(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity3     1999   2000   2001   2002   2003
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons 976   1,008 1,108 1,018 1,164
    Ball clay   26,678   27,525 24,846 28,431 33,405
    Kaolin   12,573   12,230 9,403 8,613 9,073
    Brick and tile claye   8,100 8,100 8,000 8,000 8,000
    Clays for cement manufacturee   750 800 850 850 900
Feldspar, crude and ground   26,012   28,638 27,438 28,866 32,586
Gemstones, precious and semiprecious,  
other than diamond: value, thousands $33,217 $71,774 $57,530 $54,604 $96,797
Cats eye carats 48,384 48,000 NA 36,891 r 45,228
Ruby do. 11,300 15,800 NA 23,000 r 12,934
Star ruby do. 11,600 5,400 NA NA NA
Sapphire do. 155,400 173,700 NA 344,900 r 773,547
Star sapphire do. 298,400 280,500 NA NA NA
Other do. 12,429,800 6,426,300 NA 4,110,400 r 1,828,400
Graphite, all grades   4,592   5,902 6,585 3,619 3,387
Iron and steel, metal, semimanufacturese   54,000   54,000 51,000 50,000 50,000
Mica, scrap   1,425   1,491   1,161   1,161   1,174
Petroleum refinery products:e  
Gasoline thousand 42-gallon barrels 1,950   2,000 2,000 2,100 2,100
Jet fuel do. 500   550 600 600 650
Kerosene do. 1,500   1,550 1,500 1,500 1,500
Distillate fuel oil do. 4,600   4,700 4,800 4,900 5,000
Residual fuel oil do. 5,300   5,300 5,200 5,200 5,200
Refinery fuel and losses do. 720   700 680 700 710
Other do. 1,900   1,950   2,000   2,000   2,050
Total do. 16,500   16,800 16,800 17,000 17,200
Phosphate rock, gross weight   31,990   34,443 35,440 38,775 41,357
Rare-earth metals, monazite concentrate,  
gross weighte     200 --   -- -- --
Salt   107,245   70,107 130,272 73,274 r 78,713
    Limestone thousand tons 683   682 819 848 991
    Quartz, massive   14,553   13,236 15,731 7,857 18,139
eEstimated.  rRevised.  NA Not available.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through September 16, 2004.
2Estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
3In addition to the commodities listed, crude construction materials, such as sand and gravel, and varieties of stone presumably are produced, but
available information is inadequate to make reliable estimates of output levels.