(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
        Major operating companies       Annual
Commodity   and major equity owners   Location of main facilities   capacity
Aluminum Granges AB (Glencore International AG, 100%) Sundsvall smelter at Kubikenborg 100
Cement     Cementa AB (Scancem, 100%)   Plants at Degerhamn, Skovde, and Slite    3,400
Ore, copper content Boliden Mineral AB Mines at Aitik, Garpenberg, Kankberg, 68
Kristineberg, Langdal, Petiknas, and
Do.     Outokumpu Oyj   Mines at Pahtohavare   22
Metal     Boliden Metals AB   Smelter and refinery at Ronnskar    240
Feldspar Berglings Malm & Mineral AB (Omya GmbH) Mines at Beckegruvan, Hojderna, and 50
Do.     Forshammar Mineral AB (Omya GmbH)   Mines at Limberget and Riddarhyttan   30
Do.     Larsbo Kalk AB (Omya GmbH)   Mines at Glanshamar and Larsbo   20
Ferroalloys     Vargon Alloys AB   Plant at Vargon    175
Ore, gold content kilograms International Gold Exploration AB (50%) and Bjorkdal Mine at Skellefte 3,000
        Dormant Properties AB (50%)        
         Do. do. Boliden Mineral AB Mines at Aitik, Akerberg, Kankberg, 2,000
Kristineberg, Langdal, Petiknas, and
Metal     do.   Smelter and refinery at Ronnskar   9
Graphite     Woxna Graphite AB (Tricorona Mineral AB, 100%) Mine and plant at Kringeltjarn, Woxna   20
Iron and steel     Svenskt Stal AB (Government, 48%)   Steelworks at Borlange, Lulea, and Oxelosund 3,900
Iron ore     Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (Government, 98%) Mines at Kiruna and Malmberget   32,500
Kyanite     Svenska Kyanite AB (Svenska Mineral AB, 100%) Quarry at Halskoberg    10
Ore, lead content Boliden Mineral AB Mines at Garpenberg, Laisvall, Langdal,
Petiknas, and Renstrom 110
          Do.     North Mining Svenska AB   Zinkgruvan Mine at Ammeberg   20
Metal     Boliden Metals AB   Smelter and refinery at Ronnskar   115
Lime     Euroc Mineral AB   Plants at Limham, Koping, and Storugns    250
Do.     Svenska Mineral AB   Plants at Rattvik and Boda    250
Limestone     Kalproduction Storugns AB (Nordkalk AB, 100%) Mines at Gotland Island   3,000
Marble cubic meters   Borghamnsten AB   Quarry at Askersund   15,000
Petroleum, refined       barrels per day   Skandinaviska Raffinaderi AB   Refinery at Lysekil    210,000
Do.     BP Raffinaderi AB   Refinery at Gothenburg    100,000
Do.     Shell Raffinaderi AB   do.    82,000
Do. AB Nynas Petroleum Refineries at Gothenburg, Malmo, and  54,000
Silver, metal                                 kilograms   Boliden Metals AB   Smelter and refinery at Ronnskar   408,000
Do. do.   North Mining Svenska AB   Zinkgruvan Mine at Ammeberg   25,000
Zinc, ore, zinc content Boliden Mineral AB Mines at Garpenberg, Laisvall, Langdal, 112
and Renstrom
Do.     Zinkgruven Mining AB (North Ltd., 100%)   Zinkgruvan Mine at Ammeberg   60