(Metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Coal:       2701
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):
Belarus     thousand metric tons 1.0 43.0 8.0 311.0
Kazakhstan     do. 27,806.0 176,897.0 20,824.0 149,823.0
Ukraine     do. 0.3 3.0 14.0 100.0
Uzbekistan     do. XX XX (4) 0.7
Total     do. 27,807.3 176,943.0   20,846.0 150,234.7
Other countries:    
Germany     do. (4) 14.0 0.1 21.0
China     do. 8.0 104.0 0.1 11.0
Colombia     do. 4.0 550.0 20.0 1,651.0
Unspecified     do. 1.0 18.0   (4) 23.0
Total     do. 13.0 686.0   20.2 1,706.0
World total     do. 27,820.3 177,629.0   20,866.2 151,940.7
Petroleum products:     2710
Azerbaijan     do. 1.0 200.0 (4) 1.0
Belarus     do. 172.0 39,996.0 47.0 11,847.0
Kazakhstan     do. 2.0 405.0 0.2 36.0
Tajikistan     do. (4) 1.0 0.1 0.4
Turkmenistan   do. 11.0 2,424.0 XX XX
Ukraine     do. 9.0 6,920.0 6.0 4,203.0
Uzbekistan     do. 2.0 389.0 1.0 234.0
Unspecified     do. -- --   0.7 (4)
Total     do. 197.0 50,335.0   55.0 16,321.4
Other countries:    
Belgium     do. 7.0 5,527.0 11.0 9,680.0
China     do. 4.0 819.0 (4) 5.0
Finland     do. 30.0 32,178.0 32.0 37,755.0
Germany     do. 18.0 17,605.0 21.0 28,060.0
Italy     do. 0.4 354.0 0.3 359.0
Japan     do. 3.0 1,361.0 1.0 980.0
Latvia     do. 0.2 51.0 0.4 275.0
Lithuania     do. 4.0 1,111.0 0.7 343.0
Republic of Korea   do. 13.0 7,046.0 11.0 7,101.0
Singapore     do. 3.0 898.0 0.2 207.0
Spain     do. 0.3 197.0 0.3 279.0
United States     do. 6.0 6,071.0 8.0 7,294.0
Unspecified     do. 23.1 17,569.0   20.1 20,870.0
Total     do. 112.0 90,787.0   106.0 113,208.0
World total     do. 309.0 141,122.0   161.0 129,529.4
Flat-rolled products of carbon steel, hot-rolled: 7208
Belarus       5,166.0 1,702.0 4,545.0 1,764.0
Kazakhstan       208,878.0 34,528.0 119,515.0 21,219.0
Kyrgyzstan       118.0 26.0 XX XX
Ukraine       347,221.0 72,388.0 207,922.0 45,742.0
Total       561,383.0 108,644.0   331,982.0 68,725.0
Other countries:    
Belgium       858.0 777.0 2.0 3.0
Estonia       203.0 64.0 401.0 124.0
Finland       4,281.0 1,881.0 1,252.0 697.0
Germany       421.0 183.0 1,630.0 1,007.0
Japan       XX XX 4,517.0 2,175.0
Latvia         645.0 161.0   485.0 150.0
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 25--Continued
(Metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Flat-rolled products of carbon steel, hot-rolled--Continued: 7208
Other countries--Continued:    
Lithuania       2,760.0 640.0 1,744.0 556.0
Netherlands       46.0 36.0 1,321.0 502.0
Sweden       2,942.0 1,455.0 2,197.0 1,063.0
Unspecified       536.0 355.0   951.0 778.0
Total       12,692.0 5,552.0   14,500.0 7,055.0
World total       574,075.0 114,196.0   346,482.0 75,780.0
Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of iron or steel:
Other than cast iron, seamless:   7304
Armenia       XX XX (4) (4)
Azerbaijan       701.0 147.0 454.0 221.0
Belarus       3,530.0 1,869.0 1,620.0 1,252.0
Georgia       283.0 27.0 52.0 4.0
Kazakhstan       1,159.0 337.0 423.0 78.0
Kyrgyzstan       3.0 3.0 12.0 3.0
Moldova       9.0 26.0 (4) (4)
Ukraine       400,921.0 180,992.0 200,276.0 73,224.0
Unspecified       (4) 1.0   (4) 0.4
Total       406,606.0 183,402.0   202,837.0 74,782.4
Other countries:    
Argentina       159.0 284.0 1,244.0 1,868.0
Austria       39,412.0 34,990.0 21,613.0 21,390.0
China       711.0 2,054.0 45.0 21.0
Czech Republic     894.0 2,622.0 211.0 335.0
France       4,561.0 13,739.0 5,936.0 15,140.0
Germany       3,864.0 8,767.0 2,555.0 8,096.0
Italy       2,217.0 2,623.0 3,233.0 5,316.0
Japan       5,532.0 6,100.0 3,629.0 15,418.0
Mexico       161.0 271.0 745.0 1,335.0
Romania       27,739.0 15,207.0 7,210.0 5,245.0
Spain       4,899.0 2,347.0 1,512.0 1,096.0
United Kingdom     235.0 1,048.0 516.0 2,722.0
United States       4,644.0 13,672.0 9,281.0 26,940.0
Unspecified       2,379.0 5,758.0   2,558.0 11,524.0
Total       97,407.0 109,482.0   60,288.0 116,446.0
World total       504,013.0 292,884.0   263,125.0 191,228.4
Other:       7306
Armenia       (4) 1.0 XX XX
Azerbaijan       20.0 12.0 47.0 29.0
Belarus       8,505.0 2,485.0 19,037.0 5,017.0
Kazakhstan       4,086.0 750.0 6,985.0 1,301.0
Moldova       2.0 1.0 (4) (4)
Tajikistan       13.0 4.0 XX XX
Turkmenistan     XX XX (4) 0.1
Ukraine       67,923.0 18,206.0 25,931.0 6,999.0
Uzbekistan       XX XX (4) 0.9
Total       80,549.0 21,459.0   52,000.0 13,347.0
Other countries:    
Belgium       302.0 436.0 493.0 886.0
Denmark       968.0 496.0 1,587.0 1,080.0
Finland       2,070.0 1,941.0 2,820.0 3,184.0
France         164.0 947.0   539.0 2,518.0
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 25--Continued
(Metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of iron or steel--Continued:
Other--Continued:     7306
Germany       4,615.0 6,792.0 5,469.0 7,774.0
Italy       2,430.0 3,274.0 2,849.0 4,569.0
Lithuania       1,429.0 596.0 2,105.0 2,096.0
Poland       455.0 553.0 573.0 878.0
Spain       734.0 1,696.0 786.0 1,819.0
Turkey       149.0 112.0 90.0 113.0
United States       418.0 817.0 214.0 803.0
Unspecified       5,457.0 6,428.0   6,028.0 9,664.0
Total       16,006.0 20,314.0   19,785.0 29,675.0
World total         96,555.0 41,773.0   71,785.0 43,022.0
XX Not applicable.  -- Zero.
1Data may not add to totals shown owing to independent rounding.
2Trade Nomenclature of External Economic Activity (TNEEA) of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
3Conversion of statistical value to U.S. dollars is performed using official exchange rate of the national banks of the CIS countries on the day of Cargo Control
Document (CCD) receipt by the customs body and its execution.
4Less than 1/2 unit.
Source:  External Trade of the CIS Countries, Statistical Abstract, Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Moscow, 2003.