(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001            2002e              2003e    
Ferroalloys e   83,000 83,000 78,000   75,000   75,000  
Iron and steel:                                     
Direct-reduced iron thousand tons 2,343   3,090   2,880   3,290   3,290  
Steel, crude do. 2,610   2,973   3,413   3,570 r 3,944 3
Ore, mine output:  
Gross weighte   1,680,000   1,700,000   2,000,000   2,000,000   2,000,000  
Copper content of concentrate and bullione   821 3 900   800   800   800  
Gold content of concentrate and bullion kilograms 4,570   3,800 e 5,000 e 4,192 r, 3 8,769 3
Lead content of concentratee   50 50   60 60 60
Silver content of concentrate and bullione kilograms 10,470 3 9,300   15,000   14,000   13,000  
Zinc content of concentratee   3,161 3 3,000   3,300   3,000   3,000  
Barite e   7,000 8,000 9,000 9,000 9,000
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons 16,313   18,107   20,608   22,000   23,000  
Fertilizer, phosphatic, P2O5 contente do. 145 3 147   150   150 150
Gypsum, crudee   380,000 3 400,000 450,000 450,000 450,000
Limee   340,000 3 350,000   350,000 350,000 350,000
N content of ammonia thousand tons 1,402   1,743   1,774   1,737 3 1,743 3
N content of urea do. 1,002   1,214   1,260   1,200   1,200  
Pozzolane   140,000   150,000   150,000   150,000   160,000  
Salte   200,000 3 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Sand and gravele thousand tons 120,000   120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000
Scoriae do. 2,000 3 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Sulfur, byproduct, hydrocarbon processing   1,939,758   2,101,391   2,350,000 e 2,360,000 r 2,400,000  
Gas, natural:            
Grosse million cubic meters 89,000   96,000   91,500   97,000   100,000  
Dry do. 49,555   54,623   58,163   62,014 3 65,000  
Natural gas liquids:e      
Propane thousand 42-gallon barrels 153,000   163,000 166,000   179,000 180,000
Butane do. 66,200   69,000 72,000   78,000 80,000
Natural gasoline and other do. 50,000   53,000   54,000   60,000 r 60,000  
Total do. 269,134 3 285,008 3 292,385 3 316,938 3 320,000  
Crude oil million 42-gallon barrels 2,761   2,962   2,879   2,589 3 3,583 3
Refinery products:      
Liquefied petroleum gases thousand 42-gallon barrels 12,533   9,634   13,230   10,300 r 13,000
Gasoline and naptha do. 148,853   155,556   152,230   153,000 r 155,000  
Jet fuel and kerosene do. 60,638   66,920   60,050   59,700 r 60,000  
Distillate fuel oil do. 188,848   198,176   193,770   193,000 r 200,000  
Residual fuel oil do. 164,032   163,941   169,530   158,000 r 170,000  
Unspecified4 do. 6,625   8,083   8,650   9,180 r 9,000  
Total do.   581,529   602,310   597,460   583,000 r 607,000  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  rRevised.
1Table includes data available through July 2004.
2In addition to commodities listed, the following were produced:  basalt, carbon black, clays, granite, limestone, marble, methanol, and silica sand; available
information is inadequate to estimate output.
3Reported figure.
4Includes asphalt.