(Metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
        271000270, 271000290,
271000320, 271000340,
Motor benzine:     271000360
Russia       377,498.0 74,018.0 392,763.0 60,685.0
Turkmenistan     14,956.0 2,058.0 4.0 0.7
Uzbekistan       2,447.0 481.0 34,489.0 5,098.0
Total       394,901.0 76,557.0   427,256.0 65,783.7
Other countries:    
China       28,094.0 7,315.0 19,624.0 4,143.0
Finland       50.0 20.0 51.0 18.0
Lithuania       XX XX 54.0 15.0
Unspecified       1,028.0 286.0   0.0 0.0
Total       29,172.0 7,621.0   19,729.0 4,176.0
World total       424,073.0 84,178.0   446,985.0 69,959.7
Gas oils (diesel fuel):     271000610-271000690
Azerbaijan       4,996.0 1,366.0 12,261.0 3,602.0
Belarus       50.0 13.0 XX XX
Russia       370,025.0 81,230.0 251,494.0 32,163.0
Turkmenistan     54,367.0 10,042.0 XX XX
Uzbekistan       23.0 3.0 2,833.0 190.0
Total       429,461.0 92,654.0   266,588.0 35,955.0
Other countries:    
Finland       1,169.0 401.0 152.0 64.0
Germany       4,788.0 1,197.0 XX XX
Unspecified       37.0 12.0   -- --
Total       5,994.0 1,610.0   152.0 64.0
World total       435,455.0 94,264.0   266,740.0 36,019.0
Liquid fuels (mazut):     271000710-271000780
Russia       79,388.0 6,265.0 61,333.0 2,965.0
Uzbekistan       987.0 91.0 XX XX
Unspecified       (4) 1.0   -- --
Total       80,375.0 6,357.0   61,333.0 2,965.0
Other countries:  Iran     8.0 1.0   14.0 3.0
World total       80,383.0 6,358.0   61,347.0 2,968.0
Natural gas:       271121000
Russia     million cubic meters 1,030.0 31,055.0 4,957.0 115,202.0
Turkmenistan   do. 1,745.0 61,856.0 1,758.0 67,697.0
Uzbekistan     do. 1,451.0 53,508.0 1,461.0 57,272.0
Total     do. 4,226.0 146,419.0   8,176.0 240,171.0
Other countries:   do. XX XX   XX XX
World total     do. 4,226.0 146,419.0   8,176.0 240,171.0
Tubes, pipes, of cast iron or steel: 7303-7306
Azerbaijan       6.0 7.0 91.0 325.0
Belarus       1.0 4.0 158.0 47.0
Kyrgyzstan       338.0 15.0 6.0 2.0
Russia       241,091.0 163,536.0 226,416.0 114,961.0
Turkmenistan     105.0 315.0 655.0 1,245.0
Uzbekistan       21.0 12.0 2.0 0.3
Ukraine       36,779.0 25,901.0 24,879.0 13,750.0
Total         278,341.0 189,790.0   252,207.0 130,330.3
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 16--Continued
(Metric tons and thousand dollars unless otherwise specified)
  2001 2002
Commodities and countries TNEEA code of CIS2 Quantity Value3   Quantity Value3
Tubes, pipes, of cast iron or steel--Continued: 7303-7306
Other countries:    
China       15,740.0 17,474.0 12,241.0 15,489.0
Czech Republic     154.0 166.0 842.0 792.0
France       9,435.0 13,954.0 4,366.0 6,979.0
Germany       5,905.0 8,618.0 21,776.0 20,862.0
Greece       59,770.0 60,287.0 5,152.0 5,052.0
Japan       20,905.0 30,198.0 8,570.0 30,731.0
Romania       8,462.0 6,239.0 8,811.0 7,355.0
Turkey       428.0 1,018.0 889.0 915.0
United Kingdom     13,495.0 18,591.0 2,632.0 5,960.0
United States       2,396.0 7,299.0 1,929.0 6,633.0
Unspecified       22,638.0 28,397.0   19,188.0 21,990.0
Total       159,328.0 192,241.0   86,396.0 122,758.0
World total         437,669.0 382,031.0   338,603.0 253,088.3
XX Not applicable.  -- Zero.
1Data may not add to totals shown due to independent rounding.
2Trade Nomenclature of External Economic Activity (TNEEA) of the CIS.
3Conversion of statistical value to U.S. dollars is performed using official exchange rate of the national banks of the CIS countries on the day of Cargo Control
Document (CCD) receipt by the customs body and its execution.
4Less than 1/2 unit.
Source:  External Trade of the CIS Countries, Statistical Abstract, Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Moscow, 2003.