May 2009


McIlvaine Company





Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013

Electronicast: After Down 2008, Fusion Splicer Market Expected To Rebound

Coronary Stents Market Worldwide Holds Big Incentive for Growth, Opportunity in Novel Technologies, According to MedMarket Diligence Report

Power Lawn & Garden Equipment Market: US demand to grow 4.1% annually through 2013

Deepwater: A Robust Market in a Climate of Uncertainty

RFID Market Expected to Grow by 11 percent between 2009 and 2010

Russian Cosmetics Market

The US Smart Grid Opportunity: Analysis and Market Forecasts

Price Increases Forecast for Silver, Platinum and Palladium






Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013 announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue. Nanotechnology is going to pave the way for a revolution in materials, information and communication technology, medicine, genetics and so on as it starts moving from the laboratories to new markets. It helps to improve products and production processes with better characteristics or new functionalities. In coming years, products based on nanotechnology are expected to impact nearly all-industrial sectors and will enter the consumer markets in large quantities. Considering the future prospects of nanotechnology, countries across the world are investing heavily in this sector.

The global market for nanotechnologies is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 20 percent till 2013, says "Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013” an analytical study by RNCOS. The report also projects that market for nanotechnology incorporated in manufactured goods will worth US $1.6 trillion, representing a CAGR of more than 49 percent in the forecast period (2009-2013). This growth will largely be driven by massive investment in nanotechnology R&D by both governments and corporates across the world.

According to the report findings, at the regional level, the Asia-Pacific region will experience the fastest growth in market for nanotechnology enabled goods, with CAGR pegged at around 52 percent in the forecast period, followed by Europe. The recent moves by the emerging markets such as India, China and Russia in the field of nanotechnology research and development will continue to the most prominent factors behind the growth in these countries.

Click here for more report information.


Electronicast: After Down 2008, Fusion Splicer Market Expected To Rebound

According to a new market forecast and analysis market and technology forecast consultancy ElectroniCast Consultants has just released, the global consumption value of fiber-optic fusion splice equipment in 2008 was $300.1 million, down slightly from $308.2 million in 2007. However, the consumption value is forecasted to increase to $470 million in 2013, with strongly quantity growth partially offset by a continuing decline of average prices.

"Telecommunications, in 2008, represented over 50 percent of the worldwide consumption value of fiber-optic fusion splice equipment," said Stephen Montgomery, president of Asia Pacific at ElectroniCast and director of the study project. "The use of fusion splice equipment in the production (manufacturing) of fiber-optic components, devices or products, is forecasted to jump to nearly $70 million by 2013. Because of the economic crisis, some of the product categories are forecasted for flat relative growth or even slight decreases in consumption during the first few years of the market forecast."

The "Fiber Optic Fusion Splicer Global Market Forecast (2008-2013)" is available immediately from ElectroniCast Consultants. Visit
ElectroniCast Consultants.


Coronary Stents Market Worldwide Holds Big Incentive for Growth, Opportunity in Novel Technologies, According to MedMarket Diligence Report

The market for coronary stents worldwide is well established, large and still demonstrating excellent growth, especially with the advent of new technologies from established and hopeful competitors. While drug-eluting stents (DES), having survived the "late stage thrombosis" setback, represent the strongest current market growth, novel stent technologies (bioabsorbable and others) are soon to emerge to at least momentarily eclipse DES market growth. The worldwide coronary stent market is analyzed in a new report from MedMarket Diligence, LLC.

The market for coronary stents is, in many ways, still emerging. While coronary stents have been on the commercial market in one form or another for several years, the technologies and materials used to create the devices are improving every day. In addition, innovative technology is bringing new classes of devices (e.g., fully degradable stents) to market, technologies that grow the market and even expand stent therapy to new patient populations in some cases. The market for coronary stents into four primary categories: drug-eluting stents (DES), bare metal stents (BMS), absorbables, and "others", which include bioactive, radioactive and drug-eluting balloons. The worldwide coronary stents market is analyzed in a new report from MedMarket Diligence, LLC.

"The coronary stent market remains a vibrant device sector with market growth and the number of current and hopeful competitors," says Patrick Driscoll, President of MedMarket Diligence. According to Driscoll, over 75 companies are active in the field of coronary stents, spanning the full range of stent designs. While the market is dominated by early players J&J and Boston Scientific, other major device companies - Medtronic and Abbott Vascular - are gaining significant shares of these markets, while the size and growth of the market provides ample incentive for many smaller companies to vie for positions.

Currently, market penetration for DES devices ranges in the neighborhood of 60 percent (as high as 90 percent in China) and is growing at more than 7 percent per year worldwide. By comparison, the worldwide market for all coronary stents is currently growing at nearly 6 percent while the market for bare metal stents is growing at 3 percent per year. Compounded annually from 2008 to 2017, the market for all currently available coronary stents is growing most strongly for drug-eluting stents, followed by bare metal stents. However, during this forecast period, the emergence (and approval) of bioabsorbable and other novel stent types will result in dramatically better growth than even drug-eluting stents.

The MedMarket Diligence report #C245, "Worldwide Market for Drug-Eluting, Bare and Other Coronary Stents, 2008-2017," details the worldwide market for the use of coronary stents in the treatment of coronary artery disease. The report assesses the treatment of coronary artery disease by alternative treatment methodologies (percutaneous intervention with or without stenting, coronary artery bypass grafting alternatives and other medical/surgical treatment options), with estimated current/forecast caseload across treatment types. The report details currently approved coronary stents, providing data on current and forecast impact on the market. The report also details the current state of product development in bare stents, drug-coated or drug-eluting stents and bioabsorbable stents in coronary applications and details the products under development, the anticipated timeline and impact of their market introduction. The report assesses the current and ten-year forecast global market for coronary stents, with segmentation by U.S., Europe, Asia/Pacific and Rest of World. The report provides competitor market shares by these geographic regions. The leading and key emerging coronary stent manufacturers are profiled with current product offerings, development status and market strengths/advantages. The report is described here:


Power Lawn & Garden Equipment Market: US demand to grow 4.1% annually through 2013

Power lawn and garden equipment demand is forecast to rise 4.1 percent annually through 2013, a significant turnaround from the declines of the 2003- 2008 period. Although gains are expected to be modest in the short term, the housing market is expected to recover by 2013, creating opportunities in the consumer market. In addition, a positive outlook for the landscaping industry will provide opportunities. Product innovations, which are being driven by consumer demand for equipment which is easier to use, more efficient, and with additional safety features and lighter weight, will also boost value gains. However, gains will be limited by continuing struggles in the golf industry, where the total number of courses is expected to decline.

Rebounding Residential Market to Remain Dominant

The residential market dominates power lawn and garden equipment sales, representing over two-thirds of the total in 2008. Although demand will be adversely affected in the short term, by 2013 it will benefit from a turnaround in housing completions. In addition, gains in the residential market will benefit from solid gains in personal expenditures. Opportunities in the professional market will be strongest in the landscaping industry. The number of professional landscaping firms will continue to rise, benefitting from an aging US population. Advances in the golf industry, however, will be adversely affected by the declining number of golf courses in the US.

Lawnmowers Will Continue To Be Largest, Fastest Growing

Lawnmowers will continue to be the largest product segment, benefitting from their wide use in both residential and commercial applications. In addition, lawnmowers will be among the fastest growing products. Despite the improving durability of original equipment, parts and accessories demand will advance due to the rising amount of stock in use. Turf and grounds equipment is expected to post below-average gains because of the declining number of golf courses. The US is a net exporter of power lawn and garden equipment, as US producers benefit from strong US brand recognition in overseas markets. Overall, the US is expected to maintain a trade surplus, although increasing competition from foreign suppliers both domestically and in overseas markets will reduce the size of the surplus. The surplus will also be threatened by the possibility that additional US capacity could be moved offshore to lower costs.


Deepwater: A Robust Market in a Climate of Uncertainty

The Macro-Economic Outlook

Deepwater E&P activity is driven by a variety of supply-side and demand-side factors: the need to offset decline from existing reservoirs, the lack of new opportunities onshore or in shallow waters, and new technological advances that improve technical and economic feasibility of deepwater developments.


In recent years, the world has witnessed oil price shocks driven by situations where oil supplies have become very tight as spare capacity is absorbed by growing worldwide demand for energy. Future projections of oil supply and demand suggest that this situation is likely to repeat.

A future peak in world oil supply is inevitable; the only question remaining is the date it will happen. The implication of this supply scenario for the global energy markets is that we expect to see a sustained increase in oil prices as supplies tighten in the run-up to the peak year. This will impact deepwater developments to the extent that they become more economically viable as the oil price rises. Developments that were marginal at $20/bbl will undoubtedly be more vigorously pursued in an environment where the long-term expectations of oil price are $60/bbl and upwards.


The Market Forecast

Douglas-Westwood’s World Deepwater Market Report 2009-2013 forecasts that the deepwater oil and gas sector will spend $162 billion over the period 2009 to 2013, 36 percent more than the amount spent in the preceding five-year period. The bulk of deepwater developments are being led by major oil companies and well-placed NOCs that Douglas-Westwood believes will not be hit by the economic downturn and turmoil in the debt markets to the same extent as smaller players. However, some impact on the sector may be felt through those deepwater operators that rely on external project finance. The result is that some delays to projects are inevitable until the financial markets settle.

Source: Douglas-Westwood


Overall, the deepwater sector is forecast to continue its growth trend from 2010 onwards, reaching an annual total of over $35 billion by 2013. Between 2009 and 2013, expenditure in the deepwater sector is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.6 percent. The “Golden Triangle” of deepwater, namely Africa, the Gulf of Mexico, and Brazilian areas, still will account for nearly 75 percent of global deepwater expenditure over the forecast period, but the emergence of Asia as a significant deepwater region should not be overlooked. Asian deepwater expenditure over the 2009-2013 period will increase by 90 percent compared to 2004-2008 spend. Much of this growth will be driven by the development of the Kebabangan cluster in Malaysia as well as the MA-6 development offshore India. Looking beyond 2013, we expect developments in the presalt Santos basin to drive Latin American expenditure well into the remainder of the decade. Authors: Steve Robertson, Thom Payne, Douglas-Westwood


RFID Market Expected to Grow by 11 percent between 2009 and 2010

Despite a woeful global economy and a depressed U.S. automotive industry, analysts expect the market for RFID solutions to grow by 11 percent between 2009 and 2010, according to a new report issued by market research firm ABI Research.

While there has been a slight decline in the demand for electronic ID documents over the past two years, analysts say the demand for RFID solutions in asset management and contactless ticketing and payment applications has increased, which should drive market growth over the next several years. In fact, according to the report, “Semi-Annual RFID Market Data,” if automotive immobilizer solutions are removed from the equation, the market is forecast to grow by nearly 16 percent.

A market overview published by ABI Research earlier this year said that the total market would exceed $5.6 billion in revenues in 2009.

“Based on sales growth pipeline conversations, our end user research, and RFID revenues reported to ABI, 2009 will likely not be as bad as many thought,” said ABI Analyst Michael Liard. “Key economic and industry indicators point to stronger growth in 2010, especially the second half.”

For more information, visit ABI Research’s Web site at or call 516-624-2500.


Russian Cosmetics Market

With the rolling consumption of cosmetics, Russia has got huge potential for international as well as local cosmetics manufacturers. Rising consumer spending combined with an increasing fashion- and beauty-consciousness and the desire of donning western looks are driving the market, says “Russian Cosmetics Market Forecast (2008-2012)”, a recent market research report by RNCOS.

The report provides extensive research and in-depth analysis on the Russian cosmetics market that will help the client to evaluate the leading-edge opportunities critical to the success of the cosmetics market in Russia.

The forecasts and estimations given in this report are meant as a rough guide to the future direction of the market, and are based on the correlation between past market growth and growth of base drivers.

Key Findings
The Russian cosmetics and perfumery market will achieve a remarkable growth in the coming years. It is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of about 13.6 percent during 2008-2012.

·         Hair care, oral care, skin care and color cosmetics form the majority of Russian cosmetics market.

·         Skin care, male grooming and depilatories are some of the fastest growing segments in the Russian cosmetics market.

·         Skin care segment is set to be most dominating one among the Russian cosmetics market by 2012.

Future of the Russian cosmetics market lies in niche marketing (targeted to the specific segment) as mass market for marketing point of view reaching to saturation.

Key Issues & Facts Analyzed

·         Where Russia stands in context of global and Eastern European cosmetics market?

·         What is the cosmetic consumption pattern in Russia?

·         Which are the fastest growing products in Russian cosmetics market?

·         How is the market likely to perform in future?

·         What are the growth prospects of the Russian market?

·         What are the key challenges for the market?

·         Who are the key players in the Russian cosmetics market?

Key Players Analyzed
This section provides business overview and financial status of key players of the Russian cosmetics market. The key players discussed in the report are L’Oréal, Oriflame Cosmetics, Kalina OAO, Nevskaya Kosmetika and Pharmacy Chain 36.6.

Information Sources
Information has been sourced from books, newspapers, trade journals, and white papers, industry portals, government agencies, trade associations, monitoring industry news and developments, and through access to more than 3000 paid databases.

Analysis Methods
The analysis methods include ratio analysis, historical trend analysis, linear regression analysis using software tools, judgmental forecasting, and cause and effect analysis.

For free sample of this report visit:
RNCOS, Shushmul Maheshwari, Tel: 91-11-4214-1229


The US Smart Grid Opportunity: Analysis and Market Forecasts

"The deployment of the US smart grid is expected to create a thriving market for smart grid enabling technologies, especially smart meters. During 2008-2009, GlobalData predicts a year-on-year growth of 24 percent for smart meter installations"

The advent of smart grid bodes well for the alternative energy generation industry. Inherent technical deficiencies have long prevented the assimilation of alternative energy generation systems into mainstream power production. Smart grid will remove such inefficiencies and enable a seamless introduction of these distributed generation sources into the power grid.

GlobalData’s brand new report, “The US Smart Grid Opportunity: Analysis and Market Forecasts” identifies the opportunities offered by the ongoing smart grid deployment in the US. The report identifies and discusses key industry dynamics such as growth drivers, barriers, policies etc. and has a brief technical overview section covering various smart grid components. The competitive scenario analysis section of the report provides competitive intelligence on key players in the US smart grid industry. The report also covers the US market for advanced batteries explaining its role in ensuring efficient functioning of the smart grid.

The report also provides extensive coverage of the investment scenario in the US smart grid industry. The report has devoted a section to present the outlook for the smart grid industry in the US.  For more information on this report click here.


Price Increases Forecast for Silver, Platinum and Palladium

Mitsui Global Precious Metals lifted its 2009 price forecasts for platinum, palladium and silver on hopes a stablisation of the economic downturn will help the demand outlook for the industrial precious metals.

It also raised its price view for gold, saying it is "medium term bullish, but short term wary" towards the yellow metal.

The company upped its platinum forecast for this year to $1,200 an ounce from a previous forecast of $1,052. It raised its 2009 palladium price view to $260 an ounce from $236 previously.

Mitsui said while demand for the metals from the automotive sector -- which account for around half of annual consumption of the two metals -- remains depressed, other factors could provide some support

"We continue to believe strong Chinese and Hong Kong demand, keen investor interest -- particularly if a U.S. exchange-traded fund becomes a reality -- and the adequate response from producers to take excess supply off the market will help to offset a very poor auto market situation," it said.

"This of course does not imply everything is rosy in platinum and palladium's world - not at all - but it does mean we are no longer negative on their outlook, and indeed are sitting on the mildly bullish fence."


Refiner Johnson Matthey also said in its widely anticipated Platinum Report released recently that it expects strong jewellery demand from China and increased investor interest to help offset falling automotive buying this year.

Mitsui hiked its price forecast for silver by 28 percent to a 2009 average of $13.10 an ounce from a prior view of $10.26. "Silver will continue to take strength from gold, but while our gold forecast is not screaming higher, we are however moving into a more optimistic place for industrial metals," it said.

The company also raised its price view for gold, which could benefit from fears over rising inflation in the future as a result of governments' measures to tackle global economic crisis. However, Mitsui said this factor was likely to take time to filter through. It said it expected gold prices to average $920 an ounce this year, up from a previous forecast of $906.


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