(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Alumina thousand tons 335 369 331 333 330 e
Aluminum hydroxide do. 737 782 739 724 740 e
Regular grades do. 11 7 7 6 6 e
High-purity do. 35 41 27 40 44
Secondary2 do. 1,158 1,214 1,171 1,239 1,200 e
Oxide   10,348 11,051 8,789 9,052 8,235
Metal   178 146 101 183 121
Arsenic, high-puritye   110 100 100 100 100
Bismuth   481 520 551 474 513
Cadmium, refined   2,567 2,472 2,460 2,444 2,509
Chromium, metale   700   750 1,350 1,600 1,500
Cobalt, metal   247 311 350 354 379
Mine output, Cu content   1,038   1,211   744   --    --   
Blister and anode:  
Primary   1,256,276 1,331,352 1,328,489 1,317,291 1,343,353
Secondary   133,188   149,282   139,764   182,069 172,724
Total   1,389,464   1,480,634   1,468,253   1,499,360   1,516,077  
Primary   1,215,248 1,290,091 1,287,165 1,211,111 1,251,728
Secondary   126,301   147,260   138,526   189,968   178,637  
Total   1,341,549 1,437,351 1,425,691 1,401,079 1,430,365
Gallium, metal:  
Primarye   12 14 8 8 9
Secondary     47 56 62 r 80 r 83
Oxidee   10 10 10 10 10
Metal kilograms  765 1,809 1,615 803 621
Mine output, Au content do.  9,405   8,400   7,815   8,615   8,143  
Primary do.  147,719 146,061 155,826 144,748 161,399
Secondary3 do.  20,107   19,280   19,831   21,160 r 22,549  
Total do.  167,826 165,341 175,657 165,908 r 183,948
Indium, metal do.  40,465 55,078 55,000 e 60,000 r 70,000
Iron and steel:  
Iron ore and iron sand concentrate:  
Gross weight   1,450 1,454 750 700 e 700 e
Fe content   589 523 258 240 e 240 e
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Iron and steel--Continued:
Pig iron and blast furnace ferroalloys thousand tons 74,520   81,071   78,836   80,979   82,091  
Electric-furnace ferroalloys:  
Ferrochrome   119,777 130,074 111,167 91,937 19,427
Ferromanganese   315,152 337,694 368,293 356,717 371,831
Ferronickel   332,293 367,181 367,739 370,973 369,099
Ferrosilicon   1,452 --  --  --  -- 
Silicomanganese   65,744 67,926 62,238 70,965 58,043
Ferromolybdenum   3,391 3,699 3,485 2,375 2,691
Ferrotungsten   43 42 109 9 12
Ferrovanadium   3,349 4,108 3,613 3,592 3,491
Unspecified   6,077   7,171   5,733   6,376   3,813  
Total   847,278 917,895 922,377 902,944 828,407
Steel, crude thousand tons  94,192 106,444 102,866 107,745 110,511
Semimanufactures, hot-rolled:  
Ordinary steels do.  73,221 83,044 r 78,927 80,838 r 81,769
Special steels do.  14,224 15,747 15,835 17,451 r 18,735
Mine output, Pb content   6,074   8,835   4,997   5,723   5,660  
Metal, refined:  
Primary   125,514 129,469 127,358 107,744 105,460
Secondary   167,915   182,209   175,088   178,016   189,831  
Total   293,429 311,678 302,446 285,760 295,291
Magnesium, metal, secondarye   7,732 4 10,000 10,000 9,000 10,000
Manganese, oxide   57,993 63,379 51,095 45,867 49,115
Molybdenum, metal   586   626   610   465   561  
Nickel metal:  
Refined   30,481 36,230 32,526 32,303 34,991
Ni content of nickel oxide sinter   34,482   47,020 49,600 48,950 52,700
Ni content of ferronickel   67,166   74,753 68,113 74,418 74,804
Ni content of chemical   2,570   2,721   2,394   1,820   2,084  
Total   134,699 160,724 152,633 157,491 164,579
Platinum-group metals:  
Palladium, metal kilograms  5,354 4,712 4,805 5,618 5,500 e
Platinum, metal do.  737 782 791 762 770 e
Rare-earth oxides5   5,092 5,619 5,109 5,423 5,521
Selenium, metal   546 612 735 752 734
Silicon, high-purity   3,844 4,688 4,334 4,457 5,045
Mine output, Ag content kilograms  94,004   103,781   80,397   81,416   78,862  
Primary do.  2,257,888 2,384,739 2,293,028 2,259,551 2,453,204
Secondary3 do.  503,938   345,358   303,804   291,955 r 258,754  
Total do.  2,761,826 2,730,097 2,596,832 2,551,506 r 2,711,958
Tantalum, metale   85 85 90 90 95
Tellurium, metal   35 36 39 29 33
Tin, metal, smelter   568 593 668 659 662
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity 1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Dioxide   269,193 270,272 256,961 240,469 253,453
Metal   18,928 r 19,457 r 24,906 r 25,199 r 18,923
Tungsten, metal   4,357 4,993 3,607 3,302 3,333
Vanadium, metale, 6   250 250 250 250 250
Mine output, Zn content   64,263 63,601 44,519 42,851 44,574
Oxide   78,928   82,816   75,414   74,515   75,090  
Primary   524,979 541,704 541,277 547,183 532,704
Secondary   158,637   157,047   142,777   126,723   153,411  
Total   683,616 698,751 684,054 673,906 686,115
 Zirconium, oxide   7,660 8,540 7,930 8,650 r 8,800 e
Asbestose   18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000
Brominee   15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons  80,120 81,097 76,550 71,828 68,766
Bentonite   428,247 415,115 405,738 437,772 r 425,945 e
Fire clay, crude   558,110 506,314 475,665 480,000 e 460,000 e
Kaolin   53,092 25,739 19,976 11,756 r 12,409
Diatomitee   190,000 190,000 180,000 180,000 185,000
Feldspar and related materials:e  
Feldspar   52,000   52,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Aplite   330,000 330,000 310,000 403,000 r 300,000
Gypsum   thousand tons  5,549   5,917 5,874 5,644 5,764
Iodine   6,152 6,157 6,643 6,548 6,524
Lime, quicklime thousand tons  7,594 8,106 7,586 7,420 7,953
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia do.  1,385   1,410 1,318 1,192 1,061
Perlitee   260,000 250,000 255,000 250,000 250,000
Salt, all types thousand tons  1,327   1,374 1,358 1,282 r 1,263
Silica sand do.  6,088 6,121 5,768 4,893 r 4,699
Sodium compounds, n.e.s.:  
Soda ash   721,752 669,203 461,204 410,000 r 400,000 e
Sulfate, anhydrous   174,139 163,057 146,780 137,713 132,807
Stone, crushed:  
Dolomite thousand tons  3,648 3,539 3,389 3,450 3,579
Limestone do.  180,193 185,569 182,255 170,166 r 163,565
Stone, quartzite do.  15,548 15,578 14,213 13,568 r 12,838
S content of pyrite do.  41 30 30 20 20
Byproduct of metallurgy do.  1,363 1,384 1,319 1,326 1,281
Byproduct of petroleum do.  2,054 2,071 2,024 1,865 1,951
Talc and related materials:  
Talce   50,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 40,000
Pyrophyllite   694,317 692,998 623,097 600,000 e 600,000 e
Vermiculitee     15,000   15,000   15,000   15,000   15,000  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Carbon black thousand tons  761 788 742 755 788
Coal, bituminous7 do.  3,906 3,126 3,198 1,367 1,400 e
Coke including breeze, metallurgical do.  36,473 38,394 38,402 38,417 38,544
Gas, natural:  
Gross8 million cubic meters  2,280 2,453 2,521 2,571 2,844
Marketed do.  2,362 2,507 2,602 2,662 3,011
Crude thousand 42-gallon barrels  4,592   4,656   4,782   4,548   5,161  
Refinery products:  
Aviatione do.  104 45 40 40 50
Other do.  353,730 356,530 364,714 364,129 367,687
Asphalt and bitumen do.  33,909 r 33,366 r 33,151 r 31,537 r 32,586
Distillate fuel oil do.  280,122 268,022 261,851 250,932 242,311
Jet fuel do.  65,732 66,828 67,320 65,263 60,013
Kerosene do.  167,744 175,399 176,655 169,472 177,963
Liquefied petroleum gas do.  56,504 r 57,251 r 59,942 r 53,593 r 53,107
Lubricants do.  16,939 16,677 16,304 16,630 16,314
Naphtha do.  113,080 112,935 116,122 119,298 122,355
Paraffin, wax do.  860 r 855 r 822 r 833 r 915
Petroleum coke do.  3,710 4,274 r 4,700 4,549 r 4,000
Refinery fuel and lossese, 9 do.  150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Residual fuel oil do.  435,916 429,153 409,780 398,673 435,763
Unfinished oilse do.  50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Total10 do.    1,730,000   1,720,000   1,710,000   1,670,000   1,710,000  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  pPreliminary.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through October 27, 2004.
2Includes unalloyed and alloyed ingot.
3Includes recovered from scrap and waste.
4Reported figure.
5Includes oxide of cerium, europium, gadolinium, lanthanum, neodymium, praseodymium, samarium, terbium, and yttrium.
6Represents metal content of vanadium pentoxide recovered from petroleum residues, ashes, and spent catalysts.
7Includes small amount of anthracite in 1998-2001.  All major coal mines had closed by January 2002, but 12 smaller mines were still in operation in 2003.
8Includes output from gas wells and coal mines.
9May include some additional unfinished oils.
10Data are rounded to three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Sources:  Ministry of Economy, Trade and IndustryYearbook of Iron and Steel, Non-ferrous Metal, and Fabricated Metals Statistics, 2003; Yearbook of
Chemical Industries Statistics, 2003; Yearbook of Ceramics and Building Materials Statistics, 2003; and Yearbook of Mineral Resources and Petroleum  
Products Statistics, 2003.  Japan Aluminum AssociationAluminum Statistics, 2003.  Arumu Publishing Co. Ltd.Industrial Rare Metals Annual
Review No. 120, 2004.