(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Coal:       2701
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):
Azerbaijan       0.8 41.0 5.0 274.0
Belarus       227.0 11,058.0 287.0 11,200.0
Georgia       (4) 2.0 XX XX
Kazakhstan       187.0 4,272.0 197.0 4,947.0
Kyrgyzstan       6.0 161.0 8.0 184.0
Moldova       2.0 90.0 10.0 73.0
Tajikistan       4.0 142.0 4.0 99.0
Ukraine       5,091.0 181,923.0 3,938.0 124,005.0
Total       5,517.8 197,689.0   4,449.0 140,782.0
Other countries:    
Belgium       678.0 20,321.0 995.0 25,440.0
Bulgaria       571.0 14,964.0 1,053.0 26,237.0
Cyprus       4,139.0 110,129.0 8,956.0 199,832.0
Finland       2,500.0 69,066.0 2,434.0 58,796.0
Germany       1,201.0 27,059.0 179.0 4,652.0
Italy       206.0 6,593.0 947.0 20,873.0
Japan       5,389.0 173,599.0 5,697.0 183,050.0
Latvia       249.0 5,804.0 563.0 14,609.0
Lebanon       5,911.0 156,863.0 XX XX
Poland       818.0 19,955.0 1,054.0 24,958.0
Republic of Korea     542.0 17,396.0 2,111.0 56,082.0
Romania       1,536.0 50,261.0 1,920.0 56,684.0
Slovakia       1,399.0 39,916.0 1,369.0 32,875.0
Spain       2,253.0 66,383.0 1,660.0 44,605.0
Turkey       3,865.0 108,250.0 4,732.0 129,374.0
United Kingdom     2,546.0 68,484.0 1,833.0 44,328.0
Unspecified       2,241.0 59,121.0   3,545.0 98,736.0
Total       36,044.0 1,014,164.0   39,048.0 1,021,131.0
World total       41,561.8 1,211,853.0   43,497.0 1,161,913.0
Crude petroleum:     2709
Belarus       11,913.0 1,379,638.0 14,024.0 1,504,521.0
Kazakhstan       2,468.0 242,559.0 2,707.0 250,377.0
Ukraine       9,383.0 1,353,259.0 16,007.0 1,887,797.0
Total       23,764.0 2,975,456.0   32,738.0 3,642,695.0
Other countries:    
British Virgin Islands     14,760.0 2,324,516.0 10,826.0 1,724,460.0
Bulgaria       72.0 11,571.0 468.0 79,302.0
Cyprus       2,795.0 467,911.0 4,272.0 696,222.0
Czech Republic     3,752.0 573,936.0 3,545.0 575,107.0
Finland       2,180.0 324,306.0 4,072.0 665,135.0
France       3,037.0 485,137.0 5,008.0 848,100.0
Germany       20,904.0 3,234,516.0 20,978.0 3,347,095.0
Gibraltar       769.0 131,412.0 77.0 11,322.0
Hungary       5,627.0 953,118.0 4,936.0 812,186.0
Ireland       13.0 1,870.0 190.0 31,920.0
Italy       20,950.0 3,282,347.0 19,932.0 3,238,550.0
Lithuania       6,580.0 1,025,984.0 6,215.0 1,018,518.0
Netherlands       7,753.0 1,130,938.0 16,308.0 2,605,265.0
Poland       18,583.0 2,859,205.0 16,037.0 2,553,551.0
Slovakia       5,572.0 867,310.0 5,442.0 883,785.0
Spain       2,355.0 380,447.0 3,607.0 620,475.0
Switzerland         4,654.0 666,950.0   5,400.0 878,393.0
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 24--Continued
(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Crude petroleum--Continued:   2709
Other countries--Continued:  
United Kingdom     122.0 185,189.0 1,845.0 298,241.0
Unspecified       17,987.0 2,694,271.0 26,489.0 4,419,556.0
Total       138,465.0 21,600,934.0   155,647.0 25,307,183.0
World total       162,229.0 24,576,390.0   188,385.0 28,949,878.0
Petroleum products:     2710
Azerbaijan       3.0 1,588.0 8.0 1,875.0
Armenia       0.7 365.0 4.0 1,338.0
Belarus       367.0 82,047.0 491.0 87,309.0
Georgia       2.0 541.0 8.0 2,001.0
Kazakhstan       1,139.0 241,653.0 946.0 144,790.0
Kyrgyzstan       37.0 6,271.0 114.0 16,731.0
Moldova       5.0 972.0 7.0 1,429.0
Tajikistan       10.0 2,709.0 7.0 1,905.0
Turkmenistan     21.0 6,974.0 15.0 3,313.0
Ukraine       919.0 198,340.0 1,000.0 164,107.0
Uzbekistan       1.0 716.0 2.0 1,063.0
Unspecified       1.3 (4)   -- --
Total       2,506.0 542,176.0   2,602.0 425,861.0
Other countries:    
Austria       20.0 2,977.0 10.0 1,823.0
British Virgin Islands     3,107.0 523,763.0 4,734.0 696,918.0
China       1,563.0 202,011.0 2,272.0 322,180.0
Cyprus       4,760.0 718,335.0 3,540.0 470,381.0
Denmark       669.0 104,350.0 597.0 91,539.0
Estonia       3,821.0 437,369.0 5,453.0 664,589.0
Finland       2,145.0 352,044.0 1,049.0 192,529.0
Ireland       (4) 0.5 218.0 38,245.0
Italy       5,093.0 719,937.0 7,604.0 1,072,911.0
Latvia       631.0 124,403.0 562.0 91,163.0
Lithuania       205.0 27,237.0 681.0 74,971.0
Netherlands       9,504.0 1,497,313.0 14,036.0 2,140,410.0
Panama       521.0 84,092.0 35.0 4,278.0
Romania       227.0 39,243.0 113.0 21,807.0
Spain       1,284.0 258,543.0 625.0 124,151.0
Sweden       10,587.0 1,384,563.0 2,301.0 328,567.0
Switzerland       3,286.0 379,102.0 12,282.0 1,754,487.0
United Kingdom     6,150.0 794,579.0 4,992.0 639,690.0
United States       505.0 90,289.0 1,350.0 244,715.0
Unspecified       6,919.0 1,119,892.5   10,349.0 1,825,705.0
Total       60,997.0 8,860,043.0   72,803.0 10,801,059.0
World total       63,503.0 9,402,219.0   75,405.0 11,226,920.0
Natural gas:       271121
Belarus     million cubic meters 17,266.0 (5) 17,578.0 (5)
Kazakhstan     do. 1,132.0 536,749.0 4,131.0 538,549.0
Moldova     do. 2,156.0 (5) 2,101.0 (5)
Ukraine     do. 28,672.0 (5) 27,481.0 (5)
Total     do. 49,226.0 (5)   51,291.0 (5)
Other countries:    
Austria     do. 4,905.0 (5) 5,214.0 (5)
Bulgaria     do. 3,323.0 (5) 2,826.0 (5)
Czech Republic   do. 7,459.0 (5) 7,385.0 (5)
Finland     do.   4,641.0 (5)   4,614.0 (5)
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 24--Continued
(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Natural gas--Continued:     271121
Other countries--Continued:  
France     million cubic meters 11,153.0 (5) 11,379.0 (5)
Germany     do. 32,604.0 (5) 31,013.0 (5)
Hungary     do. 8,103.0 (5) 9,143.0 (5)
Italy     do. 20,200.0 (5) 19,293.0 (5)
Poland     do. 7,508.0 (5) 7,248.0 (5)
Romania     do. 2,875.0 (5) 3,512.0 (5)
Slovakia     do. 7,523.0 (5) 7,712.0 (5)
Turkey     do. 1,118.0 (5) 11,780.0 (5)
Unspecified     do. 20,517.0 (5)   13,121.0 (5)
Total     do. 131,929.0 (5)   134,240.0 (5)
World total     do. 181,155.0 18,302,779.0   185,531.0 15,358,769.0
Ammonia, anhydrous or in aqueous solution: 2814
Azerbaijan     metric tons XX XX 20.0 6.0
Belarus     do. 9,205.0 1,455.0 6,698.0 889.0
Kazakhstan     do. 9,558.0 1,160.0 19,655.0 1,946.0
Kyrgyzstan     do. (4) 0.1 (4) (4)
Tajikistan     do. (4) (4) XX XX
Turkmenistan   do. 1.0 7.0 XX XX
Ukraine     do. 2,997.0 249.0 23,970.0 1,872.0
Uzbekistan     do. XX XX (4) (4)
Total     do. 21,761.0 2,871.1   50,343.0 4,713.0
Other countries:    
Finland     do. 255,498.0 24,479.0 283,913.0 21,316.0
Latvia     do. 20,370.0 2,289.0 31,442.0 2,369.0
Lithuania     do. 49,884.0 3,913.0 148,311.0 11,104.0
Turkey     do. 505,757.0 43,994.0 318,335.0 18,546.0
United Kingdom   do. 452,273.0 43,901.0 274,057.0 21,564.0
United States     do. 1,360,980.0 112,100.0 1,297,305.0 95,747.0
Unspecified     do. 64,199.0 5,471.0   95,354.0 6,276.0
Total     do. 2,708,961.0 236,147.0   2,448,717.0 176,922.0
World total     do. 2,730,722.0 239,018.1   2,499,060.0 181,635.0
Mineral or chemical fertilizers:  
Nitrogenous:       3102
Azerbaijan       20.0 1,498.0 21.0 1,649.0
Belarus       133.0 10,552.0 102.0 9,687.0
Georgia       4.0 252.0 0.1 14.0
Kazakhstan       160.0 10,620.0 157.0 9,716.0
Kyrgyzstan       19.0 1,311.0 20.0 1,247.0
Moldova       50.0 3,689.0 43.0 2,485.0
Tajikistan       26.0 1,964.0 34.0 2,331.0
Turkmenistan     51.0 5,149.0 37.0 2,486.0
Ukraine       95.0 5,298.0 293.0 16,823.0
Uzbekistan       (4) 0.6 0.2 33.0
Unspecified       1.0 (4)   -- --
Total       559.0 40,333.6   707.3 46,471.0
Other countries:    
Brazil       1,541.0 100,961.0 1,570.0 107,928.0
China       230.0 20.0 786.0 46,590.0
Estonia       102.0 6,754.0 98.0 6,155.0
France       490.0 29,083.0 118.0 5,903.0
Latvia       191.0 12,446.0 111.0 6,718.0
Lithuania         192.0 10,552.0   209.0 11,417.0
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 24--Continued
(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Mineral or chemical fertilizers--Continued:
Nitrogenous--Continued:     3102
Other countries--Continued:  
Mexico       728.0 55,469.0 706.0 52,757.0
Peru       544.0 27,995.0 490.0 30,069.0
Poland       238.0 17,601.0 200.0 14,560.0
Turkey       989.0 46,730.0 907.0 37,066.0
United Kingdom     505.0 29,700.0 155.0 12,483.0
United States       783.0 50,691.0 373.0 20,855.0
Unspecified       2,219.0 154,873.0   2,955.0 155,117.0
Total       8,752.0 542,875.0   8,678.0 507,618.0
World total       9,311.0 583,208.6   9,385.3 554,089.0
Potassic:       3104
Azerbaijan       0.1 5.0 XX XX
Belarus       0.1 70.0 0.1 44.0
Kazakhstan       2.0 198.0 2.0 157.0
Kyrgyzstan       (4) 0.4 (4) 2.0
Moldova       0.1 11.0 0.1 8.0
Tajikistan       5.0 420.0 1.0 71.0
Turkmenistan     0.2 20.0 0.4 46.0
Ukraine       16.0 1,623.0 17.0 1,494.0
Uzbekistan       10.0 702.0 43.0 3,089.0
Unspecified       0.5 (4)   -- --
Total       34.0 3,049.4   63.6 4,911.0
Other countries:    
Brazil       353.0 29,813.0 210.0 16,948.0
China       2,030.0 176,082.0 2,262.0 190,572.0
Finland       143.0 10,904.0 133.0 11,117.0
Hungary       84.0 6,015.0 87.0 6,674.0
India       1,582.0 99,241.0 856.0 52,401.0
Malaysia       69.0 5,674.0 86.0 6,152.0
Norway       121.0 10,214.0 68.0 5,495.0
Republic of Korea     248.0 25,706.0 198.0 20,165.0
Switzerland       XX XX 961.0 58,300.0
United States       438.0 30,092.0 156.0 10,432.0
Unspecified       893.0 64,095.0   531.0 37,573.0
Total       5,961.0 457,836.0   5,548.0 415,829.0
World total       5,995.0 460,885.4   5,611.6 420,740.0
Pig iron and spiegeleisen:     7201
Azerbaijan       0.1 13.0 0.3 43.0
Belarus       136.0 19,662.0 108.0 14,676.0
Kazakhstan       23.0 3,149.0 22.0 2,016.0
Moldova       0.2 24.0 0.5 59.0
Tajikistan       0.2 53.0 0.1 19.0
Ukraine       53.0 4,821.0 201.0 19,027.0
Uzbekistan       3.0 524.0 4.0 445.0
Total       215.5 28,246.0   335.9 36,285.0
Other countries:    
Denmark       683.0 56,320.0 96.0 9,077.0
France       28.0 2,785.0 183.0 17,947.0
Germany       1,075.0 93,182.0 737.0 60,386.0
Italy       405.0 35,552.0 602.0 53,609.0
Republic of Korea     109.0 8,647.0 493.0 45,812.0
United Kingdom       453.0 50,742.0   577.0 57,586.0
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 24--Continued
(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Pig iron and spiegeleisen--Continued:   7201
Other countries--Continued:  
United States       378.0 33,090.0 215.0 19,284.0
Unspecified       306.0 26,602.0   954.0 87,765.0
Total       3,437.0 306,920.0   3,857.0 351,466.0
World total       3,652.5 335,166.0   4,192.9 387,751.0
Ferroalloys:       7202
Armenia       XX XX 0.1 31.0
Belarus       10.0 5,906.0 5.0 4,016.0
Georgia       (4) 13.0 (4) 11.0
Kazakhstan       11.0 6,890.0 7.0 3,458.0
Kyrgyzstan       (4) 6.0 XX XX
Moldova       0.3 217.0 0.3 139.0
Tajikistan       (4) 17.0 XX XX
Ukraine       13.0 7,622.0 25.0 12,254.0
Uzbekistan       0.5 359.0 4.0 1,642.0
Unspecified       0.2 1.0   -- --
Total       35.0 21,031.0   41.4 21,551.0
Other countries:    
United Kingdom     0.1 204.0 0.5 1,245.0
Germany       14.0 15,278.0 20.0 17,791.0
Gibraltar       98.0 36,996.0 57.0 20,047.0
Netherlands       71.0 58,689.0 137.0 105,174.0
Republic of Korea     11.0 4,690.0 7.0 2,978.0
Turkey       14.0 5,224.0 6.0 2,115.0
Finland       4.0 3,026.0 5.0 5,036.0
Estonia       29.0 25,047.0 6.0 10,918.0
Japan       51.0 23,030.0 76.0 33,466.0
Unspecified       44.9 30,527.0   33.5 19,096.0
Total       337.0 202,711.0   348.0 217,866.0
World total       372.0 223,742.0   389.4 239,417.0
Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought: 7403
Belarus     metric tons 2,181.0 3,608.0 2,090.0 2,912.0
Georgia     do. 17.0 40.0 42.0 109.0
Kazakhstan     do. 2,054.0 3,920.0 1,765.0 2,330.0
Kyrgyzstan     do. 1.0 2.0 4.0 9.0
Moldova     do. XX XX (4) 2.0
Ukraine     do. 778.0 1,055.0 2,048.0 2,641.0
Uzbekistan     do. 16.0 35.0 66.0 104.0
Unspecified     do. -- --   1.0 (4)
Total     do. 5,047.0 8,660.0   6,016.0 8,107.0
Other countries:    
Austria     do. 971.0 1,088.0 892.0 1,125.0
United Kingdom   do. 378,286.0 573,931.0 305,440.0 428,643.0
Germany     do. 748.0 719.0 840.0 928.0
China     do. 54,396.0 68,707.0 74,544.0 99,269.0
Netherlands     do. 142,362.0 206,424.0 91,198.0 121,356.0
Turkey     do. 1,504.0 2,304.0 25,572.0 34,369.0
United States     do. 7,134.0 8,283.0 1,874.0 1,933.0
Sweden     do. 4,650.0 7,502.0 5,042.0 7,254.0
Unspecified     do. 4,974.0 5,645.0   9,227.0 10,688.0
Total     do. 595,025.0 874,603.0   514,629.0 705,565.0
World total     do.   600,072.0 883,263.0   520,645.0 713,672.0
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 24--Continued
(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Unwrought aluminum:     7801
Azerbaijan     metric tons XX XX 1.0 2.0
Belarus     do. 9,843.0 16,837.0 9,104.0 14,888.0
Georgia     do. 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0
Kazakhstan     do. 1,001.0 1,698.0 1,289.0 1,927.0
Kyrgyzstan     do. 8.0 12.0 2.0 5.0
Moldova     do. 110.0 190.0 29.0 40.0
Ukraine     do. 81.0 235.0 1,011.0 1,373.0
Uzbekistan     do. 331.0 609.0 179.0 240.0
Unspecified     do. 1.0 (4)   -- --
Total     do. 11,376.0 19,584.0   11,616.0 18,478.0
Other countries:    
United Kingdom   do. 23,301.0 27,368.0 45,094.0 66,805.0
Hungary     do. 23,128.0 31,908.0 24,980.0 33,157.0
Germany     do. 77,341.0 91,269.0 51,093.0 72,229.0
Greece     do. 109,131.0 150,596.0 104,933.0 134,229.0
Italy     do. 6,154.0 5,707.0 23,117.0 21,005.0
China     do. 55,079.0 65,927.0 28,649.0 42,100.0
Netherlands     do. 389,372.0 426,747.0 311,906.0 313,129.0
Norway     do. 55,063.0 71,036.0 70,259.0 81,351.0
Poland     do. 10,342.0 13,794.0 12,204.0 14,475.0
Republic of Korea   do. 17,147.0 18,374.0 31,563.0 36,611.0
Slovakia     do. 48,515.0 67,256.0 30,807.0 42,234.0
United States     do. 1,105,087.0 1,218,777.0 1,039,221.0 997,064.0
Turkey     do. 195,086.0 218,486.0 178,666.0 164,501.0
Switzerland     do. 18,318.0 22,855.0 22,604.0 34,037.0
Japan     do. 825,930.0 1,054,426.0 706,358.0 713,175.0
Unspecified     do. 125,541.0 145,045.0   105,206.0 123,291.0
Total     do. 3,084,535.0 3,629,571.0   2,786,660.0 2,889,393.0
World total     do.   3,095,911.0 3,649,155.0   2,798,276.0 2,907,871.0
XX Not applicable.  -- Zero.
1Data may not add to totals shown owing to independent rounding.
2Trade Nomenclature of External Economic Activity (TNEEA) of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
3Conversion of statistical value to U.S. dollars is performed using official exchange rate of the national banks of the CIS countries on the day of Cargo Control
Document (CCD) receipt by the customs body and its execution.
4Less than 1/2 unit.
5Missing data.
Source:  External Trade of the CIS Countries, Statistical Abstract, Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Moscow, 2003.