(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Aluminum, bauxite, gross weight thousand tons 223 123 64 40 6
Columbium-tantalum metals, struverite, gross weight   675 969 8,430 2,298 2,619
Copper, mine output, Cu content, Sabah   4,600   --   -- -- --
Gold, mine output, Au content3 kilograms 3,449   4,026 3,965 4,289 4,739
Iron and steel:  
Iron ore and concentrate thousand tons 337   259 376 404 597
Steel, crude do. 2,770 3,650 4,100 4,722 r 4,700 e
Lead metal, secondary   33,000 35,300   38,000 40,000 40,000
Rare-earth metals, monazite, gross weight   1,147   818 643 441 r 795
Silver, mine output, Ag content3 kilograms 2,744 5 3 -- --
Mine output, Sn content   7,339   6,307 4,972 4,215 3,359
Metal, smelter   28,913   26,228   30,417 30,887 r 18,250
Ilmenite concentrate, gross weight   127,695 124,801   129,750 106,046 95,148
Dioxide, gross weighte   46,000 46,000 50,000 56,000 56,000
Zirconium, zircon concentrate, gross weight   1,763   3,642 3,768 5,292 r 3,456
Barite   13,506   7,274   649 3,082 r --
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons 10,104 11,445   13,820 14,336 17,243
Clays and earth materials do. 33,083 79,485 29,596 23,092 r 23,000 e
Clays, kaolin   213,973   233,885 364,458 323,916 r 376,958
Feldspar   26,940   29,895 40,509 30,819 r 31,000 e
Mica   3,675 3,835 4,107 3,669 3,609
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia   432,000 604,800 726,000 847,900 909,500
Sand and gravel thousand tons 33,351   21,497   15,020 19,574 r 20,000 e
Silica sand, peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak   508,723   446,838   575,105 447,398 r 450,000 e
Aggregate thousand tons 58,588 66,670 66,996 84,934 85,000 e
Dolomite   4,250 4,030 2,850 -- --
Limestone thousand tons 23,515   26,086 32,503 27,450 r 30,000 e
Coal   308,502   382,942 497,733 352,513 172,820
Gas, natural:4  
Gross million cubic meters 51,376   56,929   58,751 60,791 r 65,173
Net5 do. 40,844   45,259   46,707 48,329 r 51,813
Liquefied natural gas thousand tons 15,390   15,169   15,423 15,025 17,402
Crude and condensate thousand 42-gallon barrels 252,115   249,159   243,696   254,770 r 269,370  
Refinery products:  
Gasoline  do. 25,498   22,205 25,500 e 26,000 e 25,000 e
Jet fuele do. 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500
Kerosene do. 15,945   19,631 25,522 r 23,688 r 24,000 e
Diesel do. 43,725   57,559 55,500 e 57,000 e 56,000 e
Residual fuel oil do. 11,972   12,413 12,500 e 15,000 e 14,000 e
Othere, 6 do. 15,000   15,500   15,500   15,000   15,000
Total7 do.   120,000   135,000   142,000   144,000 r 142,000  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  pPreliminary.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through July 2, 2004.
2In addition to the commodities listed, a variety of crude construction materials, which include clays and stone, fertilizers, and salt, is produced, but not
reported, and information is inadequate to make reliable estimates of output levels.
3Includes byproduct from a copper mine in Sabah, tin mines in peninsular Malaysia, and gold mines in peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak.
4Includes production from peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak.
5Gross less volume of reinjected and flared.
6Includes liquefied petroleum gas, naphthas, and lubricants.
7Data are rounded to three significant digits; may not add to total shown.
Sources:  Ministry of Primary Industry, Minerals and Geoscience Department (Kuala Lumpur), Malaysian Minerals Yearbook 2001, Monthly Statistics
on the Mining Industry in Malaysia; Department of Statistics (Kuala Lumpur), Monthly Statistical Bulletin, April 2004; U.S. Geological Survey Minerals
Questionnaire, 2002; and Southeast Asia Iron and Steel Institute, Steel Statistical Yearbook, 2003.