(Thousand  metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity     Major operating companies Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Primary     Huta Aluminium "Konin" S.A. Konin 55.
Secondary     Zaklady Metalurgiczne "Skawina" Skawina 20.
Zaklady Metali Lekkich SA "Kety" Kety NA.
Zaklady Metalurgiezne "Trzebinia" Trzebinia NA.
Barite2     Przedsiebiorstvo Hondlowo Uslugowe Boguszow, Stanislawow 3.
R&S Spolka Jawna
Do. Zaklady Cementowo-Wapiennicze Chorula 1,800 clinker,
      Gorazdze S.A.   2,400 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Ozarow" S.A.       Ozarow 2,200 clinker,
          2,400 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Chelm" S.A.       Chelm 1,440 clinker,
          2,640 cement.
Do.     Kombinat Cementowo-Wapienniczy Dzialoszyn 600 clinker,
      Warta S.A.   1,150 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Malogoszcz" S.A.       Malogoszcz 1,840 clinker,
          1,800 cement.
Do.     Zaklady Cementowo-Wapiennicze Sitkowka 785 clinker,
      Nowiny S.A.   1,070 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Strzelce Opolskie" S.A.       Strzelce Opolskie 1,257 clinker,
          1,630 cement.
Do.     Kombinat Cementowo-Wapienniczy Bielawy 900 clinker,
      "Kujawy" S.A.   1,000 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Rudniki" S.A.       Rudniki 840 clinker,
          1,470 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Wierzbica" S.A.       Wierzbica 759 clinker,
          1,000 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Nowa Huta" S.A.       Krakow 290 clinker,
          1,100 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Rejowiec" S.A.       Rejowiec 600 clinker,
          845 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Odra" S.A.       Opole 433 clinker,
          800 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Warszawa"        Warszawa (Warsaw) 600 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Groszowice" Sp. z.o.o.       Opole 304 clinker,
          425 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Polcement-Saturn"        Wojkowice 400 cement
Do.     Cementownia "Wiek"        Ogrodzieniec 710 clinker,
          240 cement.
Do.     Fabrika Cementu "Wysoka" Lazy 304 clinker,
          425 cement.
Do.     Cementownia "Wejhorowie"        Wejhorowo 42 clinker,
          45 cement.
Anthracite Zaklad Wydobywczo Lower Silesia 200.
      Przetworczy Antracytu Walbrzych-Gaj    
Bituminous     Bytomska Spolka Weglowa S.A. Upper Silesia (9 mines) 140,000.
  Rudzka Spolka Weglowa S.A.        do.  (6 mines)
Gliwicka Spolka Weglowa S.A.        do.  (7 mines)
Katowicki Holding Weglowy S.A.        do.  (11 mines)
Nadwislanska Spolka Weglowa S.A.        do.  (8 mines)
Rybnicka Spolka Weglowa S.A.          do.  (5 mines)
Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa S.A.        do.  (6 mines)
Seven independent mines        do.
Walbrzyskie Kopalnie Wegla Lower Silesia
KWK "Nowa Ruda"        do.
      KWK "Bogdanka" S. A.        do.  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 6--Continued
          (Thousand  metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity     Major operating companies Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Lignite KWK "Belchatow" Belchatow 75,000.
KWK "Turow" Turow
KWK "Konin" Konin
KWK "Adamow" Adamow
      KWK "Sieniawa" Sieniawa  
Coke     Zaklady Koksownicze im. Powstancow Sl. Upper Silesia 12,000.
Zaklady Koksownicze "Przyjazn"        do.
Kombinat Koksochemiczny "Zabrze"        do.
Huta im. Sendzimira        do. (Krakow)
Huta "Czestochowa"        do. (Czestochowa)
      Zaklady Koksownicze "Walbrzych" Lower Silesia  
Ore, gross weight Kombinat Gorniczo Hutniczy  Lubin Mine, Lubin-Glogow District 7,000.
(1.2%-2.2% Cu)   Miedzi (KGHM) Polska Miedz S.A.
  [KGHM, S.A.]
Do.     do. Polkowice- Sieroszowice Mine, Lubin-Glogow District 9,200.
Do.     do. Rudna Mine, Lubin-Glogow District 11,000.
Concentrate, gross weight do. Lubin beneficiation plant, Lubin-Glogow District 465.
(25.2% -25.9% Cu)          
Do.     do. Polkowice beneficiation plant, Lubin-Glogow District 450.
Do.     do. Rudna beneficiation plant, Lubin-Glogow District 700.
Metal, refined     do. Refineries at Glogow I, Glogow II, and Legnica 480.
Feldspar     Strzeblowskie Kopalnie Surowcow Mine at Sobotka, Lower Silesia, workings at 50.
      Mineralnych    Pagorki Zachodnie and Pagorki Wschodnie  
Electric furnace (FeSiMn, FeMn, Huta "Laziska" S.A. Upper Silesia at Laziska Gome 170.
FeCr,  FeSi)
Blast furnace (FeMn)     Huta "Pokoj" S.A. Upper Silesia, Ruda Slaska 90.
Gold kilograms   KGHM "Polska Miedz" S.A. Refinery at Glogow "Trzebinia" 550.
Gypsum and anhydrite     Zaklady Przemyslu Gipsowego Southeastern Poland, Gacki 1,400.
     "Dolina Nidy"
Zaklad Gipsowy "Stawiany" Southeastern Poland, Szarbkow
Kopalnia Anhydrytu "Nowy Lad" Lower Silesia, Niwnice
      KGHM "Polska Miedz" S.A. Lower Silesia, Iwiny  
Helium million   Zaklad Odazotowania Gazu Western Poland, Odolanow 3.
  cubic meters        
Kaolin     KSM "Surmin-Kaolin" S.A. Lower Silesia, Nowogrodziec 50.
Concentrate   Zaklady Gorniczo-Hutnicze (ZGH) Mines and concentrators at Olkusz and 60 Pb, 160 Zn.
            "Boleslaw"     Pomorzany, Bukowno region  
Do.     Zaklady Gornicze "Trzebionka" S.A. Mines and concentrator at Trzebinia  
Pb, refined     Huta Cynku "Miasteczko Slaskie" Refinery at Miasteczko Slaskie 60.
Do.     Huta Metali Niezelaznych Katowice 35.
Zn, refined     Huta Cynku "Miasteczko Slaskie" Imperial Smelter at Miasteczko Slaskie 60.
Do.     Zaklady Metalurgiczny "Silesia" Refinery at Katowice -30.
    (input from Huta "Miasteczko
Do.     Zaklady Gorniczo-Hutnicze "Boleslaw" Refinery at Boleslaw 65.
Do.     Huta Metali Niezelaznych Katowice 28.
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 6--Continued
          (Thousand  metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity     Major operating companies Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Lime3 Zaklady Przemyslu Wapienniczego Kieleckie County, Swietokrzyskie Mountains 4,500.
Slaskie Zaklady Przemyslu Opole County
     Wapienniczego Opolwap S.A.
Zaklady Przemyslu Wapienniczego Kieleckie County, Swietokrzyskie Mountains
Kombinat Cementowo-Wapienniczy Bydgoskie County
     Kujawy S.A.
Zaklady Cementowo-Wapiennicze Opole County
     Gorazdze S.A.
Zaklady Cementowo-Wapiennicze Kieleckie County
Produkcyjno-Handlowo-Uslugowe Czestochowa County
Wojcieszowskie Zaklady Przemyslu Jeleniogorskie County
       Wapienniczego Sp. z o.o.
Zaklady Przemyslu Wapienniczego Piotrkowskie County
        w Sulejowie
      Zaklad Wapienniczy w Plazie Katowickie County  
Natural gas million   Ministry of Mining and Energy Gasfields at pre-Carpathian foothills 4,900.
cubic meters   Carpathian Mountains Lowlands, near  
  Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poznan, and Trzebnica,  
        north of Wroclaw  
Nitrogen:         2,400.
Ammonia Zaklady Azotowe "Pulawy" S.A.      Pulawy in eastern Poland
Zaklady Azotowe "Kedzierzyn" S.A. Kedzierzyn in Upper Silesia
Zaklady Azotowe "Wloclawek" S.A. Wloclawek in central Poland
Zaklady Azotowe S.A. w Tarnowie Tarnow in southern Poland
Zaklady Azotowe S.A. w Chorzowie Chorzow in Upper Silesia
Zaklady Chemiezne "Police" Police in northwest Poland
Fertilizer (N)         do.     do. 1,700.
Crude   Polskie Gornicstwo Naftowe i Oilfields in northern and northwestern 200.
       Gazownictwo Warszawa      lowlands; sub-Carpathian region and
     Carpathian Mountains
      Predsiebiorstwo Poszukiwan i    
Do.         Eksploatacji Rpy i Gazu "Petrobaltic" Baltic Sea Shelf 100.
Refined     Petrochimia-Plock Plock in central Poland 13,500.
Rafineria "Gdansk" Gdansk in northern Poland
Rafineria "Chechowice" Czechowice in southern Poland
Rafineria "Trzebinia" Trzebinia in southern Poland
Rafineria "Glimar" Gorilice Gorilice in southern Poland
Rafineria "Jedlicze" Jedlicze in southern Poland
Podkarpackie Zaklady Rafyneryjne Jaslo in southern Poland
          w Jasle    
Salt, all types   6,500.
Inowroclawskie Kopalnie Soli S.A. Gora, Mogilno I, and Mogilno II mines
     at Inowroclaw in central Poland
Kopalnia Soli "Klodawa" Klodawa in central Poland
Kopalnia Soli "Wieliczka" Wieliczka in southern Poland, near Krakow,
     mining deposits at Barycz and Wieliczka
Kopalnia Soli "Bochnia" Southern Poland, mines at the Lezkowice
     and Siedlec-Moszczenica-Lapczyca
     deposit. Not known to have operated in 1999
KGHM "Polska Miedz" S.A. Sieroszowice in southwestern Poland
Kopalnia Wegla Kamiennego Debiensko, Upper Silesia
Janikowskie Zaklady Sodowe Janikowo in central Poland
    "Janikosoda" S.A.
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 6--Continued
          (Thousand  metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity     Major operating companies Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Selenium     Huta Metali Niezelaznych 'Szopienice" Katowice 80
      KGHM "Polska Miedz" S.A. Refinery at Glogow  
Silver     KGHM "Polska Miedz" S.A. Refined from dore produced by the 1
Zaklady Metalurgiczne Trzebinia Szopienice Pn-Zn smelter-refinery
        largely from KGHM-supplied slimes  
Steel:         14,000 (crude).
Crude and semimanufactures Huta Katowice S.A. Plant at Dobrowa Gornicza, producing pig
      iron, crude steel, hot-rolled products, and
      cast steel
Huta im. T. Sendzimir S.A. Steelworks at Krakow, producing pig iron,
      crude steel, hot-rolled products, cold-rolled
      products, pipes, and cast iron
P.P. Huta "Zawierciu" Steelworks at Zawierciu, producing crude
      steel, hot-rolled products, cast iron, and cast
Huta Czestochowa S.A. Steelworks at Czestochowa, producing pig
       iron, crude steel, hot-rolled sheets, pipes,
      and cast iron
Huta "Ostrowiec" S.A. Steelworks at Ostrowiec-Swietokrzyski,
      producing crude steel, hot-rolled products
P.P. Huta "Labedy" Steelworks at Gliwice, producing crude
      steel, and hot-rolled products
Huta "Lucchini-Warszawa" Sp. z o.o. Steelworks in Warsaw, producing crude steel,
      hot-rolled products, and cold-rolled strip
Huta Florian S.A. Steelworks in Swietochlowicach, producing
      crude steel, hot-rolled products,
      galvanized sheet, and cold-rolled strip
Huta "Stalowa Wola" S.A. Steelworks at Stalowa Wola, producing
      crude steel
Huta "Jednosc" S.A Steelworks at Siemianowice Slaskie,
      producing crude steel, hot-rolled products,
      and pipes
Huta "Batory" S.A. Steelworks at Chorzow, producing crude steel,
      hot-rolled products, and pipes
P.P.Huta "Baildon" Steelworks in Katowice, producing crude
      steel, hot-rolled products, cold-rolled strip,
      and cast steel
Huta "Malapanew" S.A. Steelworks at Ozimek, producing crude steel
     and cast steel
Huta "Zabrze" S.A. Steelworks at Zabrze, producing crude steel,
     cast iron, and cast steel
Huta "Zygmunt" S.A. Steelworks at Bytom, producing crude steel,
     cast iron, and crude steel
Semimanufactures only Huta Cedler S.A. Steelworks in Sosnowiec, producing hot-rolled
      products, cold-rolled strip, and cast iron
P.P. Huta "Kosciuszko" Steelworks at Chorzow, producing hot-rolled
Huta "Pokoj" S.A. Steelworks at Ruda Slaska, producing hot-
     rolled products
Huta "Andrzej" S.A. Steelworks at Zawadskie, producing pipes
Huta "Ferrum" S.A. Steelworks in Katowice, producing pipes
P.P. Huta "Bobrek" Steelworks in Bytom, producing pig iron, hot-
      rolled products, and cast iron
Huta "Buczek" S.A. Steelworks in Sosnowiec, producing pipes and
      cast iron
P.P. Huta "1 Maja" Steelworks in Gliwice, producing hot-rolled
Zaklad Wielkopiecowy "Szczecin" Steelworks at Szczecin, producing pig iron
    Sp. z o.o.
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 6--Continued
          (Thousand  metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity     Major operating companies Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Sulfur     P.P.Kopalne i Zaklady Przetworcze Operations at Tarnobrzeg, mining the Jeziorko- 5,700.
          Siarki "Siarkopol"      Grebow-Wydza deposit.  
Do.     P.P. Kopalnie i Zaklady Chemiczne Operations at Grzybow, mining the Osiek and  
          Siarki "Siarkopol"      Grzybow-Gacki deposits.  
1The data presented in this table were compiled, in large measure, from information provided in the Minerals Yeabook of Poland
(Bilans Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi w Polsce Na Tle Gospodarki Swiatowej 1995) prepared and published by the Department
of Mineral and Energy Policy, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Centre of the Academy of Science of Poland, The Ministry
of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources, and Forestry.  Additionally, very valuable information and criticism was provided
by Mr. Krystof Galos and other members of his academic department.
2The production of barite at the "Boguszow " Barite Mine was stopped in 1997 because of large-scale area flooding and its future 
status is uncertain.
3In order of size.