(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Country and commodity   1999   2000   2001e   2002e   2003e  
Bromine:   --  --  --  2 5,000 20,000
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons 2,687 2,640 3,173 r, 2 3,558 r, 2 3,515 2
Common clay   450,178 199,468 211,000 r 241,000 r 239,000
Kaolin   34,040 36,795 39,000 r 44,000 r 43,600
Zeolite tuff   13,086 9,797 10,300 r 11,800 r 11,700
Feldspar   1,000 11,112 611 r, 2 530 r, 2 530
Gypsum   244,920 157,868 86,012 r, 2 11,252 r, 2 11,200
Limee   4,100 4,100 4,300 r 4,900 r 4,900
Natural gas, gross million cubic meters 282 287 279 r, 2 256 r, 2 310 2
Crude 42-gallon barrels 14,600 e 14,600 2 14,600 2 14,600 2 14,600 2
Refinery products:  
Liquefied petroleum gas thousand 42-gallon barrels 1,505 1,684 1,606 r, 2 1,577 r, 2 1,600
Gasoline do. 4,685 4,957 5,465 r, 2 5,383 r, 2 5,500
Jet fuel do. 1,722 1,950 1,693 r, 2 1,650 r, 2 1,700
Kerosene do. 1,382 1,991 1,398 r, 2 1,608 r, 2 1,700
Distillate fuel oil do. 7,100 r 6,662 r 7,456 r, 2 8,139 r, 2 8,300
Residual fuel oil do. 7,341 r 8,929 r 8,564 r, 2 7,911 r, 2 8,100
Asphalt do. 830   688   821 r, 2 1,066 r, 2 1,100  
Total do. 24,565 r 26,861 r 27,003 r, 2 27,334 r, 2 28,000
Phosphate rock, mine output:  
Gross weight thousand tons 6,014 5,526 5,843 2 7,179 2 6,763 2
P2O5 content do. 1,924 1,824 1,928 2 2,340 2,230
P2O5 equivalent:  
Diammonium phosphate   313,000 197,000 256,000 r, 2 267,000 2 210,000 2
Phosphoric acid   587,000 r 543,000 482,000 r, 2 594,000 2 563,000 2
Crude salts thousand tons 1,800 1,936 1,963 2 1,956 2 1,961 2
K2O equivalent do. 1,080 1,162 r 1,180 r, 2 1,170 2 1,230 2
Potassium nitrate   --  --  --  2 5,000 r 60,000
Salt   279,135 311,189 329,000 r 375,000 r 372,000
Sand, silica   130,560 r 118,045 r 125,000 r 143,000 r 142,000 r
Crudee   30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Semimanufactured   300,000 270,000 290,000 r 290,000 r 290,000
Dimension, worked thousand meters 6,303 3,508 3,700 r 4,200 r 4,200
Gravel and crushed rock thousand cubic meters 12,180 10,381 11,000 r 12,600 r 12,500
Limestone do. 8,000 8,000 8,400 r 9,600 r 9,500
Marble cubic meters 10,250 21,575 22,800 r 26,000 r 25,800
Sulfuric acid:  
Gross weight thousand tons 1,804 1,761   1,653 r, 2 1,803 2 1,649 p
S content do. 590 576 540 r, 2 589 2 539 p
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons 2,714 2,808 2,890 r, 2 2,852 2 2,900
Gypsume   1,600 r  1,700 r  1,600 r 1,700 1,700
Iron and steel, metal, semimanufactures 55,000 80,000 80,000 40,000 --  2
Limee   14,000 r  14,000 r  14,000 r  14,000 14,000
P2O5 equivalent:  
Phosphatic fertilizers   30,000 15,000 20,000 r, 2 30,000 2 50,000
Phosphoric acid   100,000 122,000 135,000 r, 2 150,000 2 150,000
Salte     3,500   3,500   3,500   3,500   3,500  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Country and commodity   1999   2000   2001e   2002e   2003e  
Sulfuric acid:  
Gross weight   249,000 400,000 r  400,000 r, 2 480,000 2 465,000 p
S content   81,400 131,000 r  131,000 r, 2 157,000 2 152,000 p
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons 5,134 r 4,631 r  5,428 r, 2 5,450 r 5,450
Gas, natural:  
Gross million cubic meters 6,947 6,934 7,130 2 8,000 8,000
Dry do. 3,676 3,886 5,590 2 6,000 r 6,000 r
Gypsum   394,000 333,000 375,000 r 375,000 r 375,000
Natural gas liquids:  
Propane thousand 42-gallon barrels 500 511 525 r 760 760
Butane do. 1,630 1,666 1,710 r 2,480 2,480
Pentanes do. 43   44   45 r 65   65  
Total do. 2,173 r 2,221 r 2,280 r 3,300 3,300
N content of ammonia   111,800 91,100 138,400 2 142,800 2 161,100 2
N content of urea   73,400 56,600 97,700 2 88,500 2 90,700 2
Crude thousand 42-gallon barrels 210,000   199,843   189,180 r, 2 185,530 2 192,720 2
Refinery products:  
Liquefied petroleum gas do. 1,571 1,633 1,310 r, 2 1,430 r, 2 1,370 2
Gasoline do. 10,076 8,678 11,400 r, 2 12,500 r, 2 11,900 2
Naphtha do. 3,156 4,419 4,400 r 4,400 r 4,400
Jet fuel do. 2,218 1,457 1,500 r 1,500 r 1,500
Kerosene do. 742 742 750 r 800 r 750
Distillate fuel oil do. 31,704 33,176 31,000 r 33,000 r 32,000
Residual fuel oil do. 28,201 27,467 26,800 r, 2 28,900 r, 2 27,700 2
Asphalt do. 2,513 2,332 2,300 r 2,300 r 2,300
Other do. 826   826   800 r 800 r 800  
Total do. 81,007 80,730 80,300 r 85,600 r 82,700
Phosphate rock, mine output:  
Gross weight thousand tons 2,084 2,166 2,043 2 2,483 2 2,414 2
P2O5 content do. 635 646 613 2 745 725
P2O5 equivalent:  
Phosphatic fertilizers   66,000 r 113,000 r 69,000 r 123,000 2 91,000 2
Phosphoric acid   53,000 r 89,000 r 57,000 r 102,000 2 73,000 2
Salt   104,335 106,130 190,000 r, 2 146,000 r, 2 146,000
Crudee   70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000
Semimanufactured   85,000 60,000 60,000 300,000 450,000
Dolomite, refractory grade do. 2,856 4,912 5,000 5,000 5,000
Gravel and crushed rock do. 6,546 5,549 6,000 6,000 6,000
Marble blocks   456 377 347 2 340 2 340
Sand, construction thousand cubic meters 556 395 450 450 450
Sand, industrial thousand tons 869 813 850 r 850 r 850
Volcanic tuff do. 510 507 650 r 650 r 650
Byproduct of petroleum and natural gas 11,730 16,660 16,400 r 16,100 15,400
Sulfuric acid:  
Gross weight   193,000 318,000   239,000 2 344,000 2 250,000 p
S content     63,100   104,000   78,000 2 112,000 2 81,800 p
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits.  pPreliminary.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through February 3, 2005.
2Reported figure.