(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Mine output, Sb contente   460 460 460 460 460
Metal     255 461 274 356 356
Arsenic, white2     1,611 2,495 2,800 r 2,970 2,970
Mine output, Bi contente   1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Metal     705 744 640 568 600
Cadmium, metal       466 483 473 r 422 529
Mine output, Cu content     536,387 553,924 722,335 r 844,553 r 842,578 3
Sulfate, Cu content       2,554 2,484 1,953 1,950 2,000  
Blister     331,463 r 316,030 r 326,899 r 314,938 r 314,228 3
Refined, primary:    
Electrowon     114,425 127,311 131,409 r 156,467 r 171,198 3
Other     318,914   324,417   342,502 r 346,282 r 345,848 3
Total     433,339 451,728 473,911 502,749 517,046 3
Grand total     764,802   767,758   800,810 r 817,687 r 831,274 3
Mines   kilograms   110,530 116,085 121,902 r 138,810 r 159,770 3
Placers   do. 17,956   16,500   16,620   18,720   12,849 3
Total   do.   128,486 132,585 138,522 r 157,530 r 172,619 3
Indium   do.   5,005 5,015 4,263 5,500 5,500
Iron and steel:                                             
Iron ore and concentrate:  
Gross weight   thousand tons   3,949 4,144 4,564 4,594 5,239 3
Fe content   do.   2,715 2,813 3,087 3,105 3,541 3
Pig iron   do.   250 327 330 e 330 e 330 e
Sponge iron   do.   50 80 70 r 30 r 80
Ferroalloyse     360 360 360 360 360
Crude     558,697 749,082 750,000 e 750,000 e 750,000 e
Ingots and castingse    thousand tons 510 510 510 510 510
Semimanufacturese     250 250 250 250 250
Mine output, Pb content   271,782 270,576 289,546 305,651 r 308,874 3
Metal       121,090 116,412 121,169 r 119,588 112,289 3
Manganese, mine output, Mn contente   200 200 200 200 200
Mercury, byproduct output, Hg contente, 5  metric tons 50 50 50 50 50
Molybdenum, mine output, Mo content   5,470 7,193 9,499 8,613 r 9,561 3
Selenium, metal, refined kilograms 23,008 23,110 16,110 20,600 20,600 e
Mine output, Ag content   2,231 2,438 2,571 r 2,870 2,921 3
Metal, refined       1,115 1,180 1,194 r 1,193 1,147 3
Tellurium, metal   kilograms 17,110 22,020 19,105 21,600 22,000
Mine output, Sn content   59,191 70,901 38,182 r 38,815 40,202 3
Metal5     30,618 37,410 27,683 r 35,828 39,181 3
Mine output, Zn content   899,524 910,303 1,056,629 1,232,997 r 1,372,790 3
Metal       196,978   199,813   204,646 r 172,688   202,076 3
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Barite       3,512 11,403 11,031 3,806 2,906 3
Boron materials, crude (borates)     14,716 9,309 9,374 6,698 9,315 3
Cement, hydraulic   thousand tons   3,799 3,906 3,950 3,980 4,000 3
Chalke     101,000 101,000 101,000 101,000 101,000
Bentonite       19,659 21,059 18,217 20,760 14,980 3
Fire clay       10 5,973 5,900 e 5,900 5,900 3
Kaolin       1,332 6,165 5,532 1,934 2,653 3
Common clay     240,889 398,523 676,944 428,820 232,002 3
Diatomitee     35,100 35,100 35,100 35,100 35,100 3
Feldspar       1,594 5,642 4,253 6,018 7,349 3
Gypsum, crude       28,355 140,630 30,658 75,306 71,114 3
Lime     28,344 140,630 30,568 30,600 21,134 3
Nitrogen, N content of ammoniae   -- r -- r 5,000 r 5,000 r 5,000
Phosphate rock:    
Crude, gross weighte     25,200 17,300 15,800 16,400 31,600 3
P2O5 content     9,038 5,581 4,825 6,018 11,610 3
Salt, all types       778,048 247,619 418,954 278,948 187,416 3
Stone, sand and gravel:  
Dolomite     645 645 645 645 645
Flagstone     300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
Granite     2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Limestone   thousand tons 4,313 6 4,334 6 4,370 6 4,370 6 4,400
Marble     7,651 6 10,511 6 11,636 6 16,553 6 21,134 3
Onyx     150 150 150 150 150
Quartz and quartzite (crushed)   40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Shell, marl     4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Slate     15,792 6 16,706 6 16,800 6 10,944 6 14,260 3
Travertine     15,463 6 16,220 6 2,971 6 4,183 6 4,658 3
Sand and gravel:    
Construction   thousand tons   1,848 1,607 1,154 1,011 907 3
Silica sand   do.   90 74 120 300 196 3
Sulfur, elemental:    
Nativee     100 100 100 100 100
Byproduct of metallurgye   60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Sulfuric acid,  gross weight   517,000 590,209 623,084 623,100 623,000
Talc and related materials:                      
Talc     12,085 9,668 11,165 10,685 10,791
Pyrophyllitee     8,000   8,000   8,000   8,000   12,291 3
Totale       20,100   17,700   19,200   18,700   23,100  
Anthracite, run-of-mine   1,488 16,625 20,093 22,085 15,688 3
Bituminous, run-of-minee   45,000   45,000   45,000   45,885 6 46,000  
Totale     46,500   61,600   65,100   68,000   61,700
Coke, all typese     10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Gas, natural:    
Gross   million cubic meters 416 r 371 r 371 r 543 r 523 3
Marketed   do. 333   277   277   371   357 3
Natural gas liquids:e    
Natural gasoline and others7 thousand 42-gallon barrels 295 295 295 295 300
Butane   do. 5   5   5   5   18
Total   do.   300 300 300 300 318  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
MINERAL FUELS AND RELATED MATERIALS--Continued                    
Crude   thousand 42-gallon barrels 38,663 36,314 35,040 35,661 r 33,343 3
Refinery products:                        
Liquefied petroleum gas do. 2,357 2,484 2,612 3,100 2,551
Gasoline, motor   do. 9,449 9,291 9,767 11,593 9,202
Jet fuel   do. 3,112 2,822 2,966 3,521 3,289
Kerosene   do. 4,910 5,235 5,503 6,532 4,354
Distillate fuel oil   do. 13,622 12,355 12,988 15,417 14,972
Lubricants   do. 530 513 539 642 520
Residual fuel oil   do. 17,437 18,348 19,287 22,894 23,134
Asphalt   do. 363     --     --     -- 770
Other8   do. 4,611   4,800   5,053   5,998   5,379
Total   do.   56,391 55,848 58,715 69,697 64,171 3
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  pPreliminary. rRevised. -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through October 2004.
2Output reported by Doe Run Resources Corp.
3Reported figure.
4Peru's placer gold production was reported.
5Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
6Output reported by Minsur S.A.'s smelter.
7Includes hexane.
8Includes refinery fuel and losses.