at the end of 2012 – representing enough capacity to power more than 15 million homes each year, or as many homes as in California and Washington State combined. The country’s cumulative installed wind energy capacity has increased more than 22-fold since 2000.

At the same time, the proportion of wind turbine components such as towers, blades, and gears made in America has increased dramatically. The report estimates seventy-two percent of the wind turbine equipment installed in the U.S. last year was made by domestic manufacturers, nearly tripling from 25 percent in 2006-2007.

The report also finds that nine states now rely on wind power for more than 12 percent of their total annual electricity consumption – with wind power in Iowa, South Dakota and Kansas contributing more than 20 percent.

Also according to the Energy Department’s 2012 Wind Technologies Market Report, technical and design innovation allowing for larger wind turbines with longer, lighter blades has steadily improved wind turbine performance and has expanded wind energy production to less windy areas. Since 1998, the average capacity of wind turbines in the U.S. has increased by 170 percent. At the same time, wind project capital and maintenance costs continue to decline, lowering the cost of wind energy to near-record lows. The price of wind under long-term power purchase contracts signed in 2011 and 2012 averaged 4 cents per kilowatt hour – making wind competitive with a range of wholesale electricity prices seen in 2012.

Financing Achieved for Panama’s First Wind Farm

Joint sponsors Goldwind International Holdings (HK) Limited and Union Eolica Panamena S.A. (UEP) announced the successful project financing for the first phase of the 220 MW Penonome Wind Farm, located in the Province of Cocle, Republic of Panama. This project is the country's first wind energy farm and the first utility-scale use of Goldwind's wind turbines financed by western lenders. Once fully installed in 2014, the project will be the largest of its kind in Central America.

The 55 MW first phase of the total planned 220 MW Penonome wind project will feature 22 of Goldwind's GW2.5MW Permanent Magnet Direct-Drive (PMDD) wind turbines. Once complete in 2014, the 220 MW Penonome wind project will be the largest wind energy project in both Panama and Central America. Coupled with recent awards in Chile and Ecuador, the deal marks Goldwind's continued growth in Latin America and the success of its revolutionary PMDD turbines. Through 2012, Goldwind has deployed over 12 GW of PMDD turbines globally – by far and away, the world's leader. Power generated from the facility will flow to Panama's national grid via utility company, Altenergy, S.A., a subsidiary of GDF Suez Energy Central America.

Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd. is the largest manufacturer of wind turbines in China, and among the largest in the world. With strong R&D capabilities, Goldwind is the world's largest manufacturer of permanent magnet direct-drive wind turbines.

Chicago-based Goldwind USA serves as the headquarters for operations in North and South America. Established in early 2010, Goldwind USA leverages a global network of offices and partnerships to offer a variety of wind power solutions including sales and service platforms to customers and strategic partners throughout the Americas.

As of yearend 2012, Goldwind has installed more than both 15,000 MW of cumulative wind power and 12,000 wind turbine units around the world.

Landmark Photovoltaic Demonstration/Deployment Project Designed to Speed American Solar to Renewable Energy Market

PPA Partners is collaborating with the Center for Solar Energy and Texas A&M University-Central Texas (TAMUCT) in Killeen, TX on a landmark solar energy project designed to speed new renewable energy technologies to market, announced Mark Weiss, President, PPA Partners. The centerpiece of the multi-faceted program is a 50+ MW deployment of solar photovoltaic technologies representing all major product classes.

"Our expertise in the solar space makes us ideally suited to develop the 100 technology, 50+ MW demonstration field at the Killeen campus of TAMUCT," Weiss noted, "having already successfully developed the only utility-scale 5 MW multi-technology test site in the world at Arizona Western College in Southwest Arizona. The lessons we learned developing the Arizona site and working with the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) on comparison methodologies positioned us perfectly to develop this game changing comparison site."

PPA Partners will be responsible for complete development of the Texas A&M-Central Texas site. The firm will work with the Center for Solar Energy and its advisory board to determine the best photovoltaic technology choices, balance of system, layouts, contractors and all support services. The $6 million center will serve as an incubator to bring emerging technologies to the marketplace and ultimately house a renewable power generation system that will provide power to the TAMUCT campus.

A national renewable energy project development company with over 50 MWs of projects currently under development, PPA Partners specializes in power purchase agreements and structured finance arrangements for solar and a host of other renewable technologies. Established in 2007, the technology agnostic Morgan Hill, CA-based firm customizes green energy projects to fit clients’ goals and objectives, offering unique opportunities to deploy emerging technologies.

ACWA Power Consortium Adds CSP Capacity to the South African Power Grid

A consortium led by ACWA Power International (ACWA Power), the leading Saudi electricity and desalinated water producer, and including the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) of South Africa (representing the Government Employees Pension Fund), Lereko Solafrica Investment, Lereko Metier Solafrica Fund 1, Lereko Metier Sustainable Capital Fund, Kurisani Solafrica Investments (representing the National NGO Lovelife) and Solafrica Community Investment Company confirmed the completion of financing and commencement of construction of the BOKPOORT Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Independent Power Project (IPP) located in Northern Cape Province, 600 km south of Johannesburg, in the Republic of South Africa.                               

Forming part of South Africa's Renewable Energy IPP procurement program (REIPP), the 50MWe installed capacity BOKPOORT CSP Project is being equipped with the largest thermal storage ever adopted for a solar power plant of this class and capacity to date. The plant thermal storage capacity will be 9.3 hours enabling it to yield a record-high generation in excess of 200 GWh/year well into the night every day throughout the year. This makes CSP the only renewable technology at commercial scale to cover the country's daily peak demand from 5 to 9 PM thereby helping to prevent power black outs.

The construction is being undertaken by a consortium of EPC contractors composed of TSK Electrónica y Electricidad S.A., Acciona Infrastructuras S.A., Acciona Ingeniería S.A., Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A., all from Spain, and Crowie Concessions (Pty) Limited of South Africa.  The construction of the power facility will utilize more than 40 percent of scope procured locally in South Africa. The operation and maintenance will be undertaken by a consortium led by NOMAC, a subsidiary of ACWA Power and Invest In Africa Energy Services, a South African services provider.  The off-taker of the produced electricity will be Eskom Holdings SOC Limited, a government-owned national utility. The BOKPOORT CSP IPP has partnered with Investec Bank Limited and Absa Bank Limited as mandated lead arrangers to the project and who together with Old Mutual Specialized Finance (Pty) Ltd are providing the senior debt funding requirements of the project.

Brown and Caldwell’s $80 Million Contract for Biosolids Upgrades Includes Energy Recovery

Brown and Caldwell, a leading nationwide environmental engineering consulting firm, has been awarded an $80 million contract by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to provide planning and engineering services for the Southeast Plant Biosolids Digester Facilities Project, a $1.5 billion capital investment that will provide critical upgrades for San Francisco’s wastewater system.

The project will result in the replacement of all biosolids processes at San Francisco’s Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant, including anaerobic digesters, solids dewatering, solids thickening, odor control and energy recovery facilities.


For more information on Renewable Energy Projects and Update please visit


Headlines for the August 2, 2013 – Utility E-Alert   


#1136 – August 2, 2013 

Table of Contents


                                    Power Plants Requesting MATS Extensions

                                    Southern committed to 582 MW IGCC Kemper Power Plant

                                    Navajo wants to shut One Unit, add SCR to Other Two by 2030

                                    Sixteen States Cited for High SO2 Levels


                                    Toyo Ink Group to develop 2000 MW Song Hau 2 in Vietnam

                                    China to build Four Power Plants in the Gadani Power Park, Pakistan

                                    Pakistan to convert Diesel-fired Power Plants to Coal-firing

                                    Poyry is Owner’s Engineer for 1,320 MW Phong 1 Power Plant

                                    Botswana’s African Energy Resources proposes 300 MW Power Plant associated with Coal Mine

                                    MHI to supply Boilers and Steam Turbines for 1320 MW Chhabra Power Plant in India

                                    Meralco proposes 50-80 MW Power Plant for Philex Mining Corp. in Philippines

                                    Sri Lanka exploring Locations for 50 MW Power Plant

                                    Sepco to build 318 MW Power Plant in Jerada, Morocco

                                    Ultra Mega Power Projects at Cheyyar and Bedabahal in India should be Awarded in Early 2014

                                    Ayala to build 3x135 MW Power Plant at Lanao de Norte, Philippines


                                    Gemma Power Systems enters into an EPC Agreement with Moxie Patriot LLC for a Gas-fired

             Power Plant

                                    Genesee Power Plant in Thetford Township, MI gets Air Permit

                                    Mitsubishi Gas Turbines for 1000 MW Wildcat Point


                                    100 MW Power Plant for Purcellsinch, Ireland

                                    Drax could Invest in Gas-fired Power Plants


                                    U.S. Appeals Court Rejects States’ Challenge of EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Rules


                                    Duke cancels Crystal River (Levy County) Nuclear Project

                                    4,800 MW Akkuyu Nuclear Power Project in Turkey Delayed

                                   India Railways could turn to Nuclear Power Plants to Supply Power for Electric Locomotives

                                    Belarus, Russia negotiate on new Nuclear Power Plant Project

                                   NRC Decision on Duke Nuclear Power Project Delayed


                                    MPSA’S Large Scale SCR System at 800 MW Marsh Landing Simple Cycle Power Plant

                                    Virginia SCC approves APCo Purchase of Amos 3

                                    Cogeneration, Fuel Switching, and Upgrades Are All Choices for U.S. Industrial Boiler Operators

                                    Stationary NOx Catalyst market to Reach $2 Billion in Next 4 Years


                                    "New Developments in Air Pollution Control Technology - Part 2" – Hot Topic Hour on August 1, 2013

                                    "Improving Power Plant Efficiency and Power Generation" is the Hot Topic Hour on Thursday, August 8, 2013

                                    Upcoming Hot Topic Hours

For more information on the Utility Tracking System, click on:


Chen of CBI and Tseng of Graymont Will Discuss Mercury Removal Data in Mandarin Tomorrow

If you are interested in talking mercury removal in Mandarin tomorrow, you are welcome to participate in our webinar. Bobby I.T. Chen, Client Program Manager Integrated Emission Solutions, Environmental & Infrastructure at CBI,   will be repeating his presentation of last week in the Hot Topic Hour. He will make the presentation in Mandarin Chinese at 10 a.m. Central time. This will be recorded and made available on our Global Decisions Orchard and on YouTube. An earlier presentation by a McIlvaine Chinese employee on the Wahlco Urea to Ammonia process has received over 1,900 hits on YouTube. This is despite the ban on viewing YouTube in China.

The findings which were reported last week were quite impressive. Chen made a strong case for bromine injection (EMO) as the answer for mercury reduction from power plants burning the full range of fuels. The performance compares favorably when precipitators or baghouses are used. It compares favorably when both wet and dry scrubbers are incorporated. When hydrated lime was used for SO3 mitigation, less EMO was needed to achieve the same results. Emissions below 1 lb/TBtu were achieved routinely.

Shiaw Tseng of Graymont is an expert on sorbents and has done extensively analyses of the East Asian power industry. He will be asking questions and making some observations on the subject

To participate tomorrow just e-mail and indicate your interest and we will send you log-in instructions.


"Control and Treatment Technology for FGD Wastewater" will be the Hot Topic on August 15, 2013

On April 19, 2013, EPA proposed revisions to the effluent limitations, guidelines and standards that would strengthen the existing controls on water discharges from steam electric power plants. The rules would require power plants to install pollution control technology and implement waste-treatment procedures in a phased approach between 2017 and 2022. The EPA must finalize the rules by May 22, 2014. The rules apply to all water discharged from steam power plants, but a particular concern is FGD wastewater. The pollutants of concern include mercury, arsenic, selenium, nitrogen and total dissolved solids.

Over the next few years, plant operators will be upgrading their existing SO2 control systems and installing new systems to meet the new emission limits posed by the utility MATS and CASPR (when finalized).  The great majority of existing systems are wet FGDs and it is likely that most new FGDs will be wet because it is difficult for a dry system to meet the new emission limits. These wet FGDs utilize large quantities of water with limestone to remove the SO2.  The proposed water discharge rules as well as increasing regulations limiting the availability and use of water will be of great concern to operators of existing wet FGDs and those power plants considering installation of new FGDs.

It is not an easy task to design an FGD wastewater treatment system that meets or exceeds discharge regulations because the quantity and composition of FGD discharge water varies widely based on the boiler rating, scrubber type, the efficiency of flyash removal, the efficiency of the dewatering system and the composition of the coal, limestone and make-up water used.  Most FGDs discharge purge or wastewater that is a slurry of water, dissolved solids and suspended solids laden with heavy metals and salts.

The following speakers will describe the options available to plant operators utilizing or considering wet FGDs to achieve the discharge limits and reduce water usage and discuss their experience with developing, testing, designing and troubleshooting treatment technologies for FGD wastewaters, the advantages and disadvantages of the currently available options including capital and operating costs and the latest state-of-the-art technologies for treating, minimizing or eliminating the wastewater that is generated by wet FGD systems.

Paul Chu, Project Manager at the Electric Power Research Institute, will present the work EPRI has been doing to evaluate wastewater treatment options. EPA recently proposed numeric limits for selenium, mercury, arsenic and nitrate/nitrite for FGD wastewaters. As power plants require cost-effective and reliable treatment options, EPRI has been conducting treatment evaluation studies in the laboratory, pilot and full-scale.  EPRI’s work has focused upon physical/chemical precipitation and adsorption based technologies as well as biological reduction approaches.

Norikazu Inaba, Manager of Process Engineering at MHIA /Advatech (A URS & MHIA Company), will discuss "Simple Zero Liquid Discharge System for FGD Wastewater."  MHI has developed low CAPEX/OPEX technology for truly achieving zero liquid discharge (ZLD) from wet FGD to meet the stringent effluent limits. The Wastewater Spray Dryer (WSD) that eliminates a purge stream from the wet FGD process is easy to retrofit and requires no chemicals and significantly less energy than the conventional brine evaporator.

Gordon Maller, Principal Project Manager and Business Development Manager for URS Corporation – Process Technologies Office, will present "Wastewater Treatment and Zero Liquid Discharge Technologies – Overview and New Technology." New effluent limitation guidelines (ELG) have been proposed by the EPA which will require utilities to provide significantly higher levels of treatment prior to discharge for a number of wastewater streams in contact with coal combustion residuals (CCR) including FGD wastewater. This presentation will provide an overview of the new rules as well as an overview of existing and emerging WWT and ZLD technology to comply with the new rules. New technology and strategies for plants to operate as ZLD at a much lower cost, optimize water usage, and accomplish necessary improvements such as closing waste impoundments will also be discussed.

William A. Shaw, Senior Process Engineer for HPD® Evaporators and Crystallizers at Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies North America, will present "Zero Liquid Discharge Systems for FGD Wastewater."   In light of proposed EPA Effluent Limit Guidelines, many coal-fired power plants are considering ways to reduce their water discharges. Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) processes are being studied in anticipation of even more restrictions on water discharges in the future. Closing the loop by adopting a ZLD treatment scheme will usually involve consideration of evaporation and crystallization technologies as these have had and will continue to play an important role in the recovery and re-use of water from industrial wastewater streams.  However, ZLD systems can be very expensive from both a capital and operational perspective.  New approaches to evaporator system design, especially the recently patented CoLD® crystallization technology, provide additional options to power plants which are looking for methods to effectively and economically reduce or eliminate their water discharges from FGD scrubbers.   

To register for the August 15 "Hot Topic Hour" on "Control and Treatment Technology for FGD Wastewater" at 10 a.m. DST, click on:


McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration

On Thursday at 10 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $125.00 for non-subscribers. Market Intelligence webinars are free to McIlvaine market report subscribers and are $400.00 for non-subscribers.








August 15

Control and Treatment Technology for FGD Wastewater     


August 22

Pumps for Power Plant Cooling Water and Water Treatment Applications     


August 29

Status of Carbon Capture and Storage Programs and Technology     


Sept. 5

Fabric Selection for Particulate Control



Sept. 19

Air Pollution Control for Gas Turbines


Sept. 26

Multi-Pollutant Control Technology



Oct. 3

Update on Coal Ash and CCP Issues and Standards     


To register for the "Hot Topic Hour", click on:


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Bob McIlvaine
847 784 0012 ext 112

191 Waukegan Road Suite 208 | Northfield | IL 60093
Ph: 847-784-0012 | Fax; 847-784-0061