(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Major operating companies       Annual
Commodity   and major equity owners   Locations of main facilities   capacitye
Bauxite     PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Government, 65%)   Kijang, Bintan Island, Riau   1,300
Metal PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Nippon Asahan Aluminum Co. Kual Tanjun, North Sumatra 250
        Ltd. of Japan, 59%, and Government, 41%)        
Cement PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Cirebon and Citeureup, West Java; Tarjun, 15,400
            South Kalimantan    
Do. PT Semen Andalas Indonesia Aceh Besar 1,000
Do.     PT Semen Baturaja (Persero)   Baturaja-Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatera   1,250
Do.     PT Semen Bosowa Maros   Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan   2,200
Do.     PT Semen Cibinong   Narogong, East Java   11,800
Do.     PT Semen Gresik (Persero)   Gresik and Tubar, East Java   5,000
Do.     PT Semen Padang (Persero)   West Sumatra   5,240
Do.     PT Semen Tonasa (Persero)   Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan   3,590
Coal PT Adaro Indonesia (New Hope Corp, 50%; PT Asminco Bara Paringin and Tutupan, South Kalimantan 22,000
        Utama, 40%;  Mission Energy, 10%)        
Do. PT Arutmin Indonesia (PT Bumi Resources Tbk, 80%, and Bakrie Mulia, Senakin, and Satui, South Kalimantan 11,000
        Group, 20%)        
Do. PT Berau Coal (PT United Tractor, 60%; PT Armadian, 30%; Berau, East Kalimantan 13,000
        Nissho Iwai, 10%)        
Do. PT Kaltim Prima Coal Co. (PT Rio Tinto Indonesia and British Samarinda, East Kalimantan 18,000
Petroleum Amoco, 49%; Government of East Kutai Regency,
        31%; PT Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam, 20%)        
Do.     PT Kideco Jaya Agung (Samtan Co. Ltd. of the Republic of   Pasir, East Kalimantan   12,000
    Korea, 100%)      
Do.     PT Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (state-owned)   Tanjung Enim and Ombilin, South Sumatra   19,000
Concentrate PT Freeport Indonesia Co. (Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Ertsberg and Grasberg, Papua 800
Inc. of the United States, 81.28%; Government, 9.36%; others,  
Do. PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (Newmont Gold Mining Co. of the Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara 300
United States, 45%; Sumitomo Corp., 35%; PT Pukuafu Indah,
Metal PT Smelting Co. (Mitsubishi Materials Corp., 60.5%; PT Gresik, East Java 210
        Freeport Indonesia Co., 25%; others, 14.5%)        
Natural millon cubic ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Arun and Aceh, North Sumatra 1,700
    feet per day            
Do. Roy M. Huffington (subsidiary of HUFFCO Group of the United Badak, East Kalimantan 1,000
Do.     Total Indonesie   Offshore East Kalimantan   2,100
Liquefied PT Arun LNG Co. Ltd. (Government, 55%; Mobil Oil, 30%; Balang Lancang amd Aceh, North Sumatra 10,000
        Japan Indonesia LNG Co., 15%)        
Do. PT Badak LNG Co. Ltd. (Government, 55%; HUFFCO Group, Bontang, East Kalimantan 7,900
        30%; Japan Indonesia LNG Co., 15%)        
Gold        metric tons   Aurora Gold Ltd. (100%)   Balikpapan, Central Kalimantan   60
Do. PT Freeport Indonesia Co. (Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Ertsberg and Grasberg, Papua 110
Inc. of the United States, 81.28%; Government, 9.36%; others,
Do.   PT Kelian Equatorial Mining (Rio Tinto Ltd, 90% and PT Harita Sangatta, East Kalimantan 15
        Jaya Raya of Indonesia, 10%)        
Do. PT Newmont Minahasa Raya (Newmont Mining Corp., 80% and Manado, North Sulawesi 1
        PT Tanjung Serapung, 20%)        
Do. PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (Newmont Gold Mining Co. of the Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara 16
United States, 45%; Sumitomo Corp., 35%; PT Pukuafu Indah,
Do. PT Prima Lirang Mining (Billiton BV of the Netherlands, 90% Lerokis, Wetar Island 3
        and PT Prima Maluku Indah of Indonesia, 10%)        
See footnote at end of table.
TABLE 2--Continued
(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Major operating companies       Annual
Commodity   and major equity owners   Locations of main facilities   capacitye
In ore     PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Government, 65%)   Pomalaa, South Sulawesi and on Gebe Island   80
Do. PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk (Inco Ltd. of Canada, 59%; Soroako, South Sulawesi 70
        Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd. of Japan, 20%; others, 21%)        
In matte     PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Government, 65%)   Pomalaa, South Sulawesi   24
Do. PT International Nickel Indonesia (Inco Ltd. of Canada, 59%; Soroako, South Sulawesi 68
        Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd. of Japan, 20%; others, 21%)        
Nitrogen PT Aseah-Aech Fertilizer (Government, 60% and other members Lhokseumawe, North Sumatra 506
        of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 40%)        
Do.     PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (Government, 100%)   do.   506
Do.     PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Government, 100%)   Bontang, East Kalimantan   1,010
Do.     PT Pupuk Sriwijawa (Government, 100%)   Palembang, South Sumatra   1,440
Petroluem, crude   Atlantic Richfield Indonesia, Inc. (subsidiary of Arco of the Arjuna and Arimbi, offshore, West Java 170
     thousand barrels per day   United States)        
Do. Maxus Southeast Asia Ltd. (subsidiary of Maxus Energy of the Cinta and Rama, offshore, Southeast Sumatra 95
        United States)        
Do. Pertamina (Government, 100%) Jatibarang, West Java, and Bunyu, offshore East 80
Do. PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia (Texaco Inc., 50% and Chevron Corp., Minas, Duri, and Bangko,  central Sumatra 700
        50%, both of the United States)        
Do. Total Indonesie (subsidiary of Compagnie Francaise des Petroles Handi and Bakapai onshore and offshore East 180
of France) Kalimantan
Steel, crude     PT Ispat Indo   Sidoarjo, Surabaya   700
Do.     PT Krakatau Steel (Government, 100%)   Cilegon, West Java   2,400
Do.     PT Komatsu Indonesia Tbk   Jakarta   8
Do.     PT Wahana Garuda Lestari   Pulogadung, Jakarta   410
In ore PT Koba Tin (Malaysia Smelting Corp., 75% and PT Tambang Koba, Bangka Island 25
        Timah Tbk, 25%)        
Do. PT Tambang Timah Tbk (Government, 65%) Onshore and offshore islands of Bangka, 60
Belitung, and Singkep
Metal     Mentok Tin Smelter (PT Tambang Timah Tbk)   Mentok, Bangka Island, South Sumatra   68
Do.     Koba Tin Smelter (PT Koba Tin)   Koba, Bangka Island, South Sumatra   25
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits.