Annual capacity
Company/project name (metric tons) Type of Production Shipment to Major equity holder Participating Japanese
and country   Total   Japanese share   power   started   Japan started   and/or other holders   companies and their equity share
New Zealand Aluminium 313,000 67,600 Hydro April 1971 July 1971 Comalco New Zealand Ltd., 79.36% Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.,  20.64%.
Smelters Ltd.,
New Zealand                            
Alcan Smelters and Chemical 90,000 45,000    do. NA January 1977 Alcan Aluminum Ltd. of Canada, Nippon Light Metal Co. Ltd., 50%.
Ltd., Canada                       50%    
Intalco Aluminum Corp.,1 272,000 106,000    do. 1966 NA Alcoa Inc., 61% Mitsui & Co., Ltd., 32%; and YKK Corp., 7%.
United States                            
Eastalco Aluminum Co.,1 174,000 68,000 Thermal 1970 do. do. do.
United States                            
Industria Venezolana de 450,000 90,000 Hydro February 1978 December 1978 Corp. Venezolana de Guayana Showa Denko K.K., 7%; Sumitomo Chemical
Aluminio C.A., (CVG) of Venezuela, 80% Co. Ltd., 4%; Kobe Steel Ltd., 4%; Mitsubishi
Venezuela Materials Corp., 3%; Mitsubishi Aluminum
                            Co. Ltd., 1%; and Marubeni Corp., 1%.
P.T. Indonesia Asahan 225,000 133,000    do. February 1982 October 1982 Indonesian Government, 41% Nippon Asahan Aluminium Co. Ltd. (a 13-
Aluminum, member Japanese consortium), 59%.
Boyne Island Smelter Ltd., 260,000 130,000 Thermal    do. July 1982 Comalco Ltd. of Australia, 59.5% Sumitomo Light Metal Co. Ltd., 17%; Ryowa
reduction lines 1, 2,  Development Pty. Ltd., 9.5%; YKK Aluminum
Australia Pty. Ltd., 9.5%; and Sumitomo Chemical Co.
                            Ltd., 4.5%.
Boyne Island Smelter Ltd., 230,000 94,000    do. July 1997 October 1997 Comalco Ltd. of Australia, 59.25% Sumitomo Light Metal No. 2 Co.  Pty. Ltd., 17%;
reduction line 3, Ryowa Development II Pty. Ltd., 14.25%; and
Australia                           YKK Aluminium Pty. Ltd., 9.5%.
Alcoa of Australia Ltd., 350,000 80,500    do. November 1986 NA Alcoa of Australia, 45%; Eastern Marubeni Corp., 23%.
Australia Aluminum Co., 10%; China
International Trust & Investment
                        Corp., 22%    
Aluminio Brasileiro S.A., 400,000 196,000 Hydro July 1985 November 1986 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, Nippon Amazon Aluminum Co. (a 32-member
Brazil                       51%   Japanese consortium), 49%.
Mozambique Aluminum Co.,2 250,000 63,000    do. June 2000 NA Billiton plc, 47.11%; Industrial Mitsubishi Corp., 25%.
Mozambique Development Corp. of South
Africa, 24.04%;  Government of
                        Mozambique, 3.85%    
Aluminerie Alouette Inc.,3 243,000 46,000    do. June 1992 September 1992 Alcan, 40%; Austria Metal AG, 20%; Marubeni Corp., 6.67%.
Canada Hydro Aluminium, 20%; Societe Generale
                        de Financement du Duebec, 13.33%    
NA not available.
1The two smelters under Intalco Aluminum  Corp. and Eastalco Aluminum Co. were acquired by Alcoa Inc. in July 1998.
2Phase 2 will add an additional 253,000 metric tons per year (t/yr) of aluminum capacity by 2003.
3Capacity will be expanded to 500,000 t/yr in fall 2005 from 243,000 t/yr.
Sources:  Japan Aluminum Association, Japan Overseas Aluminun Smelting Projects; U.S. Geological Survey, Primary Aluminum Plants Worldwide—1998, Part I—Detail, p. 4, 22, and 155; Marubeni Corp.