(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
                                          Country and commodity      1999   2000   2001   2002e   2003e  
Aluminum, secondarye     2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400
Carbon dioxide gas, natural     10,006 7,744 5,645 5,662 3 5,700
Cement, hydraulic   thousand tons 1,440 r, e 1,367 r 1,319 r 1,463 r, 3 1,537 3
    Bentonite     -- 64 50 50 50
    Kaolin     192 793 700 710 r 710
    Kyanite         NA (4) -- -- --
    Other     15,000 18,000 18,000 r, e 18,000 r 18,000
Diatomite     507 448 441 1,333 3 1,400
Feldspar     115 e 82 73 75 75
Fluorspar, acid grade5     93,602 100,102 118,850 85,015 3 95,278 3
Gemstones, precious and semiprecious:                 
    Amethyst5   kilograms 514 1,107 1,100 e 570 570
    Aquamarine5   do. 1,216 132 130 e 70 70
    Cordierite, iolite5   do. 444 280 280 e 150 150
    Green garnet   do. 26 20 25 20 3 10
    Rhodolite garnet   do. 1,214 5 3,409 5 3,400 e 1,800 1,800
    Ruby   do. 4,488 5,896 5,862 3,043 3 3,100
    Sapphire5   do. 7,232 10,686 10,700 e 5,600 5,600
    Tourmaline   do. 4,617 5 18,844 5 18,800 e 9,800 9,800
Gold, mine output, Au content5   do. 990 1,243 1,545 1,477 3 1,500
Gypsum and anhydrite     9,500 e 8,416 8,200 9,100 9,600
Iron ore         NA 790 920 1,000 1,000
Lead, refined secondary     1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3 1,000 3
Lime     4,473   1,282   1,300 r, e 1,300 r 1,300  
Petroleum refinery products:    
    Gasoline   thousand 42-gallon barrels 2,481 2,828 2,329 r 2,400 r 2,400
    Kerosene and jet fuel   do. 2,676 3,175 2,519 r 2,600 r 2,600
    Distillate fuel oil   do. 3,798 4,531 3,256 r 3,300 r 3,300
    Residual fuel oil   do. 2,871 3,402 3,730 r 3,800 3,800
    Liquefied petroleum gas   do. 314 395 343 r 400 r 400
    Other   do. 127   134   916 r 1,000 r 1,000  
        Total   do. 12,267 14,465 13,093 r 13,500 r 13,500
Salt, crude     44,886 16,359 5,664 18,848 3 19,000
Soda ash     245,680 238,190 297,780 304,110 3 352,560 3
Stone, sand and gravel:    
    Granite for dimension stone     860 182 185 r, e 185 r 185
    Limestone for cement   thousand tons 700   660 r, e 640 r, e 710 750
    Limestone for dimension stone   do. 32,000 32,000 32,000 r 32,000 r, 3 32,000
    Marble for dimension stone     433 116 120 r, e 120 r 120
    Sand, industrial; glasse     12,000 12,000 r 12,000 r 13,000 r 13,000
    Shalee     185,000 r 185,000 r 190,000 r 190,000 r 190,000
Sulfuric acid     20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 3 20,000 p
Vermiculite     164 5 124 5 -- -- 3 --
Cement, hydraulic     347,274 367,470 431,084 r 505,959 r, 3 505,000
Clay         NA     NA 73,505 44,790 3 50,000
Cobalt     77 420 634 450 -- 3
Columbite-tantalite, ore and concentrate:
     Gross weight   kilograms -- 2,712 11,092 6,463 3 7,200
     Nb content   do. -- 992 5,211 3,036 3 3,400
     Ta content   do. -- 689 2,979 1,736 3 1,900
Gold, mine output, Au content   do. 5 56 (4) 3 3 5
Gypsum     256 -- -- 5 3 10
Iron ore     3,169 4,632 r 1,236 -- 3 --
Kaolin     198 14 90 178 3 200
Lime, hydrated and quicke       10,000   10,000   10,000   10,000   10,000  
Footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
                                          Country and commodity      1999   2000   2001   2002e   2003e  
Limestone     121,521 253,032 229,792 140,022 3 226,408 3
Phosphate minerals, apatite     (4) e -- -- -- 3 --
Pozzolanic materials     20,213 35,603 22,782 12,388 3 14,000
Salte     5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Steele 7,000 r 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Tin, mine output, Sn content     (4) (4) 18 -- 3 --
Tungsten, mine output, W content     (4) (4) 17 16 3 20
Vermiculite       --   --   200 r 664 3 1,724 3
e Estimated.   pPreliminary.  rRevised.  NA Not available.  -- Zero.
1Includes data available through September 14, 2004.
2In addition to the commodities listed, a variety of minerals and construction materials [brick clays, coal, gravel, meerschaum, mica, murram (laterite),
crushed rock, and construction sand] may be produced, but quantities are not reported, and information is inadequate to make estimates of output.
3Reported figure.
4Less than 1/2 unit.
6In addition to the commodities listed, the following are presumably produced but information is inadequate to estimate output: clay, corundum, lead, marble,
sand and gravel, and silica sand.