(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Major operating companies     Annual  
Commodity   and major equity owners   Location of main facilities capacity  
Alumina     Alcan Inc.   Burntisland, Scotland (closed) 100,000  
Primary     British Alcan Aluminium Ltd.   Fort William, Kinlochleven, and Lynemouth 175  
Do. Anglesy Aluminium Ltd. (Rio Tinto Corp., 51%, Holyhead, Wales 113
      and Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp., 49%)    
Secondary     Bernhard Metals plc   Derby 50  
Do.     Deeside Aluminium Ltd.   Clwyd, Wales 45  
Do.     Hydro Aluminium plc   Deeside 38  
Barite     Laporte Industries plc   Mines in Derbyshire 25  
Celestite     Bristol Minerals Co. Ltd. Yate, Avon 30  
Cement     Aberthaw and Bristol Channel Portland Cement   East Aberthaw and Rhoose, Glamorgan, Scotland 1,000  
      Co. Ltd.        
Do. Blue Circle Industries plc Plants at  Aberthaw, Cauldon, Dunbar, Hope, 7,300
          Masons, Northfleet, Plymstock, and Weardale  
Do. Castle Cement Ltd. (Heidelberg Cement AG, 100%) Plants at Ketton, Ribblesdale, Padeswood, 3,400
          and Pitstone    
Do. Rugby Group Plants at Barrington, Chinnor, Rochester, Rugby, 2,700
        and South Ferriby    
   Ball clay WBB Minerals (Silbelco Group) Various operations in northern and 500
          southern Devon    
   China clay (kaolin)   Imerys Group.   Mines and plants in Cornwall and Devon 3,000
Coal million metric   UK Coal plc 19 mines in various locations 30 1
Copper     IMI Refiners Ltd.   Refinery at Walsall, west Midlands 80  
Ferroalloys     Corus Group Teesside, Cleveland 80  
Do.     Murex Ltd.   Rainham, Essex 25  
Do.     London and Scandinavian Metallurgical Co. Ltd.   Rotherham, South Yorkshire 30  
Do.     Eastlink Ferroalloys Ltd.   Glossop 1  
Fluorspar     Durham Industrial Minerals Ltd.   Mines in Weardale 50
Do.     Laporte Industries plc Mill at Stoney Middleton, mines in Derbyshire 70  
Gypsum     British Gypsum Ltd.   Mines in Cumbria, Nottinghamshire, and Sussex 3,500  
Lead, refined     Britania Refined Metals Ltd. Northfleet, Kent 165
Lead, secondary     H.J. Enthoven and Son Ltd. [Billiton (U.K.)   Darley Dale, Derbyshire 60  
      Ltd., 100%]        
Lead, smelter     MIM Holdings (U.K) Ltd.   Avonmouth, Avon 55  
Natural gas Amoco Ltd., British Petroleum Ltd. Esso (U.K.) Ltd., North Sea gasfields 1,250 2
      Phillips Petroleum Co. plc, Shell (U.K.) Ltd.
Nickel, refined     INCO Europe Ltd. (INCO Ltd., Canada)   Clydach, Wales 30  
Nitrogen, N content Terra Nitrogen Ltd.   Billingham 550  
of ammonia              
Crude million 42-gallon Amoco Ltd., British Petroleum Ltd., Chevron Ltd., North Sea oilfields 2 3
barrels per day Esso (U.K.) Ltd., Occidental Petroleum Co. Ltd.,
      Shell (U.K.) Ltd., Texaco Ltd., Unocal, Inc.
Refined do. British Petroleum Ltd., Conoco Ltd., Mobil Oil Co. 11 refineries in various locations 2 3
      Ltd., and others
Platinum-group metals   Johnson Matthey plc   Refineries at Enfield (London) and Royston 20  
Potash     Cleveland Potash Ltd. (Israel Chemicals Ltd., 100%) Boulby Mine, Yorkshire 1,000
Road     do.   do. 500
Rock     British Salt Ltd.   Middlewich 800  
Do.     Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Co.   Mine at Carrick Fergus, Northern Ireland 300  
Sand and gravel     TMC Pioneer Aggregates Ltd.   Chelmsford, Essex 1,000  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2--Continued
(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Major operating companies     Annual  
Commodity   and major equity owners   Location of main facilities capacity  
Silica sand Hepworth Minerals and Chemicals Ltd.   Operations in Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, 6,000  
        Humberside, and Norfolk  
Slate, natural     Alfred McAlpine Slate Ltd.   Penrhyn quarry, Bethesda, Wales 25
Steel Corus Group plc 4 integrated steelworks in Gwent, Lanark, 18,000
        Humberside, and Cleveland  
Do.     ASW Holdings plc   Integrated steelworks at Cardiff, Wales 600
Stone, crushed     ARC Ltd. (Hanson plc, 100%)   50 quarries in various locations 50,000  
Do.     do.   Glensanda quarry at Oban, Scotland 15,000
Talc     Alex Sandison and Son Ltd.   Unst, Shetland Islands 15  
Do.     Shetland Talc Ltd. (Anglo European Minerals Ltd., Cunningsburg, Shetland Islands 35  
      50%, and Dalriada Mineral Ventures Ltd., 50%)      
Tin, ore Baseresult Ltd.   South Crofty Mine, Cornwall (closed 1,800  
          March 1998)    
Titanium, sponge   Deeside Titanium Ltd.   Plant at Deeside, Clyde 5  
Zinc, smelter     Britannia Zinc Ltd. (Xstrata plc, 100%)   Avonmouth, Avon (closed) 120  
1Million metric tons.
2Billion cubic feet per year.
3Million 42-gallon barrels per day.