(Metric tons)
  Exports Imports
Commodity   HTS1 2001 2002   2001 2002
Alkali metals:         28051
Sodium         280511 -- --   2,799 1,205
Other than sodium2       280519 -- 1   104 59
Alkaline-earth metals:       28052          
Calcium         280521 -- --   3,633 --
Strontium and barium       280522 -- --   -- --
Ores and concentrates       2606 324,761 358,620   5,779 881
Oxide except artificial corundum2       281820 3,641,811 3,635,717   890 1,414
Hydroxide         281830 20,263 2,233   3,726 2,932
Ash and residue containing mainly aluminum2     262040 90 --   29,091 22,653
Metal including alloys:       760          
Waste and scrap         7602 181 311   4,789 1,528
Unwrought         7601 68,191 32,591   3,074,409 2,782,014
Powders and flakes       7603 2 9   10,517 10,180
Bars, rods, profiles       7604 10,092 10,335   78,936 68,800
Wire         7605 10,305 1,690   203,275 142,213
Plates, sheets, strip more than 0.2 mm (0.0079 in) thick   7606 22,942 40,433   99,937 141,000
Foil         7607 23,625 18,510   24,359 26,523
Tubes and pipes         7608 698 858   5,514 8,069
Tube and pipe fittings (including couplings, elbows, sleeves)   7609 6,406 34   19 28
Ores and concentrates       261710 -- 21   398 8,671
Oxides         282580 856 399   172 90
Antimony and articles thereof, including waste and scrap   8110 1,318 368   662 1,233
Mineral substances2       253090 17,368 7,211   70,371 99,209
Inorganic acids2         281119 59 103   146 273
Inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals2     281129 148 102   147 81
Arsenic         280480 25 30   -- --
Ores and concentrates2       in 261790 550 1,131   413 2,015
Metal including alloys:                
Unwrought; waste and scrap; powders     811211 NA NA   NA NA
Unwrought beryllium; beryllium powders2     811212 NA NA   NA NA
Beryllium waste and scrap       811213 NA NA   NA NA
Beryllium and articles thereof2       811219 -- --   -- --
Ores and concentrates2       in 261790 550 1,152   413 2,015
Bismuth and articles thereof, including waste and scrap   8106 40 15   -- 22
Cadmium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap   8107 (3) (3)   621 2,228
Ores and concentrates       2610 600,337 589,584   20 22
Oxides and hydroxides       2819 8,333 7,179   8,922 5,944
Metal including alloys:                
Chromium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap   811220 527 --   4,847 --
Unwrought chromium; powders       811221 -- 694   -- 7,026
Chromium waste and scrap       811222 NA NA   NA NA
Chromium and articles thereof2       811229 -- 67   -- 448
Ores and concentrates       2605 80 15   110 --
Oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides     2822 86 108   514 796
Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy;            
cobalt and articles thereof, including waste and scrap   8105 179 105   8,351 4,935
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 26--Continued
(Metric tons)
  Exports Imports
Commodity   HTS1 2001 2002   2001 2002
Columbium (niobium), gallium, hafnium, indium, rhenium, tantalum,
thallium, vanadium:    
Columbium (niobium), tantalum, vanadium ores and concentrates   261590 -- 2   159 35
Vanadium oxides and hydroxides       282530 1,964 814   7,167 7,384
Ash and residues containing vanadium2     262050 NA NA   NA NA
Vanadium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap   811240 29 76   37 37
Tantalum and articles thereof, including waste and scrap   8103 6 10   15 2
Metal including alloys--columbium (niobium), gallium, hafnium, indium,
rhenium, thallium:    
Unwrought, waste and scrap, and powders     811291 -- 1   16 1
And articles of these metals including waste and scrap   811292 -- 1   -- 13
And articles thereof2       811299 1 4   1 1
Ores and concentrates       2603 164,824 143,309   8,854 12,191
Mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper)     7401 10,105 2,155   NA NA
Oxides and hydroxides       282550 63 60   -- 1
Sulfate         283325 38 76   30,043 31,610
Ash and residue containing mainly copper2     262030 -- --   2,183 4,518
Metal including alloys:                
Waste and scrap         7404 326 18   9,201 5,300
Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining   7402 5 3   NA NA
Refined copper and copper alloys (other than master alloys of heading          
7405), unwrought       7403 3,292 557   597,565 518,028
Master alloys         7405 52 45   26 38
Powders and flakes       7406 17 10   5,554 7,190
Bars, rods, profiles       7407 3,967 1,792   3,281 3,006
Copper wire         7408 4,573 3,428   40,949 107,059
Plates, sheets and strip, more than 0.15 mm (0.006 in) thick   7409 3,420 3,988   7,707 5,467
Foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper or other backing            
materials), not more than 0.15 mm (0.006 in) thick (excluding any
backing)         7410 1,506 1,709   NA NA
Tubes and pipes         7411 3,145 4,541   5,477 8,003
Tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves)   7412 3,733 6,311   37 163
Germanium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap   811230 1 --   2 2
Gold and platinum-group metals:            
Precious metal ores and concentrates, other than silver   261690 3,025 10,242   -- --
Waste and scrap of gold, including metal clad with gold but excluding
sweepings containing other precious metals     711210 NA NA   NA NA
Gold, including gold plated with platinum, unwrought or in semimanu-
factured forms, or in powder form       7108 NA NA   NA NA
Platinum-group metals:    
Waste and scrap of platinum, including metal clad with platinum but
excluding sweepings containing other precious metals   711220 NA NA   NA NA
Unwrought or in powder form       711011 NA NA   NA NA
Metal, semimanufactured       711019 NA NA   NA NA
Unwrought or in powder form       711021 NA NA   NA NA
Metal, semimanufactured       711029 NA NA   NA NA
Unwrought or in powder form       711031 NA NA   NA NA
Metal, semimanufactured       711039 NA NA   NA NA
Iridium, osmium, ruthenium:    
Unwrought or in powder form       711041 NA NA   NA NA
Metal, semimanufactured       711049 NA NA   NA NA
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 26--Continued
(Metric tons)
  Exports Imports
Commodity   HTS1 2001 2002   2001 2002
Iron and steel:      
Ores and concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites   2601 NA NA   NA NA
Ore concentrates (other than roasted iron pyrites) and nonagglomerated
iron ores         260111 3,964,796 4,026,682   13,245,230 5,332,167
Agglomerated iron ores       260112 4,834,242 5,249,443   10,326,636 7,657,257
Roasted iron pyrites       260120 NA NA   NA NA
Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel   7204 111,320 106,048   6,066,298 5,758,005
Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms   7201 214 1,023   5,867,876 4,086,747
Spongy ferrous products from direct reduction of ore and products in lumps,
pellets, etc.; iron, at least 99.94% (Wt) pure, in lumps, pellets, etc.   7203 (3) (3)   1,003,338 1,204,571
Granules and powders of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel   7205 13,181 7,587   2,409 2,453
Ferroalloys:2         720299 6,198 4,877   1,380 3,163
Containing more than 4% (Wt) carbon     720241 7,520 8,157   14,645 2,169
Containing 4% (Wt) or less carbon     720249 758 2,966   99,602 111,288
Containing more than 2% (Wt) carbon     720211 113,738 90,222   1,926 683
Containing 2% (Wt) or less carbon     720219 24,872 19,244   817 96
Ferromolybdenum       720270 3,066 2,473   28 66
Ferronickel         720260 135 --   2,469 4,153
Ferrosilicon chromium       720250 NA NA   -- 1,840
Ferrosilicon manganese       720230 187,094 221,897   9,195 19,900
Containing more than 55% (Wt) carbon     720221 10,678 8,768   206,936 201,792
Containing 55% (Wt) or less carbon     720229 13,112 6,137   4,957 15,200
Silicon metal containing by weight less than 99.99% of silicon   280469 10,289 10,253   52,462 48,633
Iron and nonalloy steel in ingots or other primary forms, excluding iron          
of heading 7203         7206 46 59   138,942 35,658
Semi finished products of iron or nonalloy steel     7207 5,113 5,213   NA NA
Stainless steel in ingots, other primary forms and semi finished products 7218 1,802 1,844   941 4,241
Alloy steel (other than stainless) in ingots, other primary forms and            
semi finished products       7224 7,433 1,458   560,353 317,673
Flat-rolled iron or nonalloy steel products, 600 mm (23.6 in) or more          
Hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated     7208 567,266 341,443   5,331,017 6,867,159
Cold-rolled, not clad, plated or coated     7209 160,448 118,179   19,020,314 2,312,281
Clad, plated or coated       7210 447,607 345,327   360,991 426,799
Flat-rolled iron or nonalloy steel products, less than 600 mm (23.6 in)          
Not clad, plated or coated       7211 15,884 11,530   310,875 504,459
Clad, plated or coated       7212 14,599 22,455   11,183 20,342
Bars and rods of iron or nonalloy steel:              
Hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils     7213 55,278 26,176   1,015,276 1,084,718
Nesoi, not further worked than forged, hot-rolled, hot-drawn, etc., but          
including those twisted after rolling     7214 129,064 75,265   970,805 805,698
Bars and rods of iron or nonalloy steel2     7215 4,405 2,620   165,989 263,797
Angles, shapes, sections of iron or nonalloy steel     7216 352,099 232,590   864,248 860,506
Wire of iron or nonalloy steel       7217 15,169 18,264   155,089 179,960
Flat-rolled stainless steel products:                
600 mm (23.6 in) or more wide       7219 42,236 36,795   2,968 7,633
Less than 600 mm (23.6 in) wide       7220 3,146 3,069   667 172
Bars and rods of stainless steel:                
Hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils     7221 731 212   6 1
Angles, shapes, sections of stainless steel     7222 24,878 15,696   3,066 2,250
Wire of stainless steel       7223 1,120 1,492   647 320
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 26--Continued
(Metric tons)
  Exports Imports
Commodity   HTS1 2001 2002   2001 2002
Iron and steel--Continued:    
Flat-rolled alloy steel (other than stainless) products:
600 mm (23.6 in) or more wide       7225 168,552 154,962   403,751 717,825
Less than 600 mm (23.6 in) wide       7226 1,506 845   502,531 156,387
Bars and rods of alloy steel (other than stainless):              
Hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils     7227 14,752 5,440   56,052 50,901
Angles, shapes, sections of stainless steel     7228 77,725 33,847   471,953 376,552
Wire of alloy steel (other than stainless)     7229 7,760 6,662   550 665
Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched, or made from
assembled elements; welded angles, shapes, and sections of iron or steel 7301 20,808 22,428   1,631 327
Railway or tramway construction material of iron or steel   7302 16,822 7,844   527,389 471,146
Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles:    
Of cast iron         7303 1,090 1,895   4,618 14,318
Seamless iron (other than cast) or steel     7304 498,223 257,650   466,152 479,485
Open seamed or welded, riveted or similarly closed, of iron or steel2   7306 87,260 52,513   183,002 217,176
Tubes and pipes (welded, etc.), having internal and external cross sections
with an external diameter of more than 406.4 mm (16 in), of iron or
steel2         7305 331,486 310,077   143,123 122,379
Tube or pipe fittings, including couplings, elbows, sleeves, of iron or steel 7307 7,699 6,912   12,729 12,030
Ores and concentrates       2607 56 --   17,855 29,643
Oxides; red lead and orange       282530 5,132 6,100   18 10
Ash and residues containing lead2       262029 NA NA   36,326 45,741
Metal, including alloys:                
Waste and scrap         7802 1 --   787 --
Unwrought         7801 44,089 47,255   8,231 4,591
Bars, rods, profiles, wire       7803 93 571   264 80
Plates, sheets, strip, foil; lead powders and flakes     7804 195 175   NA NA
Tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings     7805 109 6   26 14
Mineral substances2       253090 17,368 7,211   70,371 99,209
Oxides and hydroxides       282520 781 1,660   1,402 1,184
Magnesium metal, including alloys:              
Waste and scrap:       810420 -- --   415 257
Containing 99.8% or more magnesium by weight, unwrought   810411 1,376 2,109   23,182 25,680
Containing under 99.8% magnesium by weight, unwrought         810419 22 676   8,183 10,349
Raspings, turnings, granules, graded according to size; magnesium powders   810430 34 5   2,081 2,411
Magnesium and articles thereof2       810490 -- --   79 91
Ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and
concentrates with a manganese content of 20% or more, based on dry
weight         2602 481,452 511,571   200 (3)
Manganese and articles thereof, including waste and scrap   8111 9,538 12,970   1 37
Ores and concentrates:    
Roasted         261310 -- 2   -- 10
Not roasted         261390 2,134 2,248   9,172 10,490
Oxides and hydroxides       282570 47 249   -- --
Metal, including alloys:    
Unwrought, including bars and rods:      
Obtained simply by sintering; waste and scrap         810291 143 --   -- --
Obtained simply by sintering         810294 -- 142   -- 5
Powders         810210 151 18   363 147
Bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering; molybdenum 810292;
profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil     810295 4 4   12 9
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 26--Continued
(Metric tons)
  Exports Imports
Commodity   HTS1 2001 2002   2001 2002
Metal, including alloys--Continued:  
Wire         810296 19 19   4 3
Waste and scrap         810297 NA NA   NA NA
Molybdenum and articles thereof2       810299 1 6   4 6
Ores and concentrates       2604 30,421 12,268   NA NA
Mattes, oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy 7501 -- --   -- 18,097
Oxides and hydroxides       282540 14 36   52 88
Metal, including alloys:                
Waste and scrap         7503 3,677 462   35 106
Unwrought         7502 3,781 233   189,690 274,830
Powders and flakes       7504 55 71   2,093 2,555
Bars, rods, profiles, wire       7505 341 76   291 277
Plates, sheets, strip, foil       7506 1,687 1,887   85 754
Tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows,          
sleeves)         7507 40 72   NA NA
Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or
interalloyed         280530 17 71   -- --
Selenium         280490 19 --   468 172
Silicon containing not less than 99.99% of silicon by weight   280461 432 317   126 180
Ores and concentrates       261610 NA NA   NA NA
Silver (including silver plated with platinum), unwrought or in semimanu-
factured forms, or in powder form       7106 NA NA   NA NA
Waste and scrap of silver, including metal clad with silver but excluding
sweepings containing other precious metals     711291 NA NA   NA NA
Waste and scrap of precious metal2     711299 NA NA   NA NA
Tellurium         28045090 5 2   18 9
Ores and concentrates       2609 797 753   667 (3)
Metal, including alloys:                
Waste and scrap         8002 -- --   -- --
Unwrought         8001 2,106 1,227   1,736 1,786
Bars, rods, profiles, wire       8003 22 33   56 303
Plates, sheets, strip, more than 0.2 mm (0.008 in) thick   8004 -- 167   -- 5
Foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper or other backing mate-          
rials), not more than 0.2 mm (0.008 in) thick; tin powders and flakes 8005 52 109   NA NA
Tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings     8006 371 92   5 --
Ores and concentrates       2614 103,857 71,466   (3) (3)
Oxides         2823 3,679 2,859   198 107
Metal, including alloys:    
Unwrought; waste and scrap; powders     810810 869 --   6,841 --
Unwrought; powders       810820 -- 986   -- 3,966
Waste and scrap         810830 NA NA   -- 495
Titanium and articles thereof2       810890 626 120   12,962 11,456
Ores and concentrates       2611 740 142   3,064 3,176
Metal, including alloys:                
Unwrought, including bars and rods, obtained simply by sintering; waste
and scrap         810191 143 --   -- --
Wolfram powders       810110 3 --   71 11
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 26--Continued
(Metric tons)
  Exports Imports
Commodity   HTS1 2001 2002   2001 2002
Metal, including alloys--Continued:              
Wolfram bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering; 810192;
tungsten profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil     810195 5 1   7 5
Wire         810196 11 18   1 3
Waste and scrap         810197 -- --   -- --
Wrought2         810199 25 2   1 3
Uranium and thorium:                
Ores and concentrates       2612 NA NA   NA NA
Natural uranium and its compounds; uranium alloys, dispersions, ceramic
products and mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium
compounds         284410 NA NA   NA NA
Uranium and its compounds:    
Enriched in U235; plutonium and its compounds; alloys and other
products containing enriched uranium or plutonium     284420 NA NA   NA NA
Depleted in U235; thorium and its compounds; alloys and other products
containing uranium depleted in U235 or thorium     284430 NA NA   NA NA
Ores and concentrates       2608 208,228 197,679   55,864 62,928
Oxide and peroxide       281700 10,481 7,296   1,106 203
Dust         790310 330 397   NA NA
Hard zinc spelter       262011 NA NA   132 1,266
Ash and residue (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel)
containing mainly zinc, other than hard zinc spelter   262019 1,355 21   NA NA
Metal, including alloys:                
Waste and scrap         7902 -- --   140 55
Unwrought         7901 8,848 6,708   113,034 112,375
Powders and flakes       790390 13 59   2 6
Bars, rods, profiles, wire       7904 28 61   25 26
Plates, sheets, strip and foil       7905 112 139   4,397 4,301
Tubes, pipes, and tube or pipe fittings     7906 3 5   1 --
Ores and concentrates       261510 11,817 11,507   6,898 5,007
Zirconium dioxide and germanium oxide     282560 38 160   1 --
Metal, including alloys:                
Unwrought; waste and scrap; powders     810910 1 --   208 --
Zirconium and articles thereof2       810990 11 23   10 114
Pumice; emery; natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural
abrasives, whether or not heat-treated     2513 1,356 2,964   7 9
Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined   281810 26,653 36,084   26,914 18,078
Carbides of silicon, whether or not chemically defined   284920 3,016 1,767   33,519 32,087
Millstones, grinding wheels and the like (no frameworks), for grinding,
sharpening, etc., and parts thereof, of natural stone, abrasives or
ceramics         6804 3,208 3,557   3,610 4,427
Asbestos         2524 33,904 11,831   337,385 370,904
Natural barium sulfate (barytes), natural barium carbonate (witherite),
whether or not calcined (other than barium oxide of heading 2816)   2511 25,282 29,545   21 4,653
Boron materials:      
Natural borates and concentrates thereof (not borates separated from
natural brine); natural boric acid with not more than 85% H3BO3, based
on dry weight         2528 81,009 98,474   2 3
Boron, elemental       28045010 NA NA   -- --
Oxides of boron; boric acid       281000 1,747 9,502   69,275 75,116
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 26--Continued
(Metric tons)
Exports Imports
Commodity   HTS1 2001 2002   2001 2002
Bromine         28013090 1 79   -- --
Cement:  Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement, super sulfate
cement, similar hydraulic cement       2523 59,153 90,522   2,336,170 1,846,984
Chalk         2509 10,220 14,602   44,156 47,603
Bentonite, whether or not calcined     250810 126,605 54,852   7,951 5,121
Chamotte or Dinas earth       250870 22,578 21,280   3,834 2,725
Fire clay, whether or not calcined       250830 1,053,305 998,544   12,247 10,693
Decolorizing earths and Fuller's earth, whether or not calcined   250820 2,889 2,123   153 116
Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined   2507 163,569 132,246   1,215 1,593
Natural cryolite; natural chiolite       2527 NA NA   NA NA
Diamonds, whether or not worked, but not mounted or set   7102 NA NA   NA NA
Diatomite:  Siliceous fossil meals (including kieselguhr, tripolite, and
diatomite) and similar siliceous earths of an apparent specific gravity of
1 or less         2512 7,263 7,864   228 260
Feldspar         252910 279 1,005   16,690 19,428
Fertilizer materials:                
Animal or vegetable fertilizers, including mixed or chemically treated;
fertilizers made by mixing or chemically treating animal or vegetable
products         3101 18 8   151 389
Mineral or chemical fertilizers:    
Urea, whether or not in aqueous solution     310210 8 23   1,793,088 1,807,918
Ammonium sulfate       310221 59 46   218,964 204,495
Double salts and mixtures of ammonium sulfate and ammonium  
nitrate2         310229 -- 1   NA NA
Ammonium nitrate, whether or not in aqueous solution   310230 NA NA   1,343,270 1,280,808
Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate or other  
inorganic nonfertilizing substances       310240 -- 4   3,077 1,720
Double salts and mixtures of calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate   310260 264 499   3 98
Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate in aqueous or ammoniacal              
solution         310280 1 512   254,141 142,439
Phosphatic         3103 NA NA   729 1,056
Potassium chloride       310420 NA NA   3,568,572 3,334,222
Potassium sulfate       310430 82 29,052   49,449 51,880
Other         310490 107 --   9 2
Containing 97% or less calcium fluoride by weight     252921 197,307 137,580   3,321 753
Containing more than 97% calcium fluoride by weight   252922 2,346 6,143   9 --
Graphite, natural       2504 7,502 10,333   1,048 1,383
Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters consisting of calcined gypsum or calcined sulfate   2520 62,287 118,325   13,614 22,824
Iodine         280120 87 88   47 15
Kyanite and related materials:      
Andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, whether or not calcined   250850 14 5   NA NA
Mullite         250860 -- --   NA NA
Lime:  Quicklime, slacked lime and hydraulic lime other than calcium  
oxide and hydroxide of heading 2825     2522 4,172 4,481   NA NA
Magnesium compounds:      
Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite)     251910 6,630 9,758   742 1,425
Fused magnesia; dead-burned (sintered) magnesia; other magnesium oxide,  
whether or not pure2       251990 86,517 72,556   189,762 171,030
Kieserite, epsom salts (natural magnesium sulfates)     253020 531 1,071   -- --
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 26--Continued
(Metric tons)
  Exports Imports
Commodity   HTS1 2001 2002   2001 2002
Mica, including splittings; mica waste     2525 172 365   1,090 1,156
Worked mica and articles of mica, including agglomerated or reconstituted  
mica, whether or not on a support of paper, paperboard or other materials 6814 82 70   360 322
Nitrates:  Sodium nitrates       310250 1,230 1,019   802 717
Phosphates:  Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminum calcium  
phosphates and phosphatic chalk       2510 7,181 25,675   3,069,645 3,244,019
Phosphorus         280470 999 5,831   -- --
Pigments, mineral:      
Natural micaeous iron oxides       253040 1,701 --   NA NA
Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colors containing 70% or more of combined  
iron evaluated as Fe2O3 by weight       2821 9,501 9,920   546 183
Potassium salts:  Carnallite, sylvite and other crude natural potassium salts 310410 22 7   1,951 1,601
Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semiprecious stones, whether or          
not worked or graded, but not strung, mounted or set; ungraded precious
stones (other than diamonds) and semiprecious stones, temporarily strung
for convenience of transport       7103 NA NA   NA NA
Pyrite:  Unroasted iron pyrites       2502 NA NA   NA NA
Quartz crystal:  Piezoelectric quartz     710410 NA NA   NA NA
Salt and brine:  Salt (including table salt and denatured salt) and pure            
sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added
anticracking or free-flowing agents; seawater     2501 662,374 746,584   23,980 21,166
Disodium carbonate       283620 62,375 49,017   450,551 474,467
Disodium sulfate         283311 27 23   2,993 1,716
Stone, sand and gravel:    
Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing, etc.
into blocks or slabs of rectangular or square shape     2514 3,882 8,200   3 4
Marble, travertine, and other calcareous building, etc.; stone of an
apparent specific gravity of 2.5 or more and alabaster roughly shaped,
etc. or cut         2515 5,440 8,643   4,911 4,192
Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other building, etc.; stone,
whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing, etc.   2516 37,353 45,687   4,132 6,258
Sets, curbstones, flagstones, of natural stone (except slate)   6801 25,245 13,909   425 78
Worked monumental or building stone and articles thereof; mosaic cubes
and the like and colored granules, chippings and powder, of natural
stone2         6802 62,129 78,107   2,090 2,498
Worked slate and articles of slate or agglomerated slate         6803 1,548 1,663   NA NA
Dolomite, whether or not calcined; dolomite roughly trimmed or merely
cut into blocks or slabs of rectangular or square shape; agglomerated
dolomite         2518 47,973 72,041   NA NA
Pebbles, gravel, etc. used for concrete aggregates, etc.; granules, chippings,  
and powder of marble, alabaster, granite, etc.     2517 3,858,753 4,698,931   316,602 199,616
Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for  
the manufacture of lime or cement (or for soil improvement)   2521 21,576 22,937   74,848 30,193
Quartz (other than natural sands); quartzite, whether or not roughly  
trimmed or merely cut into blocks or slabs of rectangular or square shape 2506 33,025 86,314   68,607 35,249
Natural sands of all kinds, other metal-bearing sands   2505 106,979 112,056   90,359 39,384
Sulfur of all kinds, other than sublimed sulfur, precipitated sulfur and
colloidal sulfur         2503 9,714 62,214   1,544,925 3,240,199
Sulfur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulfur         2802 56 82   62 6
Dioxide         281123 655 3,421   769 703
Acid; oleum         280700 20,198 18,826   9,516 7,053
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 26--Continued
(Metric tons)
  Exports Imports
Commodity   HTS1 2001 2002   2001 2002
Talc, steatite, soapstone, pyrophyllite:  Natural steatite, whether or not
roughly trimmed or merely cut into blocks or slabs of rectangular or square
shape; talc         2526 12,353 14,109   1,380 948
Vermiculite, perlite, chlorites unexpanded     253010 13,779 18,171   9,905 8,980
Salt; sulfur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime, cement   25 NA NA   NA NA
Granulated slag (slag sand) from iron or steel manufacture   2618 145,874 140,202   -- --
Slag, dross (other than granulated slag), scalings and other waste from the
manufacture of iron or steel       2619 43,991 53,148   3,816 1,689
Asphalt and bitumen:  Natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks   271490 1,795 2,338   21 16
Carbon, including carbon black2       2803 9,200 921   159,179 214,604
Whether or not pulverized but not agglomerated:  
Anthracite coal         270111 481,252 21,939   2,205,764 2,834,117
Bituminous coal         270112 129,080 208,171   42,474,061 38,426,303
Lignite coal         2702 242,013 86,841   219,421 78,880
Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels from coal     270120 -- 62,214   3,723 351
Coke and semicoke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or not
agglomerated; retort carbon       2704 NA NA   2,086,175 3,188,039
Manufactured:  Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and other similar gases,
except petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons   2705 5 --   NA NA
Gaseous         271121 3,219,634 6,277,825   145,079,939 161,070,093
Liquefied         271111 -- --   -- 13
Peat, including peat litter, whether or not agglomerated   2703 1,117 1,195   56,919 71,635
Crude:  Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals   2709 5,066,704 6,140,200   145,345,480 184,045,096
Refinery products:    
Liquefied petroleum gas:    
Propane         271112 70 344   612,998 566,461
Butanes         271113 1,234 824   160,133 211,140
Ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene liquefied     271114 3,288 5,390   -- 962
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons2     271119 995 6,006   35,250 2,330
Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals (other than crude)
and products therefrom nesoi containing 70% or more of these
oils by weight         2710 157,270 143,222   68,431,657 74,681,228
Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack
wax, other mineral waxes, similar products     2712 4,079 4,167   NA NA
Petroleum bitumen       271320 9,716 10,117   267,378 318,739
Residues of petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals2   271390 152 95   56,986 40,959
Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, natural bitumen,
petroleum bitumen, mineral tar, or mineral tar pitch   2715 7,408 2,289   3,834 6,590
Petroleum coke:      
Not calcined         271311 575,457 399,604   163,415 118,634
Calcined         271312 179,972 132,538   1,008 --
NA Not available.  -- Zero.
1U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS).
2Not elsewhere specified or included.
3Less than 1/2 unit.
Source:  Global Trade Atlas, prepared by Global Trade Information Services, Inc.