(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars)
  2001 2002
Commodities TNEEA code of CIS1 Quantity Value2   Quantity Value2
Iron ores and concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites 2601 18,054 354,049   18,437 353,198
Coal       2701 3,730 110,849   3,092 97,828
Crude       2709 83 13,909   419 61,392
Products       2710 5,582 735,206   8,690 1,127,999
Ammonia, anhydrous or in aqueous solution 2814 1,738 215,464   1,549 159,570
Artificial corundum, aluminum oxide and hydroxide 2818 1,151 230,717   1,161 195,089
Mineral or chemical fertilizers:            
Nitrogenous       3102 1,862 357,119   1,946 398,022
Containing 2 or 3 of the fertilizing elements--nitrogen,          
phosphorous and potassium; other fertilizers 3105 43 6,952   14 2,335
Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs   7201 737 75,322   1,019 113,438
Ferroalloys       7202 860 352,735   951 452,520
Ferrous waste and scrap     7204 4,529 325,022   3,813 318,389
Semifinished products of carbon steel   7207 9,079 1,400,092   10,363 1,622,758
Flat-rolled products of carbon steel:            
Hot-rolled       7208 5,565 895,272   6,083 1,112,420
Cold-rolled       7209 1,127 240,416   1,174 264,181
Bars and rods of carbon steel, hot-rolled   7213 1,878 325,159   2,036 376,677
Angles, shapes, and sections of iron or nonalloy steel 7216 974 175,889   908 167,665
Tubes, pipes, and hollow profiles of ion or steel, seamless 7304 738 315,588   637 240,212
Unwrought aluminum     7801 273 353,254   212 280,795
1Trade Nomenclature of External Economic Activity (TNEEA) of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
2Conversion of statistical value to U.S. dollars is performed using official exchange rate of the national banks of the CIS countries on the day of Cargo Control
Document (CCD) receipt by the customs body and its execution.
Source:  External Trade of the CIS Countries, Statistical Abstract, Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Moscow, 2003.