(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
Aluminae, 2     1,100,000   1,200,000   1,100,000   1,000,000   1,000,000  
Primary     363,900 365,700 376,400 380,100 389,100 3
Secondary     224,000   240,520   221,720   242,600   245,000 3
Total     587,900 606,220 598,120 622,700 634,100 3
Mine output, Cu content     1,738   23,312   9,748   1,248 r 643  
Primary     292,800 258,600 255,200 281,300 r 280,000
Secondary     25,000 e 31,300 e 24,700 16,700 r 20,000
Total     317,800   289,900   279,900   298,000   300,000  
Primary     250,756 258,000 235,100 271,500 r 208,000
Secondary     65,000 e 58,000 e 55,600   36,700 r 65,000  
Total     315,756 316,000 290,700 308,200 r 273,000
Germanium oxide, Ge contente  kilograms 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000
Gold, mine output, Au content  do. 5,018 4,310 3,720 5,158 r 5,362 3
Iron and steel, metal:    
Pig iron    thousand tons 4,146 4,059 4,094 3,978 4,000
Ferroalloys, electric furnace    do. 179 180 180 e 175 e 175
Of which ferrochromium, crushede   1,000 950 3 -- -- --
Crude    thousand tons 14,886 15,844 15,834 16,358 16,129 3
Hot rolled    do. 13,846 14,599 14,931 15,000 e 14,000
Mine output, Pb content     41,800 40,300 36,000 6,171 r 1,765 3
Metal, secondarye     96,000 120,000 121,600 3 116,000 r 99,100 3
Mercury, mine output, Hg content   433 r 237 r 524 r 727 r 500
Silver, mine output, Ag content  kilograms 117,735 r 114,537 r 54,836 r 3,409 r 2,246 3
Tin, mine output, Sn contente   2,000 1,091 r 425 r 267 r 247 3
Titanium dioxidee     16,000 -- -- -- --
Uranium, mine output, U3O8 content   362 347 r 416 r 372 r 300
Mine output, Zn content     154,062 200,021 164,900 69,926 r 44,660 3
Metal, primary and secondary   393,000 387,100 436,800 r 460,000 r, e 479,700 3
Barite, BaSO4     35,000 r 28,796 r 50,640 r 52,494 r 50,000
Brominee     100 -- -- -- --
Calcium cabonatee     1,950 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,100
Cement, hydraulic, other than natural  thousand tons 35,830 38,154 40,512 42,417 r 44,000
Attapulgite     130,000 e 28,307 24,477 22,918 r 18,975 3
Bentonite     190,000 e 90,152 90,000 e 123,457 r 103,174 3
Kaolin, washed     320,000 353,355 400,000 e 419,483 r 450,000
Othere    thousand tons 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Diatomite and tripoli     51,897 r 64,616 r 66,433 r 53,558 r 52,700
Feldspar     430,000 r 492,028 r 514,285 r 538,407 r 600,000  
Fluorspar, CaF2 content:    
Acid-grade     133,000 132,690 126,535 131,155 r 129,195 3
Metallurgical-grade     9,000   7,776   7,504   10,279 r 10,503 3
Total     142,000 140,466 134,039 141,434 r 139,698 3
Gypsum and anhydrite, crude    thousand tons   9,450   9,929   11,901 r 11,218 r 12,000  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
Kyanite, andalusite, related materialse   2,500 -- -- -- --
Lime, hydrated and quicklimee  thousand tons 1,500 1,700 r 1,700 r 1,800 r 1,800
Magnesite, calcined     211,000 160,000 156,000 150,000 e 150,000
Mica     2,500 e 10,086 10,000 e 11,786 r 11,800
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia  thousand tons 437 442 436 415 432 3
Pigment, mineral:    
Ocher     67,000 r, e 87,000 126,000 r 140,000 r 174,153 3
Red iron oxidee     15,000 10,000 r 5,000 r 4,500 r 5,404 3
Potash, K2O equivalent     549,000 646,294 569,127 481,329 r 594,355 3
Pumice     600,000 e 761,540 857,223 r 701,528 r 711,898 3
Pyrite, including cuprous, gross weight  thousand tons 733 205 152 100 e --
Rock, including byproduct from potash works  do. 2,200 2,328 2,200 r 2,560 r, e 2,563 3
Marine and other    do. 1,400 1,541 1,500 r 1,334 r 1,400
Sand and gravel, silica sand4    do. 65,000 e 86,321 95,000 e 95,768 r 105,000
Sepiolite, meerschaum     800,000 794,114 896,983 733,134 r 690,395 3
Sodium compounds, n.e.s.:e    
Soda ash, manufactured    thousand tons 500 500 500 500 500
Sulfate, natural:    
Glauberite, Na2SO4 content     675,000 669,256 3 705,000 754,945 r, 3 815,560 3
Thenardite, Na2SO4 content     200,000 3 167,800 3 168,000 160,000 200,000
Manufactured     125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000
Chalke    thousand tons 136 889 3 980 876 r 920
Dolomite    do. 9,080 e 8,752 9,628 11,537 r 12,000
Limestonee    do. 220,000 r 240,000 r 250,000 r 236,411 r, 3 248,000
Marble, ornamental    do. 3,850 e 3,687 3,941 r 5,230 r 5,000
Marl    do. 10,030 e 9,966 10,495 10,000 e 10,000
Basalt    do. 1,000 e 3,044 3,348 3,400 e 3,400
Granite, ornamentale    do. 1,750 1,188 3 1,200 1,200 1,412 3
Ophite    do. 2,000 e 2,579 2,840 2,800 e 2,800
Phonolite    do. 650 e 1,479 1,630 1,761 r 2,000
Porphyry    do. 1,000 e 2,159 2,483 1,971 r 2,100
Quartz    do. 1,720 e 1,961 2,150 2,000 e 2,000
Quartzite    do. 2,200 e 2,131 2,150 2,784 r 2,900
Sandstone    do. 2,500 e 2,318 2,430 2,246 r 2,400
Other    do. 1,000 e 794 897 900 e 900
Slatee    do. 600 751 3 790 800 837 3
Othere    do. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Strontium minerals, Sr2O4 content   128,000   148,352   143,320   171,293 r 152,383 3
S content of pyrites    thousand tons 388 94 90 r -- e --
Metallurgy    do. 455 454 461 544 500
Petroleum    do. 110 115 135 140 150
Coal (lignite) gasification    do. 1   1   1   1   1  
Total    do. 954 664 687 r 685 651
Talc and steatite     111,000   114,654   115,000 e 115,000 e 115,000  
Coal, marketable:    
Anthracite    thousand tons 5,436 4,651 4,694 4,393 r 3,863 3
Bituminous    do. 6,828 6,173 5,797 5,383 r 5,531 3
Lignite, black and brown    do. 12,535   12,153   12,193   8,762 r 7,981 3
Total    do. 24,799 22,977 22,684 18,538 r 17,375 3
Coke, metallurgical    do.   2,332   2,470   2,400 e 2,628 r 2,500  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
Gas, natural, marketed    thousand cubic meters 112,000 r 179,293 r 556,650 r 553,156 r 550,000
Peate     50,000 50,000 50,000 55,302 r, 3 55,000
Crude    thousand 42-gallon barrels 2,295   1,648   2,505   2,427 r 2,404 3
Refinery products:e    
Liquefied petroleum gas    do. 36,000 r 36,000 r 36,000 r 35,164 r, 3 33,234 3
Naphtha    do. 25,000 25,000 25,000 26,069 r, 3 25,000
Gasoline, motor    do. 85,000 85,000 85,000 74,035 r, 3 85,000
Jet fuel    do. 30,000 r 30,000 r 30,000 r 28,944 r, 3 24,456 3
Kerosene    do. 16,000 r 16,000 r 16,000 r 15,965 r, 3 15,942 3
Distillate fuel oil    do. 150,000 150,000 150,000 149,759 r, 3 111,676 3
Residual fuel oil    do. 85,000 85,000 85,000 68,085 r, 3 60,353 3
Other    do. 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000
Refinery fuel and losses    do. 10,000   10,000   10,000   10,000   10,000  
Total    do.   475,000 r 475,000 r 475,000 r 446,000 r 404,000  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to total shown.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through September 2004.
2Reflects aluminum hydrate.
3Reported figure.
4Includes sand obtained as a byproduct of feldspar and kaolin production.
*Revised on October 20, 2005.