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Mississippi Lime Presentation 2017: Targeted DSI Improvements

Curt Biehn of Mississippi Lime made this presentation in 2017 which shows the following list of targeted DSI improvement: (1) Reduce scale and plugs, (2) Optimize distribution for O&M benefits, (3) Reduce minimum operating temperature requirement, (4) use prior to wet scrubbing for selenium and HCl removal ( SO3 was not listed but would be another in this category)

Revision Date:  2/25/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mississippi Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection

Costs for DSI

This study by Sargent & Lundy provides methods to determine costs of DSI for acid gas removal. The sorbent requirement is a function of particle size, particulate control device, and other factors. 2016 cost factors are utilized. Based on commercial testing, removal efficiencies with DSI are limited by the particulate capture device employed. Trona, when captured in an ESP, typically removes 40 to 50% of SO2 without an increase in particulate emissions, whereas hydrated lime may remove an even lower percentage of SO2. A baghouse used with sodium-based sorbents generally achieves a higher SO2 removal efficiency (70 to 90%) than that of an ESP. DSI technology, however, should not be applied to fuels with sulfur content greater than 2 lb SO2/MMBtu.

Revision Date:  2/25/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Sargent & Lundy, Dry Sorbent Injection

IAC Capabilities including DSI

This analysis reviews the various different sorbents and their effectivenesss on specific pollutants such as SO2, HCl, and mercury. IAC has a testing fleet to determine the correct sorbent and amount which will be needed with the DSI approach as opposed to more capital intensive options. With DSI the reagent cost is a more significant percentage of the total, so precisely predicting the reagent needs is very valuable. Various construction capabilities of large filters and transload systems are also covered.

Revision Date:  1/30/2019

Tags:  327310 - Cement Manufacturing 水泥生产, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, IAC, Dry Sorbent Injection, FGD, Dry Scrubber

Trona removes SO3 ahead of ESP at AEP Gavin

Trona T200 removed SO3 while conditioning the Gavin Plant ESP. T200 can used on a commercial scale to provide a reliable and cost effective SO3 mitigation technology. T200 is used year around to condition the ESP. T200 under most conditions can be injected into the ducts providing a trouble free SO3 mitigation process.

Revision Date:  1/19/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, American Electric Power Company, Dry Sorbent Injection, Trona, SO3

IAC supplied hydrated lime delivery system at Big Rivers as reported in FF NL -2014

At Big Rivers, IAC is working with Babcock on the DSI system and is furnishing the silo and hydrated lime delivery system. IAC is providing material handling for a large DRI plant and is including all the dust collectors for the iron dust and the high temperature collector for the EAF. A big application for the company is the handling and separating of sand used for fracking.

Revision Date:  1/19/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Babcock Power, IAC, Babcock Power, Big River Resources, LLC, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, Fabric Filter

95% SO2 removal with DSI, SDA combination

The EUEC paper by Gerald Hunt of Lhoist demonstrates that with SORBOCAL, a high surface lime hydrate it is possible to achieve 95% SO2 removal with a combination of SDA, Cyclone, DSI , and fabric filter. DSI can be used in varying quantities and locations to achieve the needed SO2 removal to meet MATS and MACT

Revision Date:  3/18/2015

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , McIlvaine, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection

DSI for MATS and CSAPR by Jim Dickerman, Lhoist / Chemical Lime - Hot Topic Hour January 29, 2015

Jim Dickerman provided recent data to show what a unique hydrate achieved.

Revision Date:  1/29/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist, Dry Sorbent Injection, MATS, SO2, HCl

MATS Compliance Choices Webinar - Hot Topic Hour January 29, 2015

Speakers at the Hot Topic Hour provided recent data which shows that improved activated carbon and absorbents will allow plants to meet MATS emission limits with lower amounts of consumables.

Revision Date:  1/29/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist, McIlvaine, Calgon Carbon, KC Cottrell, Activated Carbon, Dry Sorbent Injection, Precipitator, Fabric Filter, MATS, Mercury Removal, HCl, SO2, Particulate

MATS Agenda by Bob McIlvaine, McIlvaine Company - Hot Topic Hour January 29, 2015

Bob provided an overview of the whole MATS decision making process using the GdPS™ Concept.

Revision Date:  1/29/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Activated Carbon, Dry Sorbent Injection, Precipitator, Fabric Filter, MATS, Particulate, SO2, HCl, Mercury Removal

Dry Scrubbing Webinar - Hot Topic Hour October 23, 2014

The Dry Scrubber Hot Topic Hour Webinar on October 23, 2014 contained valuable decisive classifications as well as little known facts and insights. This positive result was the work of some very experienced and knowledgeable individuals.

Revision Date:  10/23/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, KC Cottrell, McIlvaine, P. Farber & Associates, LLC, BoldEco Environment, Longking, Dry FGD, Circulating Dry Scrubber, Spray Dryer, Dry Sorbent Injection, Incinerator, Byproduct

Advanced Air Quality Control Retrofit Solutions for PC Fired Boilers by Joseph Riley, BoldEco - Hot Topic Hour October 23, 2014

Regarding the development of the expertise, Joe Riley of BoldEco cited some of the early European work by Solvay and the BoldEco European partner as the first sodium dry scrubber installation.

Revision Date:  10/23/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, BoldEco Environment, Spray Dryer, Dry Sorbent Injection, Incinerator, Dry FGD, Circulating Dry Scrubber

McIlvaine Agenda by Bob McIlvaine - Hot Topic Hour October 23, 2014

CDS vs. SDI vs. SDA in Dry Scrubber

Revision Date:  10/23/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Incinerator, Dry Sorbent Injection, Circulating Dry Scrubber, Dry FGD, Spray Dryer

Which Dry Scrubber Technology Do I Choose? By Paul Farber, P. Farber & Associates, LLC - Hot Topic Hour October 23, 2014

Paul Farber provided a valuable overview with decisive classification of the alternatives. Each of the three options has some advantages and some disadvantages.

Revision Date:  10/23/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, P. Farber & Associates, LLC, Dry FGD, Circulating Dry Scrubber, Spray Dryer, Dry Sorbent Injection

Dry Sorbent Injection Panel Discussion by Paul Farber, P. Farber & Associates, LLC - Hot Topic Hour July 10, 2014

Paul Farber, Principal, P. Farber & Associates, LLC gave a good overview and was able to consolidate the basic aspects of DSI as follows:  98% reduction of SO3, H2SO4, and HCl possible with DSI  90% reduction of SO2 with DSI has been demonstrated  High percentage reduction of SO2 with DSI can result in the sorbent and reaction products entering the PM control device to be as much as the flyash loading  Where Trona or SBC is injected the collected material will have significant levels of sodium  Leachate tests of flyash/Trona/SBC mixtures have shown increased levels of metals such as selenium as well as sodium.

Revision Date:  7/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, P. Farber & Associates, LLC, Dry Sorbent Injection

Direct Sorbent Injection Webinar - Hot Topic Hour July 10, 2014

The Hot Topic Hour covered direct sorbent injection. It was a collaborative discussion based on information posted on the free website: Dry Scrubbing - Continuous Analysis

Revision Date:  7/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, P. Farber & Associates, LLC, Solvay Chemicals, Licata Energy, Dry Sorbent Injection

SOLVAir Solutions Focus on DSI by Michael Atwell, Solvay Chemicals, Inc. - Hot Topic Hour July 10, 2014

Michael (Mike) Atwell, Market Development Manager, Solvay Chemicals Inc indicated that most of the recent activity is due to the NAAQS of 75 ppm SO2 and realization that to meet 2018 deadlines the time for action is now.

Revision Date:  7/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, SOLVAir Solutions, Dry Sorbent Injection

Mercury Control Technology Using Sorbent Enhancement Additives - Keys to Dry Sorbent Injection by Marcus Sylvester, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp. - Hot Topic Hour July 10, 2014

Marc explained how their custom sorbents provide both mercury and trim SO2 control.

Revision Date:  7/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, Dry Sorbent Injection

O&M Issues DSI Systems - Startup, Shutdown & Cycling Loads by Tony Licata, Licata Energy - Hot Topic Hour July 10, 2014

Tony Licata, Principal, Licata Energy & Environmental Consultants, Inc. indicated that the new regulations regarding startup and shut down emissions require utilities to meet the following challenges.  How soon can we turn or turn off on DSI and carbon systems?  Prevent deposits forming in ductwork.  Sorbent contact with acid gases/Hg at low flow conditions – mass transfer.  Does the chemistry work at lower temperatures seen during startup/shutdown?  Contact time.  Impacts on balance of plant.

Revision Date:  7/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Licata Energy, Dry Sorbent Injection

Lhoist Has Lots of Ceramic Filter Hot Gas Experience

Lhoist was a presenter in the Mcilvaine hot topic hour May 1, 2014 on hot gas filtration . the highly porous lime sorbent is achieving more than 95% SO2/HCl removal efficiency when used at th 850F temperature preceding the ceramic filter. Product: lime, dry sorbent injection

Revision Date:  5/5/2014

Tags:  562213 - Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators , Lhoist, Dry Sorbent Injection, Fabric Filter, Ceramic Filter, Lime

Strategy to Improve Air Preheater Performance via SO3 Control by Sterling Gray, URS Corporation - Hot Topic Hour January 9, 2014

Sterling showed how to improve thermal energy recovery from Air Preheaters which is typically limited by the presence of sulfuric acid and other fouling compounds in the flue gas stream.

Revision Date:  1/9/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, URS Corp., Air Preheater, Dry Sorbent Injection

Air Preheaters and Heat Exchangers Webinar - Hot Topic Hour January 9, 2014

Speakers addressed ways that heat exchange can be improved.

Revision Date:  1/9/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Paragon Airheater Technologies, URS Corp., Dry Sorbent Injection, Air Preheater, SO3 Monitoring, Heat Exchange

UCC Dry Sorbent Injection, Multi-Pollutant Removal with DSI by Jon Norman, United Conveyor - Hot Topic Hour September 27, 2013


Revision Date:  9/27/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, United Conveyor, Pneumatic Conveyor, Dry Sorbent Injection, MATS, Coal

New Developments in Power Plant Air Pollution Control Technology - Part 2 - Hot Topic Hour August 1, 2013


Revision Date:  8/1/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CB&I, Lundberg Associates, Neumann Systems Group, Novinda, Mercury Monitor, Dry Sorbent Injection, Liquid Bromine Injection, Wet Electrostatic Precipitator, Reagent Recovery, Mercury, FGD

Full-scale Plant Trials of Novinda's Non-carbon Mercury Capture Reagent by Jim Butz, Novinda - Hot Topic Hour August 1, 2013

Talked about Novinda's amended silicates is a non-carbon sorbent for capture of mercury from coal-fired power plants.

Revision Date:  8/1/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Novinda, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mercury

Measurement and Control of HCl - Webinar Recording - Hot Topic Hour July 18, 2013


Revision Date:  7/18/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, SICK MAIHAK, Solvay Chemicals, United Conveyor, NatronX Technologies, Mississippi Lime, Sodium Bicarbonate, Trona, Lime, NDIR, FTIR, TDL-IR, Dry Sorbent Injection, Reagent, HCl, MATS, Air Quality, Mercury, SO2, SO3

Hydrated Lime for HCl Mitigation by Pat Mongoven, Mississippi Lime - Hot Topic Hour July 18, 2013

Results of several full-scale demonstrations to reduce HCl below the levels required by MATS.

Revision Date:  7/18/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mississippi Lime, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, HCl, MATS

UCC Dry Sorbent Injection HCl Removal by Jon Norman, United Conveyor - Hot Topic Hour July 18, 2013

Results of HCl removal tests using Dry Sorbent Injection.

Revision Date:  7/18/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, United Conveyor, Sodium Bicarbonate, Trona, Dry Sorbent Injection, Reagent, HCl, Air Quality, Mercury, SO2, SO3

SOLVAir Solutions by Michael Wood, Solvay Chemicals - Hot Topic Hour July 18, 2013

Discussed the use of trona and sodium bicarbonate for HCl control.

Revision Date:  7/18/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Solvay Chemicals, Trona, Sodium Bicarbonate, Dry Sorbent Injection, Reagent, Air Quality, HCl, Mercury, SO2, SO3

New Developments in Air Pollution Control Technology Webinar - Hot Topic Hour July 11, 2013


Revision Date:  7/11/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NeuCo, Lhoist, Novinda, ADA Carbon Solutions, Activated Carbon, Optimization Software, Dry Sorbent Injection, Hydrated Lime, MATS, PM2.5, Condensibles, NOx

Dry Sorbent Injection for CPM Mitigation by Steve Baloga, Novinda - Hot Topic Hour July 11, 2013.

Pilot work at a calciner where the CPM was a very large multiple of the discrete particulate.

Revision Date:  7/11/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Novinda, Dry Sorbent Injection, MATS, PM2.5, Condensibles

Dry Sorbent Injection and Material Handling for APC - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour June 20, 2013


Revision Date:  6/20/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Semi-Bulk Systems, Siemens, Nol-Tec Systems, CB&I, Babcock Power, Limestone, Activated Carbon, Fabric Filter, Conveying, Bromine, Mixing, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, Ammonia, Mercury, SO3, Air Quality, Coal, SO2, Powder Handling, Air Pollution Control

Delta DSI Static Mixers by Clayton Erickson, Babcock Power - Hot Topic Hour June 20, 2013

Mixing and flow modeling techniques used to improve DSI performance.

Revision Date:  6/20/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Babcock Power, Dry Sorbent Injection, Lime, Mixing, Ammonia, Mercury, SO3

ACI Material Handling Gen 3 by Keith Day, Nol-Tec - Hot Topic Hour June 20, 2013

Discussion of Gen 3 Material Handling for ACI systems

Revision Date:  6/20/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nol-Tec Systems, Dry Sorbent Injection, Lime, Mixing, Conveying, Mercury

EMO™ by Bobby I.T. Chen, CB and I - Hot Topic Hour June 20, 2013

Bobby provided the EMO™+HL, Total MATS Compliance Solution"

Revision Date:  6/20/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CB&I, Bromine, Activated Carbon, Dry Sorbent Injection, Air Quality, Mercury, Air Pollution Control

Calgon Carbon Corporation at Electric Power 2013


Revision Date:  5/24/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Calgon Carbon, Mercury, Dry Sorbent Injection, Trona, Activated Carbon, USA

Sorbent Enhancement Additive Mercury Capture Technology by Marc Sylvester, Midwest Energy Emissions - Hot Topic Hour April 11, 2013

Marc said that their mercury capture programs are used at several utilities.

Revision Date:  4/11/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mercury

Mercury Measurement & Control - Part 2 Webinar - Hot Topic Hour April 11, 2013

Technologies for mercury monitoring and control are in a state of development and change.

Revision Date:  4/11/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Eco-Power Solutions, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, SICK Process Automation, Activated Carbon, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mercury Monitoring, CEMS, Mercury

Implementation of the Utility MACT Rule Webinar - Hot Topic Hour February 28, 2013

History and current status of the MACT rule.

Revision Date:  2/28/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Burns & McDonnell, CleanAir Engineering, Calgon Carbon, NatronX Technologies, Dry Sorbent Injection, Activated Carbon, Trona, Mercury, HCl, Mercury, PM2.5, MATS

Current Status of MATS Implementation and Consideration of MATS controls on other Environmental Drivers by Block Andrews, Burns & McDonnell - Hot Topic Hour February 28, 2013

Block discussed current MATS implementation, risks and strategic considerations.

Revision Date:  2/28/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Burns & McDonnell, Dry Sorbent Injection, PM2.5, HCl, MATS, Mercury

Consumers Energy  DSI, Fabric Filter, FGD, Wind and Hydro Projects


Revision Date:  12/20/2012

Tags:  Consumers Energy, Wind Turbine, Dry Sorbent Injection, FGD, Fabric Filter, Mercury, World Power Generation, FGD, Fabric Filter, Wind Energy, Renewable Energy, USA

Dry Sorbent Injection for Simultaneous MATS Compliance/SO2 Removal DSI Technology by Jon Norman, United Conveyor - Hot Topic Hour August 17, 2012

The ability to remove HCl and SO2 with finely ground trona.

Revision Date:  8/17/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, United Conveyor, SO3 Monitoring, Dry Sorbent Injection

Coal-Gen Highlights - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour August 17, 2012

Coal-Gen Highlights

Revision Date:  8/17/2012

Tags:  Paragon Airheater Technologies, United Conveyor, Enerchem, Inc., Eco-Power Solutions, SO3 Monitoring, Scrubber, Limestone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Air Preheater, Dry Sorbent Injection, FGD

Understanding Hydrated Lime Properties in Acid Gas Control by Mike Tate, Graymont - Hot Topic Hour June 21, 2012.

Key properties of hydrated lime that impact sorbent performance.

Revision Date:  6/21/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Graymont, Sodium Bicarbonate, Lime, Fabric Filter, Electrostatic Precipitator, Dry Sorbent Injection, Trona, HCl, Mercury, SO3, Reagent Preparation

Meeting Regulatory Needs with Hydrated Lime by Curt Biehn, Mississippi Lime - Hot Topic Hour June 21, 2012

The performance of hydrated lime when injected at different points in the flue gas train and with different pollution control equipment

Revision Date:  6/21/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mississippi Lime, SCR, Fabric Filter, Electrostatic Precipitator, Dry Sorbent Injection, Lime, SO3, HCl

Impact of Mixing on Performance of Dry Sorbent Injection/Activated Carbon by Tony Licata, Babcock Power - Hot Topic Hour June 21, 2012.

The impact of mixing on the performance of dry sorbent injection systems.

Revision Date:  6/21/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Babcock Power, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mixing, Ammonia, Mercury, SO3

Dry Injection of Sodium Sorbents - Effects of Using Mills by Yougen Kong, Solvay - Hot Topic Hour June 21, 2012

The effect of milling sodium sorbents on their performance in removing HCl and SO2.

Revision Date:  6/21/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Solvay Chemicals, Sodium Bicarbonate, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, Trona, SO3, SO2, Mercury, HCl, Reagent Preparation, Milling

Dry Sorbent Injection and Material Handling in Coal-fired Power Plants - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour June 21, 2012

The speakers addressed the use of dry sorbent injection to meet the new MATS and CSAPR as well as material handling issues and methods to improve the performance of and reduce the usage of sorbents.

Revision Date:  6/21/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mississippi Lime, Solvay Chemicals, Southern Air Solutions, Babcock Power, Graymont, Fabric Filter, Dry Sorbent Injection, Lime, Trona, Sodium Bicarbonate, SCR, Electrostatic Precipitator, SO2, Ammonia, Mercury, HCl, SO3, Reagent Preparation, Mixing, Milling

Post-Combustion Dry Reagent Injection for Acid Gas Mitigation Boilers and Cement Kilns by Steve Baloga, Southern Air - Hot Topic Hour June 21, 2012.

The results of trona injection for SO2 and HCl reduction for a utility boiler with ESP, an industrial boiler with ESP and a cement kiln with FF baghouse.

Revision Date:  6/21/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Southern Air Solutions, Dry Sorbent Injection, Fabric Filter, Electrostatic Precipitator, Lime, Trona, SO2, Mercury, HCl, Reagent Preparation

Mercury Control Technology Using Sorbent Enhancement Additives by Marcus Sylvester, Midwest Energy Emissions - Hot Topic Hour June 7, 2012.

Marcus provided efficiency comparisons for the patented “Sorbent Enhancement Additives” technology for mercury control compared to brominated activated carbon.

Revision Date:  6/7/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mercury, SO3, HCl, Reagent Preparation

Dry Sorbent Injection and Material Handling in Coal-fired Power Plants - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour June 7, 2012

There is a great deal of activity in evaluation of dry sorbent injection to meet the new MATS and CSPR.

Revision Date:  6/7/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, Breen Energy Solutions, FLSmidth, Nalco Mobotec, Gebr. Pfeiffer, Trona, Pneumatic Conveyor, Dry Sorbent Injection, Lime, CFD, HCl, SO3, Mercury, Reagent Preparation, Grinding

Ten Years after Dry Sorbent Injection 2012 by David Escott, FLSmidth - Hot Topic Hour June 7, 2012

David pointed out that the experience with SO3 mitigation was the foundation for DSI injection for SO2 and HCl.

Revision Date:  6/7/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, FLSmidth, Trona, Pneumatic Conveyor, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, SO3, HCl, Mercury, Reagent Preparation

MPS Grinding Technology for Dry Sorbent Injection and Material Handling by Blaz Jurko, GEBR. PFEIFFER - Hot Topic Hour June 7, 2012.

Discussion on technology for dry sorbent material preparation and grinding.

Revision Date:  6/7/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Gebr. Pfeiffer, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, SO3, HCl, Mercury, Grinding, Reagent Preparation

Dry Sorbent Injection and Modeling for Acid Gas Emissions Control by Lew Benson, Nalco Mobotec. - Hot Topic Hour June 7, 2012.

Lew endorsed modeling of dry sorbent injection including not just CFD but also chemical reaction modeling.

Revision Date:  6/7/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nalco Mobotec, CFD, Lime, Trona, Dry Sorbent Injection, HCl, SO3, Mercury, Reagent Preparation

Dry Sorbent Injection and Gas Co-Fire / FLGR for Small to Medium Plants by Chetan Chothani, Breen Energy Solutions - Hot Topic Hour June 7, 2012.

Summary of the challenges facing small to medium size coal-fired power plants without SCRs and scrubbers in meeting MATS and CSAPR regulations.

Revision Date:  6/7/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Breen Energy Solutions, Lime, Dry Sorbent Injection, SO3, HCl, Mercury, Reagent Preparation

EMO™ by Bobby Chen, Shaw - Hot Topic Hour April 12, 2012

Bobby described a two-stage process for controlling the mercury emission from the coal combustion process.

Revision Date:  4/12/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Shaw Group, Bromine, Activated Carbon, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mercury, Air Quality, Air Pollution Control

Mercury Measurement and Control - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour April 12, 2012

Current monitoring and control of mercury from coal-fired power plants.

Revision Date:  4/12/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ADA-ES, Thermo Fisher, Norit, Albemarle, Shaw Group, Sampling Line, Bromine, Activated Carbon, Mercury Monitor, Dry Sorbent Injection, Air Quality, Mercury, Utility MACT, Air Pollution Control

Activated Carbon - Status Update by Robert Nebergall, Norit - Hot Topic Hour April 12, 2012.

The supply/demand situation developing for the compliance period for both activated carbon and equipment will also be highlighted.

Revision Date:  4/12/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Norit, Dry Sorbent Injection, Air Quality, Mercury, Utility MACT, Air Pollution Control

Overview of MATS for Existing & New Plants by Connie Senior, ADA - Hot Topic Hour April 12, 2012.

Connie reviewed the regulations and the ability of activated carbon to meet the requirements.

Revision Date:  4/12/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ADA-ES, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mercury, Utility MACT, Air Quality, Air Pollution Control

Meeting the Challenge of Utility Hg Control by Ronald Landreth, Albemarle - Hot Topic Hour April 12, 2012

Specially designed concrete-friendly, gas- phase brominated PACs are now routinely used to both provide high levels of Hg capture and allow continued use in cement.

Revision Date:  4/12/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Albemarle, Bromine, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mercury, Utility MACT, Air Quality, Air Pollution Control

Multi-Emissions Control - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour October 27, 2011

Speakers discussed the technology and equipment available or under development that provides multi-emissions control and can be implemented by EGU operators to achieve compliance with CSAPR and MACT limits.

Revision Date:  10/27/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Alstom Power, United Conveyor, Solvay Chemicals, Spray Dryer Absorber, Reagent, Chemical Injection, Dry Sorbent Injection, Spray Tower, FGD, SCR, Sodium Bicarbonate, Trona, Circulating Dry Scrubber, Direct Injection System, Air Quality, SO2, SO3, HCl, Mercury

Environmental Compliance Solutions in the Age of Air Toxics and CSAP Rules, presented by John Buschmann, Alstom Power. Hot Topic Hour October 27, 2011.

John Buschmann, Technology Manager at ALSTOM Power Inc., provided an overview of the proposed Utility MACT emission values and discussed the implications for utilities seeking compliance not only under Utility MACT but also under CSAPR and various other existing and anticipated regulations. The solution is not a one-size-fits-all approach but rather a careful balancing of combinations of AQCS technologies that make up an overall compliance plan.

Revision Date:  10/27/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Alstom Power, SCR, Circulating Dry Scrubber, Spray Tower, Reagent, Dry Sorbent Injection, FGD, Spray Dryer Absorber, Chemical Injection, Air Quality, SO2, SO3, HCl, Mercury

Gas-Phase Brominated PAC for ESP Performance Improvement by Ron Landreth, Albemarle - Hot Topic Hour January 20, 2011

ESPs and Additives

Revision Date:  1/20/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Albemarle, Dry Sorbent Injection

Modifying Ash Resistivity and Improving ACI Performance for Mercury Control with Liquid Flue Gas Conditioning by Jean Bustard, ADA-ES - Hot Topic Hour January 20, 2011

Conditioning systems and additives.

Revision Date:  1/20/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ADA-ES, Dry Sorbent Injection

Improving ESP Performance Webinar - Hot Topic Hour January 20, 2010

ESP Performance Improvement can be Substantial - Hot Topic Conclusion on January 20 There has been lots of focus on replacing ESPs with baghouses to meet upcoming regulations. The speakers in the Hot Topic Hour yesterday said there is an alternative. You can upgrade existing ESPs and achieve results which may satisfy future requirements. Dr. Yougen Kong, P.E., Technical Development Manager at Solvay Chemicals, Inc., told the attendees that “there is a better alternative to SO3 for conditioning electrostatic precipitators.” Trona addition system is simple and its capital cost is much lower than that of a SO3 production and injection system. Trona is relatively inexpensive and can be injected in several places. Mick Chambers, Southern Environmental, Inc, said that you can upgrade your ESP and with halogen-based additives in the coal, you can meet the particulate and mercury regulations. He showed that the SCA of recent installations has been relatively low and yet the performance high. So the footprint of a retrofit does not have to be large. When asked about the wet ESP using a fabric for the collection plate, Mick said that it is a good option and successful on industrial boilers and process applications. We were sorry to learn that John Caine passed away in a tractor accident last September. John had represented SEI in several of our previous Hot Topic Hours and has long been a contributor to the industry. Steve Jaasund, Manager Geoenergy Division A. H. Lundberg Associates, made a case for adding a wet ESP after the FGD system to meet the upcoming MACT regulations. In the discussion period it was speculated that the new mass monitoring requirements would make it more difficult for dry ESPs to meet emission limits. The wet ESP will eliminate the exceedance spikes associated with a stand-alone dry ESP. Paul Leanza of Pollution Control Services, Inc. indicated that many utilities have the opportunity to greatly improve performance of their existing precipitators. He indicated that 50 percent of the emissions occur during rapping (rapping reentrainment). These particles are relatively large and do not cause opacity spikes proportional to the mass increase. It was speculated that with mass monitoring this phenomenon will be an unpleasant surprise. Emissions will be higher with mass monitors than they were thought to be with opacity monitors and periodic stack testing. Ron Landreth of Albemarle was pleased to find that their brominated PAC actually improves precipitator performance whereas the non-brominated PAC may add to emissions. So it is worth considering brominated PAC to capture mercury and reduce particulate. Jean Bustard of ADA-ES (ADA Environmental Solutions LLC) related experience with a proprietary conditioning chemical which has performed well and does not impact mercury capture with PAC. The company offers another approach to conditioning hot side precipitators.

Revision Date:  1/20/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, A.H. Lundberg Associates, Southern Environmental, Pollution Control Services, Albemarle, ADA-ES, Solvay Chemicals, Dry Sorbent Injection, Electrostatic Precipitator, Mercury

A Better Alternative to SO3 for Conditioning Electrostatic Precipitators - by Yougen Kong, Solvay - Hot Topic Hour January 20, 2011

A better alternative to SO3 for conditioning electrostatic precipitators. The trona addition system is simple and its capital cost is much lower than that of a SO3 production and injection system.

Revision Date:  1/20/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Solvay Chemicals, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mercury

Industrial MACT - Impact and Control Options by David South, Amerex - Hot Topic Hour November 19, 2010

David W. South, Manager of Business Development at Amerex, drew from a considerable bank of experience the company has gained with some 50 MACT related boiler installations in the last five years. One unit on a PC boiler with carbon injection and a fabric filter is using 2.2 lbs/MMacf of B-PAC. Inlet mercury is 20 lbs/TBtu versus 2.5 lbs/TBtu on the outlet. Another with only 2.0 lbs/MMacf is reducing mercury from 25 lbs/TBtu to less than 2 lbs/TBtu.

Revision Date:  11/19/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Amerex, Spray Dryer, Fabric Filter, Dry Sorbent Injection, MACT, Industrial Boiler