(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   Major operating companies   Annual  
  and major equity owners Location of main facilities capacity  
Alumina Eurallumina S.p.A. (Comalco Ltd., 56.2%, and Plant at Portoscuso, Sardinia 1,000
Glencore AG, 43.8%)  
Aluminum   Alcoa Italia S.p.A. (Alcoa Inc., 100%) Smelters at Porto Vesme, Sardinia, and Fusina, near Venice 188  
Asbestos   Amiantifera di Balangero S.p.A. Mine at Balangero, near Turin 100  
Barite   Bariosarda S.p.A. (Ente Mineraria Sarda) Mines at Barega and Mont 'Ega, Sardinia 100  
Do.   Edem S.p.A. (Government) Mines at Val di Castello, Lucca 20  
Do. Edemsarda S.p.A. (Soc. Imprese Industriali) Mines at Su Benatzu, Sto Stefano, and Peppixeddu, Sardina    
Do.   Mineraria Baritina S.p.A Mines at Marigolek, Monte Elto, and Primaluna, near Milan 20  
Bauxite   Sardabauxiti S.p.A. (Cogein S.p.A., 40%; Comtec,  Mine at Olmedo, Sardinia 350  
    40%; Icofin Co., 20%)
Bentonite Industria Chimica Carlo Laviosa S.p.A Mines and plant on Sardinia Island, and a plant near Pisa 250  
Cement   52 companies, of which the largest are:      
Italcementi Fabbriche Riunite Cemento S.p.A. 18 plants, of which the largest are Calusco, Monselice, 15,000
       and Collefero    
Do. Buzzi Unicem Group 11 plants, of which Guidonia, Lugagnano, Morano, 9,000
Piacenza, S'Arcangelo di Romagna, and Settimello
  are the largest  
Do.   Cementerie del Tirreno S.p.A. (Cementir) 6 plants at Arquasta Scivia, Livorno, Maddaloni, 5,300  
  Napoli, Spoleto, and Taranto
Copper, refined   Societą Metalli Marghera S.p.A. Refinery at Porto Marghera 60  
Copper, refined, Europametalli - LMI S.p.A. Refinery at Fornaci di Barga 24  
Do.   Sitindustrie S.p.A. Refinery at Pieve Vergonte 22  
Feldspar At least 5 companies, of which the largest are:   1,500  
Maffei S.p.A. Surface mines at Pinzolo, Sondalo, and Campiglia (200)
  Marittima; underground mine at Vipiteno (300)
Do. Miniera di Fragne S.p.A. Surface mine at Alagna Valsesia (60)  
Do.   Sabbie Silicee Fossanova S.P.A. (Sasifo) Surface mine at Fossanova (30)  
Gold   Gold Mines of Sardinia Ltd., 70%, and Furtei Mine near Cagliaria, Sardinia 1,400 1
    Progemisa S.p.A., 30%      
Gypsum   Fassa S.r.l. Plant at Moncalvo, Asti 90  
Lead, metal   Glencore AG Refinery at San Gavino, Sardinia 100
Do.   do. Kivcet smelter and Imperial smelter at 35  
  Porto Vesme, Sardinia  
Lignite   Ente Nazional per l'Energia Electtrica (ENEL) Surface mine at Santa Barbara 1,000  
Lime   Unicale S.p.A. Plants in Lombardy region 500  
Magnesium, metal   Societa Italiana Magnesio S.p.A. (INDEL) Plant at Bolzano 8  
Marble A number of companies, largest of which include:   2,000
  Mineraria Marittima Srl Quarries in the Carrara and Massa areas (500)  
Do. Industria dei Marmi Vicentini S.p.A. do. (300)  
Do.   Figaia S.p.A. do. (100)
Nitrogen, N content Hydro Agri S.p.A. Plant at Ferrara 410  
of ammonia          
Petroleum, crude   Ente Nazional Idrocarburi (ENI) Government Oilfields:  offshore Sicily, the Adriatic Sea, and 90  
  onshore in Po River Valley  
Petroleum, refined do. About 30 refineries 2,000 2
Potash ore   Industria Sali Otassici e Affini per Aziono S.p.A. Underground mines at Corvillo, Pasquasia, 1,300  
    Racalmuto, and San Cataldo, in Sicily (closed)    
Do. Sta Italiana Sali Alcalini S.p.A. (Italkali) Underground mines at Casteltermini and Pasquasia, 700
Pumice   Pumex S.p.A. Quarries, Lipari Island, north of Sicily 600  
Do.   Sta Siciliana per I'Industria ed il Commercio della do. 200  
    Pomice di Lipari S.p.A. (Italpomice S.p.A.)      
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 3--Continued
(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   Major operating companies   Annual  
  and major equity owners Location of main facilities capacity  
Pyrite Nuova Solmine S.p.A. Underground mines at Campiano and Niccioleta 900
Salt, rock   Sta Italiana Sali Alcalini S.p.A. (Italkahi) Underground mines at Petralia, Racalmuto, and 4,000  
      Realmonte, Sicily    
Do. Solvay S.p.A. Underground mines at Buriano, Pontteginori, and 2,000
  Querceto, Tuscany
Steel   Ilva S.p.A. (Riva Group) 5 steel plants, the largest of which is Taranto (1,500) 4,000  
Do.   Riva Acciaio S.p.A. (Riva Group) 7 plants 7,000  
Do.   Acciaierie e Ferriere Vicentine Beltrame S.p.A. Steel plant at Vicenza 1,000  
    (AFV-Beltrame S.p.A.)      
Talc Luzenac Val Chisone S.p.A. Mines at Pinerolo, near Turin, and at Orani, Sardinia 120
Do.   Talco Sardegna S.p.A. Mine at Orani, Sardinia 20  
Zinc, metal   Glencore AG Plant at Porto Vesme, Sardinia 60  
Do.   Pertulosa Sud S.p.A. Plant at Crotone, Calabria 100  
2Thousand barrels per day.