· 4 Lane Knowledge Bridge To The End User
· Continuing Changes in the Options Available to Meet Air Quality Regulations
· China Can Remove Mercury at Low Cost Thanks to U.S. Developments
· $152 Billion Liquid Treatment and Control Market Will Grow At 6%/yr Thanks to Asia
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4 Lane Knowledge Bridge to the End User
Continuing Changes in the Options Available to Meet Air Quality Regulations
In our weekly reporting of developments, it is a challenge to sort out those that will actually change the options available to meet the regulatory requirements. To help our subscribers indentify the new options we are instituting Decisive Classification Updates. Here were the changes flagged in July:
Decisive Classification System Updates for July 2013
Key words: Mercury 水银(汞, Bromine, Circulating Dry Scrubber….bromine injection without ACI for dry FGD is a viable option for high level of mercury removal.
Key words: Wet Electrostatic Precipitator, PM2.5, toxic metals, MS….Consider WESP for toxic metal reduction greater than alternatives. Consider using gasified municipal waste as reburn fuel in coal-fired boiler with scrubber and WESP.
Key words: Dry Sorbent Injection , Sorbent recovery….Consider option to recover dry sorbent and to recycle it. This is different from reagent recycle where the flyash, reacted reagent, and unreacted reagent are recycled, so the term “reagent recovery” should distinguish this from reagent recycle.
Key words: Activated Carbon 活性炭, Non-carbon sorbent-----Non-carbon sorbent should now be a commercial alternative to activated carbon based on the commercial contract.
Key Words; Carbon Dioxide, Regulation….New coal-fired power plants would have a CO2 limit 10 percent to 70 percent higher than the original EPA proposal.
China Can Remove Mercury at Low Cost Thanks to U.S. Developments
In order to meet tough regulations in the U.S. technology developers have made great strides in creating low cost routes to achieve mercury removal from power plant exhausts. The cost is especially low if the plant already has a scrubber. China is installing scrubbers on nearly all its plants. As a result China can remove mercury with just a tiny percent increase in its air pollution control investment and operating cost.
There have been some very significant recent breakthroughs which need to be communicated to the Chinese policy makers. To this end, McIlvaine conducted a webinar last week in Mandarin Chinese with two FGD experts. A presentation on removal technology was made by Bobby Chen of CBI Shaw. Questions and discussion were provided by Shiaw Tseng of Graymont. This presentation in Mandarin is available as a recording in the McIlvaine Global Decisions Orchard and on YouTube.
McIlvaine Global Decisions Orchard: http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php/component/content/article?id=573
YouTube: http://youtu.be/ldq33k5UWTs
U.S. power plants emitted 100,000 lbs of mercury per year prior to the regulations. By 2016 emissions will have been reduced by more than 80,000 lbs per year. China operates four times as many coal-fired boilers as the U.S., and five times as many cement plants. The potential Chinese reductions are much more significant than those in the U.S. Mercury is a world traveler. Gold mines in Brazil are emitting mercury which has been tracked to the arctic, so this is a global problem and needs a global solution. China has demonstrated a willingness to spend a great deal to improve the environment, so it is likely that they will take advantage of this opportunity when the low cost and ease of achieving the reduction are made clear.
For more information on other breakthroughs in power plant air quality improvement, click on: Power Plant Air Quality Decisions
$152 Billion Liquid Treatment and Control Market Will Grow At 6%/yr Thanks to Asia
Revenues derived from treating and controlling liquids including water and process fluids will exceed $152 billion this year and will grow at a rate exceeding GDP over the next five years. This is the conclusion reached by the McIlvaine Company in Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Treatment and Control: World Markets. (www.mcilvainecompany.com)
Segment |
Total Segment Sales $ Millions |
Cartridge |
15,000 |
Liquid Macrofiltration |
6,300 |
Cross-flow Membranes |
10,200 |
Sedimentation/Centrifugation |
7,000 |
Pumps |
37,200 |
Valves |
53,100 |
Treatment Chemicals |
23,900 |
Total |
152,700 |
The growth rates will vary as follows
· Higher than average growth in Asia
· Lower than average growth in Europe
· Higher than average growth for the large acquirers
· Diminished share for the small local suppliers
· Higher than average growth in food, pharma, oil and gas
· Lower than average growth in pulp and paper, mining and steel
· Higher than average growth in cross-flow membranes
· Lower than average growth in sedimentation
· Average growth in pumps and valves
Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Treatment and Control: World Markets http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71.
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Bob McIlvaine
847 784 0012 ext 112
191 Waukegan Road Suite 208 | Northfield | IL 60093
Ph: 847-784-0012 | Fax; 847-784-0061