(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999    2000    2001    2002    2003p  
Bauxite2   207,743   458,537   242,040   287,403   364,306  
Gross weight   159,122   155,448   145,993   152,869   162,174  
Metal, smeltere   62,000   61,000   61,730 3 63,000   63,000  
Ore, mine output:  
Gross weight   3,400   6,800   7,000   7,000   7,000  
Sb content   180   360   370   370   370  
Gross weight   500   1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000  
Sb content   100   200   200   200   200  
Cadmium   64   --    --    --    --   
Chromium, gross weight (34% to 43% chromic oxide)4   770,352   545,725   389,759   313,637   281,783  
Mine output, exclusive of pyrite:5            
Gross weight   4,297,170   4,473,711   3,467,306   2,942,721   2,620,896  
Cu content of ore   73,051   76,053   56,864   48,253   45,000  
Smelter output, primary and secondary   32,900 e 32,550   33,504   32,550   30,000  
Refinede   60,500   64,100   58,400   41,000   45,000  
Golde, 6 kilograms 1,200 500 2,000 2,400 r 2,350
Iron and steel:  
Iron ore:            
Gross weight thousand metric tons 4,846   4,076   3,932   4,500 e 4,000  
Fe contente do. 2,600 r 2,200   2,100   2,400   2,100  
Pig iron and ferroalloys:  
Ferrochromium   99,100   97,240   50,735   11,200   25,000  
Ferrosilicon   420   --    5,895   7,245   7,000  
Pig iron   314,670   300,000 e 247,598   157,622   181,080  
Steel, crude including castings thousand metric tons 14,309   14,325   14,382   16,046   17,644  
Mine output, Pb and Pb-Zn ores:  
Gross weight   284,504   345,391   388,795   375,592   379,250  
Pb content   14,225   17,270   17,923   17,352   17,500  
Gross weight   11,500   13,000   13,000   13,000   13,000  
Pb content   7,500   8,500   8,500   8,500   8,500  
Metal, refinede   4,000 4,000   4,000   4,000   6,000  
Manganese ore, gross weight7   29,000   23,300   20,000   20,000   18,000  
Silver, mine output, Ag content8 kilograms 100,000 e 110,000 e 987,656   662,000   794,998  
Mine output, Zn and Pb-Zn ore:  
Gross weight   4,630   861   816   800   800  
Zn content   545   39   37   35   34  
Gross weight   500   26   25   25   25  
Zn content   300   26   25   25   25  
Metal, smelter, primary   33,179   --    --    --    --   
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999    2000    2001    2002    2003p  
Aluminum sulfate, alunite   11,264   12,266   11,531   11,389   10,458  
Barite, run of mine   150,058   120,893   57,373   106,843   119,648  
Boron minerals:                      
Run of mine   2,554,404   2,398,220   2,357,592   2,214,064   2,207,092  
Concentrates   1,504,000   1,402,000   1,493,361   1,346,000   1,400,000  
Refined borates   387,000 435,000 420,000 e 436,000   436,000  
Cement, hydraulic thousand metric tons 34,258   35,825   30,125   32,576   35,077  
Bentonite   899,614   636,273   674,178   559,224   831,146  
Kaolin   449,954   595,415   574,550   372,344   370,455  
Othere   6,000,000   6,500,000   2,506,061 3 2,500,000   2,500,000  
Emery   14,535   16,830   13,629   15,418   15,402  
Feldspar, run of mine   1,369,655   1,147,716   1,510,293   1,766,387   1,862,310  
Fluorspar   4,812   4,113   4,093   5,344   5,000  
Glass, crude thousand metric tons 1,203   1,300 e 1,400 e 1,550 e 1,500  
Graphite, run of minee   15,000 15,000 15,000 1,393 r, 3 942 3
Gypsum, other than that for cement   242,960   302,552   328,656   264,038   196,668  
Lime9 thousand metric tons 975   914   855   1,310 r 1,305  
Magnesite, run of mine   1,724,744   2,672,089   1,450,031   3,044,440   3,224,278  
Meerschaume kilograms 400   500   400   300   200  
Nitrogen, N content of ammoniae   82,400   53,400   67,100   300,500 3 289,300 3
Perlite, run of mine   147,818   149,429   70,738   151,902   136,683  
Pumice   950,189   787,081   754,052   820,347   895,616  
Pyrites, cupreous, gross weight   896,519   561,565   662,872   952,094   1,103,872  
Silica sand, gross weight  thousand metric tons 1,211   1,485   1,207   1,274   1,283  
Sodium compounds:                         
Salt, NaCl, all types do. 2,146   2,126   1,771   2,197   2,243  
Soda ash, tronae do. 620   620   640   600   600  
Sodium sulfate, concentrates   438,069   456,590   300,000 e 562,660   556,575  
Dolomite   921,105   957,182   915,441   975,971   1,158,539  
Limestone, other than for cement thousand metric tons 28,045   30,295   40,572   30,261   28,609  
Marble cubic meters 739,240   647,160   460,834   557,630   544,629  
Quartzite   2,514,383   2,743,271   2,085,791   2,006,654   2,908,584  
Strontium minerals, celestite:      
Run of mine   100,000 e 40,000 e 110,000 e 116,278   116,000 3
Concentrates   60,540   24,150   63,635   70,000 e 70,000  
S content of pyrites   45,000 3 26,000 3 30,000 30,000 30,000
Petroleum   47,000   43,000   51,000 48,000 r, 3 48,000 3
Other   75,000   75,000   75,000   75,000   72,000  
Total   167,000   144,000   156,000 155,000 120,000
Talc   48,378   54,278   883   98   --   
Asphalt, naturale   150,000   150,000   150,000   118,235 3 217,759 3
Carbon black   26,379   35,144   35,000   35,000   6,754  
Hard coal, run of mine thousand metric tons 2,738   3,330   3,370   3,313   3,090  
Lignite, run of mine do. 66,706   61,315   58,173   49,627   43,749  
Coke and semicoke do. 2,811   2,090   1,890   2,080   2,543  
Gas, natural, marketed thousand cubic meters 718,806   611,822   600,000 e 268,000 e 275,947  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999    2000    2001    2002    2003p  
Crude thousand 42-gallon barrels 21,157   19,783   18,370   17,579   17,000  
Refinery products:  
Liquefied petroleum gas do. 8,071   7,409   8,019   8,580   8,000  
Gasoline do. 38,096   39,889   24,993   31,634   28,800  
Naphtha do. 16,106   15,717   16,656   11,947   11,000  
Jet fuel do. 11,883   11,009   9,496   9,368   13,000  
Kerosene do. 730   638   209   312   5,000  
Distillate fuel oil10 do. 69,551   70,333   58,901   59,281   54,000  
Lubricants do. 4,501   4,322   1,736   2,090   2,000  
Residual fuel oil do. 9,512   8,769   56,323   53,077   39,000  
Asphalt do. 7,635   7,764   6,661   7,548   8,500  
Unspecified11 do. 1,644   3,110   5,969   6,125   2,600  
Total do.   167,729   168,960   188,963   189,962   171,900  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  pPreliminary.  rRevised.  --  Zero.
1Table includes data available through September 30, 2004.  In addition to the commodities listed, large quantities of construction materials (clay,
sand, and gravel) are quarried.  Also mined are basalt, diabase, granite, onyx, sandstone, serpentine, slate, and travertine for building stone,
limestone and gypsum for cement manufacture, and molybdenum, olivine, titanium, tungsten, and zeolite, but information is inadequate to
estimate output.
2Data are for public sector production only.  Data for private sector production are not available, but production is believed to be approximately 
30,000 metric tons per year.
3Reported figure.
4Approximately 70% of gross production is salable product. 
5Copper mines produce a copper concentrate (of about 22% Cu) and a cupreous pyrite concentrate (of about 0.7% Cu).  Copper is not recovered from
the cupreous pyrite concentrate.
6Data includes estimated content of Turkish copper refinery tankhouse slimes.  Prior to 2001, all gold production was the byproduct of base-metals
7Does not include manganiferous iron ore from the Deveci Mine, production of which amounts to several hundred thousand tons per year and has
a manganese content of 3% to 5%.
8Includes estimated content of base-metals-refinery tankhouse slimes.
9Data are lime produced for steel production and do not include the widespread artisanal production of lime for whitewash and sanitation purposes.
10Diesel fuel (gasoil) and special heating oil.
11Includes refinery fuel and losses.