2001 2002
   Exports      Imports     Trade    Exports      Imports     Trade
   Value Percentage    Value Percentage    balance    Value Percentage    Value Percentage    balance
Mineral group   (millions)   of total   (millions)   of total   (millions)   (millions)   of total   (millions)   of total   (millions)
Total, all commodities   8,639.1 100.0   6,446.0 100.0   2,193.1   9,670.3 100.0   6,584.0 100.0   3,086.3
Of which:
Mineral products 5,028.8 58.2 904.4 14.0 4,124.4 5,917.5 61.2 822.9 12.5 5,094.6
Products of the chemical
or allied industries 405.8 4.7 667.1 10.3 -261.3 418.6 4.3 715.7 10.9 -297.1
Articles of stone, cement,
asbestos, mica, glass
and glassware 3.4 (2) 114.2 1.8 -110.8 1.9 (2) 136.1 2.1 -134.2
Nonprecious metals and
articles of nonprecious
metal 2,109.8 24.4 889.6 13.8 1,220.2 2,234.1 23.1 738.0 11.2 1,496.1
Other 1,091.3 12.6   3,870.7 60.0   -2,779.4   1,098.2 11.4   4,171.3 63.4   -3,073.1
With CIS countries:3
Mineral products 1,598.8 60.5 789.5 23.9 809.3 1,344.0 61.2 760.3 25.0 583.7
Products of the chemical
or allied industries 255.9 9.7 367.5 11.1 -111.6 215.9 9.8 348.8 11.5 -132.9
Articles of stone, cement,
asbestos, mica, glass
and glassware 2.3 0.1 67.0 2.0 -64.7 1.8 0.1 72.7 2.4 -70.9
Nonprecious metals and
articles of nonprecious
metal 237.5 9.0 493.3 14.9 -255.8 244.1 11.1 371.3 12.2 -127.2
Other 550.1 20.8   1,592.2 48.1 -1,042.1   388.6 17.7   1,490.1 49.0 -1,101.5
Total 2,644.6 100.0   3,309.5 100.0   -664.9   2,194.4 100.0   3,043.2 100.0   -848.8
With other countries of the
Mineral products 3,430.0 57.2 114.9 3.7 3,315.1 4,573.5 61.2 62.6 1.8 4,510.9
Products of the chemical
or allied industries 149.9 2.5 299.6 9.6 -149.7 202.7 2.7 366.9 10.4 -164.2
Articles of stone, cement,
asbestos, mica, glass
and glassware 1.1 (2) 47.2 1.5 -46.1 0.1 (2) 63.4 1.8 -63.3
Nonprecious metals and
articles of nonprecious
metal 1,872.3 31.2 396.3 12.6 1,476.0 1,990.0 26.6 366.7 10.4 1,623.3
Other 541.2 9.0   2,278.5 72.6 -1,737.3   709.6 9.5   2,681.2 75.7 -1,971.6
Total   5,994.5 100.0   3,136.5 100.0   2,858.0   7,475.9 100.0   3,540.8 100.0   3,935.1
1Data may not add to totals owing to independent rounding.
2Less than 1/2 unit.
3Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
Source:  External Trade of the CIS Countries, Statistical Abstract, Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Moscow, 2003.