McArthur River, Northern     Canada, British Columbia
    Territory   Northparkes, New South Wales   Mount Polley1   Huckleberry
Nature of project involvement Investment in exploration Investment in exploration Equity participation Equity participation and
    and development   and development       provided loan.
Participating Japanese Nippon Mining and Metals Sumitomo Metal Mining Sumitomo Corp., 0%2 Mitsubishi Materials Corp.,
companies and their Co. Ltd., 15%; Mitsui and Oceania Pty., 13.3%; and SC 31.25%; Dowa Mining Co.
equity share Co. Ltd., 5%; Mitsubishi Mineral Resources Ltd. Ltd., 6.25%; Furukawa Co.
Materials Corp., 5%; and of Australia, 6.7% Ltd., 6.25%; and Marubeni
    Marubeni Corp., 5%           Corp., 6.25%.
Majority equity holder and/or Mount Isa Mines Ltd. of North Broken Hill Peko Ltd. Imperial Metals Corp. of Princeton Mining Corp. of
 other equity holder Australia, 70% of Australia, 80% Canada, 100%2 Canada, 50%.
Mineral commodity involved Lead, silver, and zinc   Copper and gold   Copper and gold   Copper.
Estimated reserves and 40 million metric tons, 63.7 million metric tons, 81.5 million metric tons, 56.5 million metric tons,
ore grade 5.5% lead, 12.6% zinc, 55 1.108% copper, 0.487 0.3% copper, 0.42 gram 0.494% copper, 0.014%
grams per metric ton silver  gram per metric ton gold per metric ton gold molybdenum.
Type of mine   Underground   Open pit and underground   Open pit   Open pit.
Total cost of the project   $246 million (Australian)   $303 million (Australian)   $123 million (Canadian)   $136 million (Canadian).
Japanese share   $22 million (Australian)   $75.6 million (Australian)   $109 million (Canadian)   $78 million (Canadian).
Annual production capacity 1,270,000 metric tons of 3,934,000 metric tons of 6,500,000 metric tons of 7,145,600 metric tons of
crude ore containing crude ore containing 1.73% crude ore crude ore contining
6.1% lead, 15.4% zinc copper plus 0.88 gram per 0.502% copper, 0.013%
        ton gold       molybdenum.
Annual shipment to Japan 3,284 metric tons of lead 27,985 metric tons of copper 15,000 metric tons of 28,277 metric tons of copper
and 17,999 metric tons of in concentrate copper in concentrate in concentrate.
zinc in mixed concentrate plus gold value
Construction started   August 1993   May 1993   September 1996   1996.
Production started or planned September 1995   October 1995   June 1997   October 1997.
  Region III  
    Collahuasi, Region I   La Candelaria, Region III   El Bronce (Atacama Kozan)   Los Pelembres, Region IV
Nature of project involvement Equity participation and Investment in exploration Investment in exploration Equity participation.
    provided loan   and development   and development    
Participating Japanese Mitsui and Co. Ltd., 6.9%; Sumitomo Metal Mining Nittetsu Mining Co. Nippon Mining and Metals
companies and their Mitsui Mining and Arizona Inc., 15%; Ltd., 60% Co. Ltd., 15%; Mitsubishi
equity share Smelting Co. Ltd., 1.5%; and Sumitomo Corp., 5% Materials Corp., 10%;
and Nippon Mining and Marubeni Corp., 8.75%;
Metals Co., Ltd., 3.6% Mitsubishi Corp., 5%; and
                Mitsui and Co. Ltd., 1.25%.
Major equity holder and/or Falconbridge Ltd. of Canada, Phelps Dodge Corp. of the Inversiones Errazuriz Ltds Antofagasta plc of the United
 other equity holder 44%, and Anglo United States, 80%    of Chile, 40% Kingdom, 55.55%, and
American plc of the Anaconda Chile S.A. of
United Kingdom, 44% Chile, 9.45%.
Mineral commodity involved Copper   Copper and gold   Copper   Copper.
Estimated reserves and 1,867.7 million metric tons, 366 million metric tons, 20 million metric tons, 1,139.7 million metric tons,
ore grade 0.93% copper 0.84% copper, 0.205 1.5% copper, 0.26 gram 0.74% copper.
gram per metric ton gold per metric ton gold
Type of mine   Open pit   Open pit   Underground   Open pit.
Total cost of the project   $1,760 million   $592 million   $110 million   $1,355 million.
Japanese share   $174 million   $296 million   $110 million   $835 million.
Annual production capacity 25,600,000 metric tons of 10,000,000 metric tons of 1,650,000 metric tons of 34,000,000 metric tons of
crude ore crude ore crude ore crude ore.
Annual shipment to Japan 94,591 metric tons of 90,801 metric tons of 15,000 metric tons of 167,282 metric tons of
copper in concentrate copper in concentrate copper in concentrate copper in concentrate.
Construction started   1996   April 1993   April 2001   November 1997.
Production started or planned January 1999   March 1995   January 2003   April 2000.
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 9--Continued
    Indonesia, Batu Hijau,   Mexico    
    Sumbawa Island   Tizapa, Mexico City   Rey de Plata, Guerrero   Peru, Antamina, Ancash
Nature of project involvement Equity participation Investment in exploration Investment in exploration Investment in exploration
        and development   and development   and development.
Participating Japanese Sumitomo Corp., 26%; Dowa Mining Co. Ltd., 39%; Dowa Mining Co. Ltd., Mitsubishi Corp., 10%.
companies and their Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. and Sumitomo Corp., 10% 39%, and Sumitomo
equity share Ltd., 5.0%; Mitsubishi Corp., 10%
Materials Corp., 2.5%; and
    Furukawa Co. Ltd., 1.5%            
Majority equity holder and/or Newmont Gold Co. of the Industrias Penoles SA de Industrias Penoles SA de Noranda Inc. of Canada and
other equity holder United States, 45%, and C.V. of Mexico, 51% C.V. of Mexico, 51% Billiton plc of the United
P.T. Pukuafu Indah of Kingdom, 33.75% each;
Indonesia, 20% and Teck Cominco Ltd.
    of Canada, 22.5%.
Mineral commodity involved Copper and gold   Copper, lead, and zinc   Copper, lead, and zinc   Copper and zinc.
Estimated reserves and ore 907.3 million metric tons, 2.5 million metric tons, 2.9 million metric tons, 559 million metric tons,
grade 0.44% copper, 0.377 gram 0.61% copper, 1.36% 0.68% copper, 2.56% 1.23% copper, 1.03% zinc,
per metric ton ton gold  lead, 6.56% zinc plus gold  lead, 8.78% zinc plus and 0.03% molybdenum.
    and silver gold and silver
Type of mine   Open pit   Underground   Underground   Open pit.
Total cost of the project   $1,925 million   $38.2 million   $45.4 million   $2,296 million.
Japanese share   $513 million   $35.1 million   $41.3 million   $404 million.
Annual production capacity 43,870,000 metric tons of 480,000 metric tons of crude 330,000 metric tons of 25,600,000 metric tons of
crude ore containing 0.75% ore crude ore crude ore.
copper and 0.44 grams per
    metric ton gold            
Annual shipment to Japan 101,492 metric tons of 22,151 metric tons of 21,985 metric tons of 10,579 metric tons of
copper in concentrate zinc in concentrate zinc in concentrate copper in concentrate.
Construction started   September 1996   May 1992   January 1998   1998.
Production started or planned October 1999   November 1994   October 2000   June 2001.
1Mining operations at Mount Polley were suspended in September 2001 owing to continued low copper and gold prices.
2SC Minerals Canada Ltd. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Sumitomo Corp.) sold its 47.5% interest in Mount Polley Copper Project to Imperial Metals Corp.
of Canada for $4.5 million by the end of 2000.
Sources:  Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (Chosakai), Mining Handbook (Kogyo Benran), 2002, p. 210-217; Japan Mining Industry Association,
Kozan, v. 56, no. 7, 2003, p. 10-15; Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp., Atakama Kozan Project in Chile, August 2004.