(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Aluminum, metal:    
Primary     62,736 61,200 51,500 39,000 --
Secondarye     362,866 3 350,000   350,000   350,000   350,000  
Total     425,602 411,200 401,500 389,000 350,000
Mine output, Sb content   126 39 -- -- --
Metal3     273 52 81 155 434
Arsenic4     2,419 2,522 2,381 1,946 1,729
Mine output, Bi content5   548 1,112 1,390 1,126 1,064
Metal, refined     412 1,083 1,390 1,126 1,064
Mine output, Cd content   1,311 967 1,245 1,609 1,616
Metal, refined     1,275   1,268   1,421   1,382   1,590  
Mine output, Cu content:  
By concentration or cementation   330,232 308,966 306,779 260,574 284,653
Leaching, electrowon     50,952   55,600   60,500   69,300   71,000  
Total     381,184 364,566 367,279 329,874 355,653
Anode and blister     334,000 r 297,000 r 310,000 r 248,000 r 243,000  
Primary     411,952 396,000 393,000 r 388,000 r 320,000
Secondarye     14,000   15,000   15,000   35,000   35,000  
Total     425,952 411,000 408,000 423,000 355,000
Mine output, Au content  kilograms 23,755 26,375 23,543 21,324 20,406
Metal, refined    do. 22,050 24,074 25,749 23,594 22,177
Iron and steel:    
Iron ore, mine output:    
Gross weight    thousand tons 11,475 11,325 8,783 9,941 11,265
Fe content    do. 6,885   6,795   5,270   5,965   6,759  
Pig iron    do. 4,808 4,856 4,363 3,996 4,183
Direct-reduced iron    do. 6,070 5,589 3,672 r 4,740 r 5,473
Total    do. 10,878   10,445   8,035 r 8,736 r 9,656  
Ferroalloys, electric arc furnace:7  
Ferromanganese    do. 80 91 60 39 56
Silicomanganese    do. 114   108   74   73   81  
Total    do. 194 199 134 112 137
Crude steel    do. 15,243 15,586 13,292 14,010 r 15,178
Rolled products8    do. 11,319 11,747 11,185 r 11,639 r 12,484
Mine output, Pb content   125,656   137,975   136,413   138,707   139,348  
Primary9     111,136 143,223 143,523 128,241 137,482
Secondarye     110,000   110,000   110,000   110,000   110,000  
Totale     221,000   253,000   254,000   238,000   247,000  
Primary10     108,978 142,856 143,345 128,201 135,472
Secondary     110,000 r 110,000 r 110,000 r 110,000 r 110,000  
Totale       219,000   253,000   253,000   238,000   245,000  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Manganese ore:11    
Gross weight     459,000 435,000 277,000 245,000 320,000
Mn content     169,107 156,117 99,751 88,358 114,550
Mercury, mine output, Hg contente   15 15 15 15 15
Molybdenum, mine output, Mo content   7,961 6,886 5,518 3,428 3,524
Mine output, Ag content  kilograms 2,466,981 2,620,495 2,759,985 2,746,989 2,568,877
Metallurgical products, Ag content:  
In copper bars    do. 357,017 276,438 283,539 208,360 236,468
Mixed gold and silver bars  do. 259,715 249,136 195,086 183,383 193,453
Metal, refined, primary  do. 1,596,876 2,037,131 2,330,811 2,500,652 r 2,310,283
Mine output, Sn content   4 4 8 1 r 2
Metal, smelter, primary   1,258 1,200 1,107 1,756 1,769
Tungsten, mine output, W content   11 -- -- -- --
Mine output, Zn content   362,811 392,791 428,828 446,104 413,991
Metal, refined, primary   218,913 235,073 303,810 302,122 320,364
Abrasives, natural12     6,208 7,000 e 690 949 909
Barite     157,953 127,420 142,017 163,620 287,451
Cement, hydraulic    thousand tons 29,413 31,677 29,966 31,069 32,000 e
Bentonite     208,611 269,730 415,133 488,215 r 464,056
Common     6,964,647 9,689,936 13,257,459 13,258,195 13,232,893
Fuller's earth     47,522 51,685 148,194 147,064 r 152,917
Kaolin     489,993 532,268 681,709 745,498 798,407
Diatomite     65,146 96,448 69,474 62,322 67,801
Feldspar     262,241   334,439   329,591   332,101   346,315  
Acid-grade    thousand tons 323 335 343 343 409
Metallurgical-grade    do. 234   300   276   279   347  
Total    do. 557   635   619   622   756  
Graphite, natural, amorphous   27,781 30,330 21,442 14,065 8,730
Gypsum and anhydrite, crude (yeso)   6,953,756 5,654,060 6,237,056 6,739,834 6,986,491
Lime, hydrated and quicklimee  thousand tons 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500
Magnesium compounds:  
Magnesite     308 335 250 -- --
Magnesia13     70,631 76,470 37,565 40,194 37,215
Mica, all grades     971 1,658 648 456 506
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia   1,002,700 700,600 547,500 437,400 r 439,700
Perlite     61,596 68,702 80,297 85,703 194,463
Phosphate rock14     950,649 1,052,464 787,283 4,764 5,500
Salt, all types    thousand tons 8,236 8,884 8,501 7,802 7,547
Sodium compounds:e    
Carbonate, soda ash, synthetic   290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000
Sulfate, natural, bloedite15   591,300 560,400 547,000 591,500 475,600
Stone, sand and gravel:  
Calcite, common     682,249 820,149 2,711,889 2,935,127 r 3,425,623
Dolomite     415,284 403,664 670,797 457,665 565,896
Limestone    thousand tons   45,449   58,267   63,346   59,421   56,253  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Stone, sand and gravel--Continued:  
Marble     744,377 1,034,529 4,155,745 3,615,728 3,529,274
Quartz, quartzite, glass sand (silica)   1,700,527 1,802,545 1,720,211 1,778,715 1,689,042
Sand    thousand tons 58,912 67,491 67,712 63,576 62,060
Gravel    do. 45,050 50,176 57,157 68,239 76,332
Strontium minerals, celestite   164,682   157,420   145,789   94,015   130,329  
Sulfur, elemental, byproduct:  
Of metallurgye    thousand tons 474 474 572 575 575
Of petroleum and natural gas  do. 856   851   878   887   1,055  
Totale    do. 1,330 1,330 1,450 1,460 1,630
Talc     18,981 20,569 77,650 111,621 r 114,870
Vermiculite     -- -- -- 300 312
Wollastonite     44,126   30,836   39,830   42,756   51,944  
Run of mine:    thousand tons
Metallurgical    do. 4,748 6,372 5,242 5,097 4,775
Steam    do. 8,555   7,915   6,935   6,308   6,530  
Total    do. 13,303   14,287   12,177   11,405   11,305  
Washed metallurgical coale   1,944 3 2,259 3 2,000   2,000   2,000  
Metallurgical    do. 2,187 2,185 2,025 1,412 1,414
Breeze    do. 41   50   40   39   49  
Total    do. 2,228   2,235   2,065   1,451   1,463  
Gas, natural:    
Gross    million cubic meters 49,506 48,349 46,624 45,716 46,509
Marketed    do. 27,999   28,847   28,984   30,139   31,000 e
Crude    thousand 42-gallon barrels 1,060,690 1,099,380 1,141,355 1,159,642 1,230,415
Condensate, natural gas liquids  do. 159,505   159,870   158,045   148,920   152,570  
Total    do. 1,220,195   1,259,250   1,299,400   1,308,562   1,382,985  
Refinery products:    
Liquefied petroleum gas    do. 11,315 9,089 10,147 11,425 12,410
Motor gasoline    do. 148,117 143,445 142,423 145,343 162,425
Jet fuel    do. 21,097 20,185 20,696 20,696 21,900
Kerosene    do. 292 110 110 -- --
Distillate fuel oil, diesel  do. 99,244 96,871 102,784 97,419 112,420
Lubricants    do. 3,030 2,190 1,898 1,789 1,825
Residual fuel oil    do. 156,184 154,249 159,104 164,104 144,905
Asphalt    do. 11,060 11,352 10,476 10,512 9,490
Other, refinery fuel and losses  do. 18,394 17,263 14,854 14,416 5,840
Total    do.   468,733   454,754   462,492   465,704   471,215  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through September 30, 2004.
2In addition to the commodities listed, additional types of crude construction materials are produced, but output is not reported; available information is
inadequate to make estimates of output levels.
3Reported figure.
4Sb content of antimonial lead and impure bars plus refined metals.
5Arsenic content of white and black (impure) arsenic trioxide.
6Refined metal plus bismuth content of impure smelter products.
7Reported by Cámara Nacional del Hierro y del Acero.
8Includes flat, nonflat, and seamless pipe steel products.
9Lead content of impure bar, antimonial lead, and refined metal.
10Includes lead content of antimonial lead.
TABLE 1--Continued
11Mostly oxide nodules; includes smaller quantities of direct-shipping carbonates and oxide ores for metallurgical and battery applications.
12Based on exports comprising mostly pumice stone and emery (a granular, impure variety of corundum).
13Reported by Industrias Peñoles, S.A. de C.V. as the only major producer.  Includes caustic, electromelt, hydroxide, and refractory.
14Includes only output used to manufacture fertilizers.
15Series reflects output reported by Industrias Peñoles, S.A. de C.V. plus an additional 40,000 tons of estimated output by other producers.
16Includes coke made from imported metallurgical coal.