(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Alumina   1,469 1,755 1,833 1,901 r 1,882
Bauxite   4,166 4,361 4,585 r 5,191 5,446
Metal, primary, unalloyed metric tons 570,321 570,870 r 570,580 r 605,290 r 601,290
Gold, mine output, Au content kilograms 5,946 7,332 9,076 9,465 8,190
Iron and steel:  
Iron ore and concentrate, gross weight   14,051 17,350 16,902 16,684 r 17,954
Iron ore and concentrate, metal content   9,292 11,092 10,817 11,092 r 11,936
Metal, direct-reduced iron   5,071 6,401 5,903 r 6,824 r 6,645  
Ferroalloys:               [1]
Ferromanganese   10,694 15,655 12,715 -- r --
Ferronickel   -- 133 32,300 51,700 r 57,300
Silicomanganese   47,635 69,735 56,640 36,794 r 30,632
Ferrosilicon2    38,886 56,926 46,236 99,576 r 90,543  
Total   97,215   142,449   147,891   188,070 r 178,475
Steel, crude   3,261 3,835 3,814 4,164 r 3,930
Semimanufactures, hot-rolled   2,599 2,858 2,797 3,000 e 2,900 e
Lead, secondary, refinede metric tons 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Mine output, Ni content do. -- 2,540 13,600 18,600 r 20,700
Ferronickel, Ni content do. -- 40 9,700 15,500 r 17,200
Amphibolite   -- -- 14,230 18,610 r 3,520
Cement, hydraulic   8,500 8,600 8,700 e 7,000 7,000
Kaolin   12 -- -- -- --
Other   2,180 2,319 4,664 2,643 r 2,600 e
Gem carats 59,446 29,280 14,321 45,707 11,080
Industrial do. 35,698   80,317   27,826 r 61,060   23,710  
Total do. 95,144   109,597   42,147   106,767 34,790
Feldspar   125 130 142 147 149
Gypsum   42 25 5 -- r
Lime   400 3 400 3 400 e 400 e 400
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia   522 423 808 666 650 e
Phosphate rock:  
Gross weight   366 389 399 390 r 260
Content of P2O5   99 105 114 111 75
Pyrophyllitee   32 32 32 32 32
Salt, evaporatede metric tons 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000
Serpentinite, crushede   550 550 550 550 550
Stone, sand and gravel:  
Dolomite   -- 12 66 r 92 100 e
Granite   1,151 581 796 750 e 750 e
Limestone4   13,735 11,302 18,158 13,434 13,500 e
Sand and gravel   5,431 3,106 8,601 4,677 4,700 e
Silica sand4   295 422 627 690 700 e
Sulfur, petroleum byproduct   68 328 322 283 300
Carbon blacke   60 60 60 60 60
Coal, bituminous   6,593 7,910 7,685 8,097 7,034
Gas, natural:  
Gross million cubic meters 57,062 r 61,878 r 62,941 r 61,982 61,657
Marketed  do. 34,148[2] r 36,597 35,347 r 33,124   26,060  
Natural gas liquids:              
Natural gasoline thousand 42-gallon barrels 12,379 r 10,281 r 10,619 r 11,619 11,500 e
Liquid petroleum gas do. 56,629   53,649 r 54,360 r 57,206   55,000 e
Total do.   69,008 r 63,930 r 64,979 r 68,825   66,500 e
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Crude thousand 42-gallon barrels 1,116,705 1,151,436 1,115,075 1,105,793   964,695  
Refinery products:              
Liquefied petroleum gas do. 3,679 4,530 4,931 r 7,961 6,500 e
Gasoline, motor do. 71,887 73,460 74,128 r 68,565 55,000 e
Naphtha and other gasolines do. 70,405 66,350 63,601 r 79,461 64,000 e
Jet fuel do. 35,022 34,226 32,233 r 32,113 26,000 e
Kerosene do. 146 --  157 r --  125 e
Distillate fuel oil do. 121,465 116,176 110,642 r 114,584 92,000 e
Lubricants do. 2,033 1,880 1,814 r 1,723 1,350 e
Residual fuel oil do. 73,624 92,046 92,914 r 81,475 65,000 e
Asphalt do. 12,990 12,297 11,581 r 11,129 9,000 e
Petroleum coke do. 2,869 10,454 11,362 r 12,235 9,500 e
Parafins do. 157 193 150 153 125 e
For internal consumption do. 25,032 24,667 28,010 r 30,328 24,000 e
Unspecified do. 2,584 2,295 1,447 r 1,507 1,200 e
Gains and losses do. 2,807   -281   -3,409 r 15,783   16,200 e
Total6 do.   424,700   438,293   429,561 r 457,017   370,000 e
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through September 30, 2004.
2Production of 75% silicon-content ferrosilicon.
3Excludes production under contract with the Government.
4Reported figure.
5Includes condensate and bitumen for the production of Orimulsión.
6Excludes byproduct sulfur, which is reported in the industrial minerals portion of this table, but includes losses.

Ivette Torres:
Need totalk to ferroaloy specialist.  May need to revise series based on Ferroatlantica's 2002 report.
Ivette Torres:
Changed from OPEC to Venezuela's PODE 1999-2002.  Gross minus fleared and vented. 12/10/2004.