(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Sources, 2002
Commodity   2001   2002   States   Other, principal
Alkali and alkaline-earth metals       288   13,440   3,402   China 8,280; Russia 1,020; France 218.
    Ore and concentrate       2,050,567 r 1,872,834   --   Australia 1,029,115; Indonesia 732,184; India 64,953.
    Oxides and hydroxides       88,519   84,920   5,409   Australia 65,286; China 6,894; Germany 3,351.
    Ash and residue        1,331   514   --   Russia 233; Republic of Korea 101; China 80.
    Metal including alloys:                    
         Scrap   120,829 133,374 37,004 Australia 13,194; United Kingdom 9,399; Saudi Arabia 7,956.
         Unwrought thousand tons   2,611   2,575   5   Russia 680; New Zealand 197; Brazil 191.
    Ore and concentrate       20   21   --   China 20; Austria 1.
    Oxides        7,382   7,112   52   China 6,215; Taiwan 580; Mexico 182.
    Metal including alloys, all forms       7,372   6,920   --   China 6,900; Thailand 19.
Arsenic, metal including alloys, all forms     220,621 r 226,507   6,347   China 161,015; Norway 14,927; Australia 14,195.
Beryllium, metal including alloys, all forms   13   9   (2)   Mainly from China.
Bismuth, metal including alloys, all forms     241   474   100   China 229; Peru 146; Belgium 76.
Cadmium, metal including alloys, all forms   2,723   3,002   (2)   Republic of Korea 1,185; Canada 503; Peru 286.
    Ore and concentrate       411,120   354,928   --   South Africa 189,132; India 144,120; Iran 10,999.
    Oxides and hydroxides       4,970   3,797   353   China 1,622; Kazahkstan 1,240.
    Metal including alloys, all forms       3,480   2,922   555   China 1,262; United Kingdom 283; France 514.
    Ore and concentrate       --   20   --   Australia 10; Netherlands 10.
    Oxides and hydroxides       1,484 r 2,505   93   Belgium 1,768; Finland 568.
    Metal including alloys, all forms       7,973   9,827   152   Canada 2,032; Finland 1,977; Australia 1,781.
Columbium and tantalum, tantalum metal                  
   including alloys, all forms       251   132   33   Thailand 38; China 31; Germany 6.
    Ore and concentrate thousand tons 4,112 4,249 -- Chile 1,527; Indonesia 1,015; Papua New Guinea 374.
    Matte including cement copper       1,956   1,651   --   Vietnam 708; Taiwan 360; Malaysia 331.
    Oxides and hydroxides       3,732   2,787   1,708   Malaysia 474; Vietnam 158; Republic of Korea 140.
    Sulfate       741   674   4   Taiwan 240; China 206; Thailand 150.
    Ash and residue containing copper       4,020   2,448   343   Malaysia 1,386; Republic of Korea 325; Philippines 150.
    Metal including alloys:                    
         Scrap       142,702   125,709   28,037   Philippines 20,437; Singapore 20,034; Malaysia 13,538.
         Unwrought       167,242   127,387   645   Peru 3,494; Indonesia 3,100; Chile 2,994.
         Semimanufactures       58,738   60,091   1,944   Republic of Korea 20,224; Malaysia 12,568; Taiwan 5,898.
Germanium, metal including alloys, all forms   7   1   --   Mainly from China.
     Waste and sweepings       238   --   --   NA.
     Metal including alloys, unwrought and                  
         partly wrought   kilograms   43,231   84,706   3,724   Australia 37,913; Switzerland 12,077; Uzbekistan 6,667.
Iron and steel:                    
   Iron ore and concentrate            
   excluding roasted pyrite thousand tons   126,297 r 129,088   --   Australia 74,280; Brazil 25,019; India 15,504.
        Scrap   do.   151,030 r 178,623   7,520   Republic of Korea 56,332; Taiwan 42,156; Russia 16,459.
        Pig iron, cast iron, related materials do.   318,772 r 267,379   1,099   China 83,103; Brazil 55,335; North Korea 36,558.
            Ferrochromium   739,687 783,371 (2) South Africa 442,167; Kazahkstan 139,510; China 29,777.
            Ferromanganese       54,549   58,053   --   China 32,484; South Africa 17,015; Republic of Korea 4,359.
            Ferromolybdenum       3,873   3,993   --   China 3,773; Chile 220.
            Ferronickel       45,470   50,058   (2)   New Caledonia 31,925; Indonesia 6,668; Dominica 5,770.
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 11--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Sources, 2002
Commodity   2001   2002   States   Other, principal
Iron and steel--Continued:    
            Ferrosilicochromium       3,493   2,812   --   China 2,750; Zimbabwe 62.
            Ferrosilicomanganese       218,405   254,269   --   China 200,552;  Australia 22,061; Ukraine 15,906.
            Ferrosilicon       472,840   463,304   2   Russia 95,044; Brazil 49,550; Ukraine 8,668.
            Ferrotungsten       826   546   --   All from China.
            Silicon metal        184,771   189,723   120   China 154,287; Norway 14,914; Australia 14,182.
            Unspecified       33,787   34,351   10   France 17,407; Brazil 11,780; China 11,329.
    Ore and concentrate       186,136   155,109   65,871   Australia 55,400; Peru 13,495; Bolivia 6,496.
    Oxides       37,301   26,244   57   China 15,657; Taiwan 6,194; Malaysia 1,160.
    Metal including alloys:                    
         Unwrought       45,208   17,223   2   China 15,261; Peru 797; Mexico 470.
         Semimanufactures       2,397   2,293   3   China 1,278; France 687; United Kingdom 160.
Lithium, oxides and hydroxides       1,312   1,019   699   China 228; Russia 57; Taiwan 35.
Magnesium, metal including alloys:                    
      Scrap       790   1,065   1   Taiwan 836; Republic of Korea 207; China 20.
      Unwrought       33,665   35,106   32   China 28,887; Norway 3,218; Canada 2,359.
      Semimanufactures       3,350   5,326   212   China 4,780; Russia 207.
     Oxides and dioxides       2,155   2,598   (2)   China 1,583; Belgium 626; South Africa 200.
     Metal including alloys, all forms       52,748   45,779   1,077   China 37,033; South Africa 7,400; Costa Rica 180.
Mercury       11   7   (2)   Mainly from Algeria.
    Ore and concentrate:    
        Roasted       31,687   30,140   1,088   Chile 13,259; Mexico 4,600; Canada 3,990.
        Unroasted       60   50   --   Austria 30; China 20.
     Oxides and hydroxides       1,492   1,166   267   Chile 513; China 327; Taiwan 18.
     Metal including alloys, semimanufactures,                
all forms       882   630   70   Austria 207; China 203; Uzbekistan 22.
    Ore and concentrate     4,419,916 r 4,507,335 -- Mainly from Indonesia.
    Matte       117,349   101,450   --   Indonesia 75,267; Australia 26,182.
    Oxides and hydroxides       60   106   12   Canada 67; Finland 27.
    Metal including alloys:                    
         Scrap       16,040   14,033   2,553   Russia 3,266; Zimbabwe 2,466; Republic of Korea 1,001.
         Unwrought       28,762   41,299   15   Australia 11,234; Russia 8,155; Norway 4,064.
         Semimanufactures       11,289   12,123   1,032   Canada 4,769; United Kingdom 4,465; Russia 855.
Platinum-group metals:                    
     Waste and sweepings       339   --   --   NA.
     Metal including alloys, unwrought and  
        partly wrought:    
         Palladium, value thousands $10,046 r $5,163 $621 Russia $1,311; Germany $412; Netherlands $50.
         Platinum   thousand grams 53,031 r 53,807 2,888 South Africa 39,733; Germany 3,949; United Kingdom 2209.
         Rhodium   do.   4,759 r 6,081   615   South Africa 4,588; United Kingdom 396; Hong Kong 54.
         Iridium, osmium, ruthenium   do.   6,991 r 8,015   570   South Africa 6,507; Germany 396; United Kingdom 270.
Rare-earth metals including alloys, all forms   3,346   4,985   17   China 4,947; Estonia 18; Belgium 2.
Selenium       18   26   --   Philippines 19; Belgium 5; United Kingdom 2.
Silicon, high-purity       6,271   6,052   3,723   Germany 852; United Kingdom 798; China 344.
    Ore and concentrate       14,813   10,149   --   Peru 8,156; Chile 1,993.
     Metal including alloys, unwrought and                  
        partly wrought     1,388 r 1,469   342   Mexico 315; Republic of Korea 258; Peru 192.
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 11--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Sources, 2002
Commodity   2001   2002   States   Other, principal
Tin, metal including alloys:  
    Ore and concentrate       14   --   --   NA.
    Metal including alloys:                    
         Scrap       36   88   --   Republic of Korea 46; China 23; Thailand 14.
         Unwrought       24,144   26,519   17   Indonesia 11,893; China 9,858; Thailand 2,856.
         Semimanufactures       369   625   6   Thailand 363; Singapore 189; Republic of Korea 25.
    Ore and concentrate       112,802   385,223   40   Vietnam 116,487; Australia 152,443; India 34,390.
    Oxides       14,298   9,106   235   China 5,580; Republic of Korea 2,053; France 601.
    Metal including alloys, all forms       10,333   11,074   2,844   Russia 3,910; Kazakhstan 3,420; Ukraine 460.
    Ore and concentrate       951   887   --   Russia 787; Portugal 80; Netherlands 20.
    Metal including alloys, all forms       1,418   1,057   46   China 642; Germany 97; Taiwan 47.
Uranium and thorium, metal including alloys, all forms   767   20   --   All from Vietnam.
Vanadium, metal including alloys, all forms                
    Oxides and hydroxides       3,638   3,981   (2)   Australia 1,080; South Africa 1,012.
    Ash and residue containing zinc       127   --   --   NA.
    Metal including alloys, all forms       230   217   147   Mainly from Germany.
    Ore and concentrate   thousand tons 1,164   1,008   144 Australia 359; Peru 193; Canada 86.
    Oxides       13,874   15,680   230   China 6,939; Republic of Korea 5,902; Taiwan 1,332.
    Blue powder       1,532   973   (2)   Singapore 473; Republic of Korea 256; China 144.
    Ash and residue containing zinc       31,165   19,952   2,575   Taiwan 8,631; Republic of Korea 6,922; Philippines 1,038.
    Metal including alloys:                    
         Scrap       31   45   --   Republic of Korea 29; Philippines 16.
         Unwrought       63,580   23,112   (2)   Peru 11,271; China 8,349; Canada 2,412.
         Semimanufactures        4,130   5,979   51   China 3,111; Belgium 1,055; Republic of Korea 367.
    Ore and concentrate       84,124   74,757   1,660   Australia 45,345; South Africa 25,405; Russia 2,170.
    Metal including alloys, all forms       557   580   348   France 219; Sweden 2; United Kingdom 2.
Abrasives, n.e.s.:    
    Natural, corundum, emery, pumice, etc.     17,056   22,036   3,180   India 9,864; China 7,037; Republic of Korea 327.
       Corundum       162,405   143,877   432   China 126,168; Austria 5,219; Australia 5,032.
       Silicon carbide       68,519   57,831   34   China 53,055; Brazil 2,165; Norway 951.
    Dust and powder of precious and semiprecious stones                
        including diamonds, value thousands $9 r $21 $18 Mainly from China.
    Grinding and polishing wheels and stones   5,200   5,563   155   China 3,293; Thailand 1,373; Taiwan 134.
Asbestos, crude       79,463   43,390   2,154   Canada 24,430; Zimbabwe 11,265; Brazil 2,974.
Barite and witherite       94,272   79,959   310   China 75,176; North Korea 4,297; Thailand 176.
    Crude natural borates       44,679   34,480   20   Turkey 29,930; Russia 4,530.
    Oxides and acids       555   427   391   Russia 36.
Cement       1,183,529 r 824,029   222   Republic of Korea 798,802; France 12,393; China 10,981.
Clays, crude:                    
    Bentonite       200,022   208,798   133,901   China 37,937; Canada 35,218; New Zealand 786. 
    Chamotte or dinas earth       15,388   6,892   --   China 3,011; South Africa 1,944; Republic of Korea 1,749.
    Fire clay       9,989   5,786   1,720   China 4,064; Brazil 2.
    Fuller's earth       9,140   10,075   6,293   China 3,348; Australia 434.
    Kaolin       1,381 r 1,286   895   Brazil 231; Indonesia 55; China 53.
    Unspecified       152,695   159,855   2,363   China 156,024; Czech Republic 601.
Cryolite and chiolite       53   --   --   NA.
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 11--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Sources, 2002
Commodity   2001   2002   States   Other, principal
INDUSTRIAL MINERALS--Continued                
Diamond, natural:                    
    Gem, not set or strung   carats   31,651 r 22,750   4,610   United Kingdom 7,447; Israel 4,734; Belgium 2,412.
    Industrial stones   thousand carats   1,534   3,344   118   Ireland 3,121; United Kingdom 36; Belgium 34.
    Dust and powder   do.   92,436   99,575   17,455   Ireland 31,739; Ukraine 4,660; Republic of Korea 4,438.
Diatomite and other infusorial earth       7,427   6,889   5,117   China 1,730; Netherlands 23; Germany 10.
Feldspar       1,366   2,049   --   Malaysia 916; India 636; China 477.
Fluorspar       519,221   397,039   --   China 358,864; Mexico 23,131; Thailand 7,000.
Fertilizer materials:                    
    Crude, n.e.s.     57,635 33,712 6 China 14,474; Indonesia 13,758; Canada 473.
        Ammonia       20,505   85,886 1,230 Taiwan 57,456; Singapore 27,200.
        Phosphatic       139,713   161,697   47,868   China 102,025; Republic of Korea 9,199; Israel 2,500.
        Potassic       930,053 r 952,986   292,544   Canada 334,732; Russia 98,281; Germany 64,677.
        Unspecified and mixed       1,999,129 r 2,153,422   768,372   Canada 334,732; Jordan 263,979; China 149,396.
Graphite, natural       143,540   105,074   266   China 101,098; Sri Lanka 1,657.
Gypsum and plaster       1,983,225   1,922,296   405   Australia 940,118; Thailand 734,760; Mexico 242,535.
Iodine       273   375   1   Mainly from Chile.
Lime       17,675   9,861   --   Thailand 8,000; China 1,799.
Magnesium compounds:                    
     Magnesite, crude       1,870   2,524   --   North Korea 1,378; China 1,026.
     Oxides and hydroxides       26,689   17,956   209   China 9,264; Israel 4,426; Republic of Korea 1,722.
     Other       476   636   --   All from China.
    Crude including splittings and waste       47,902   47,488   340   China 32,343; India 6,028; Canada 2,844.
    Worked including agglomerated splittings   236   186   8   Belgium 78; China 31; Switzerland 22.
Nitrates, crude       22,024   11,368   --   Chile 11,200; China 100.
Phosphates, crude       770,645 r 844,527   21,854   China 365,348; South Africa 222,248; Morocco 102,877.
Phosphorus       26,541   28,213   38   China 27,610; Netherlands 498; Germany 62.
Pigments, mineral:                     
   Natural crude       252   --   --   NA.
   Iron oxides and hydroxides, processed       54,460   21,842   1,840   China 11,311; Germany 5,512; Republic of Korea 1,779.
Potassium salts       72   --   --   NA.
Precious and semiprecious stones, other than                
    Natural       672   1,148   14   Brazil 581; China 295; South Africa 162.
    Synthetic   kilograms   50,706   40,138   10,724   China 13,746; Austria 5,645; Republic of Korea 3,522.
Pyrite, unroasted       9,773   7,109   --   Mainly from China.
Quartz crystal, piezoelectric   kilograms   150,588   62,206   14,259   Brazil 20,000; Malaysia 9,725; China 8,325.
Salt and brine   thousand tons   7,866   7,428   2   Mexico 3,637; Australia 3,102; India 392.
Stone, sand and gravel:                    
    Dimension stone:      
        Crude and partly worked   do.   268   161   1   China 35; India 24; South Africa 20.
        Worked   do.   1,542   1,583   3   China 1,437; Italy 41; Spain 15.
    Dolomite, chiefly refractory-grade       273   258   29   Taiwan 140; Malaysia 59.
    Gravel and crushed rock       11,044 r 16,703   3,532   Guam 4,701; Republic of Korea 3,411; Taiwan 889.
    Limestone other than dimension   thousand tons   2,673   2,003   --   Taiwan 1,174; Australia 563; Republic of Korea 246.
    Quartz and quartzite       108,538   122,503   2,797   Republic of Korea 50,977; India 39,066; China 21,357.
    Sand other than metal-bearing and sand                
and gravel thousand tons 7,273 6,028 2 China 4,131; Australia 1,410; Taiwan 290.
        Crude including native and byproduct     488   888   --   China 568; Republic of Korea 320.
        Colloidal, precipitated, sublimed       1,198   1,245   --   Republic of Korea 1,178; France 62.
    Sulfuric acid       2   8,316   1   Republic of Korea 8,314; Taiwan 1.
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 11--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Sources, 2002
Commodity   2001   2002   States   Other, principal
INDUSTRIAL MINERALS--Continued                
Talc, steatite, soapstone, pyrophyllite       362,623   322,592   2,676   China 270,134; Australia 46,310.
Vermiculite, perlite, chlorite       193,303   192,013   729   China 175,072; South Africa 13,330.
Other, slag and dross, not metal-bearing       778,149   706,802   34,690   Republic of Korea 210,794; Taiwan 185,753.
NA Not Available.  rRevised.  --Zero.
1Data presented in this table are from Japan Exports and Imports Commodity by Country, 2001 and 2002.  Table prepared by Regina Coleman, International Data Unit.
2Less than 1/2 unit.