(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Alumina     100,000 e 109,813   110,078   111,618 r 132,089  
Aluminum ingot, primary     127,000   136,753   133,672   146,958   165,290  
Mine output, concentrate, Cu content     --   11   6   2   2  
Metal, refined, primary and secondarye     1,432 2 -- r 8,000 r 8,100 r 5,800 2
Gallium metale kilograms   500   500   500   500   500  
Gold metal do.   363   306   157   53 r 50  
Iron and steel:                        
Iron ore:  
Gross weight, Fe content (av. 34%) thousand tons   891   909   888 r 1300 r 1,324  
Fe content do.   255 r 255 r 238 r 175 r 200  
Concentrate, gross weight do.   465   477   435   326   400  
Pig iron do.   2,987   3,166   3,255   3,533 r 3,500 e
Ferroalloys, total electric furnacee, 3 do.   95   95   95   95   95  
Ferrochromium     6,986   17,702   5,968 r 5,695 r 1,924  
Ferrosilicone     70,000 2 50,000   50,000   50,000   50,000  
Steel, crude thousand tons   3,569   3,733   3,989   4,275 r 4,549  
Semimanufacturese do.   3,500   3,500   3,500   3,500   3,500  
INDUSTRIAL MINERALS                      
Barite concentrate     15,900   13,700   14,450   25,820   10,000  
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons   4,718   3,045   3,123   3,141   3,147  
Bentonite     64,390   66,528   82,915   66,128   74,938  
Kaolin     22,930   32,000   34,700   33,000 r 35,000  
Refractory     3,000   2,000   3,000   3,000 e 3,000  
Ceramic     47,000   61,000   59,000   55,000   50,000  
Diamond, synthetice carats   5,000   5,000   --   --   -- 2
Dolomite thousand tons   1,505   1,176   1,471   1,357   1,250  
Gypsum and anhydrite, crude     117,000   124,000   169,000   121,700   125,000  
Lime, hydrated and quicklime thousand tons   759   754   816   911   847  
Magnesite, concentrate     918,000   1,001,000 r 961,000   930,000   397,259  
Nitrogen, N content of ammoniae     250,000   215,000   209,000   326,000   230,200  
Perlite     19,460   17,020   14,910   18,630   19,000  
Salt     119,000   121,700   123,000   97,400   95,000  
Sand and gravel thousand cubic meters   1,469   1,271   1,272 r 1,399 r 1,300  
Limestone and other calcareous stones for cement thousand tons   7,000   6,700   3,596   3,694   3,453  
Crushed stone thousand cubic meters   2,844   2,868   4,602   4,715   5,075  
Talc     1,900   1,800   2,600   2,290   1,000  
Zeolite     14,000   15,000   23,000 r         28,000 r 25,000  
Coal, brown and lignite thousand tons   3,745   3,589   3,424   3,401 r 3,077  
Metallurgical  do.   1,515 2 1,500   1,500   1,500   1,500  
Unspecified do.   200   200   200   200   200  
Natural gas million cubic meters   235   202   212   212   212  
As reported thousand tons   59   60   54   53 r 48  
Convertede thousand 42-gallon barrels   450   450   400   400   350  
Refinery productse do.   40,000   40,000   40,000   40,000   40,000  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through September 2004.  In addition to the commodities listed, arsenic, diatomite, feldspar, illite, sodium compounds, sulfur,
sulfuric acid, and talc are produced, but information is inadequate to make reliable estimates of output levels.
2Reported figure.
3May include some FeCrSi and FeNi, if any was produced.