(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   Major operating companies   Location of main facilities   capacity
Alumina Hungarian Aluminum Ajka Timfoldgyar plant, about 120 kilometers 400
Industrial Corp. (HUNGALU) southwest of Budapest, near Lake Balaton
Do.     do.   Almasfuzito Timfoldgyar plant near the   240
Czech Republic border, 63 kilometers 
          northwest of Budapest    
Do. do. Moson-Magyarovar plant, in northwestern 30
corner of Hungary, about 12 kilometers
from Austrian and Czechoslovak borders
Aluminum, primary     do.   Inota plant, near Varpalota, 75 kilometers   46
          southwest of Budapest    
Bauxite     Hungarian Aluminum Industrial Corp.   Bakony District, extending roughly 100   1,500
(HUNGALU) (Bakony Bauxite Mines Ltd.) kilometers northeast along Lake Balaton
Cement     Belpafatvalvi Cement es Meszipari Rt   Belapatfalva, near Miskolc, 125 kilometers   1,100
[Heidelberger & Schwenk (Germany) and northeast of Budapest
Hungarian Group
Do.     Beremend Cement es  Meszipari Rt   Beremend, 45 kilometers south of Pecs   1,090
[Heidelberger & Schwenk (Germany), 100%]
Do.     Dunai Cement es Meszmu Kft   Vac, 50 kilometers north of Budapest   1,200
      [Heidelberger & Schwenk (Germany), 100%]        
Do. Hejocsabai Cement es Meszipari Rt Hejoscaba, 150 kilometers northeast of 1,450
[Holderbank (Germany) and Hungarian Group] Budapest
Do.     Labatlani Cementipari kft   Labatlan, 20 kilometers north of Tatabanya   550
[Holderbank (Germany), 100%]
Clays     Agyag-Asvany Kft   Felsopeteny, one underground and two open pit   35
[Navan Resources PLC (Ireland)] mines and a 5,000-metric-tons-per-year
processing plant.  Products are  ball clay, kaolin,
and refractory clay
Bituminous and lignite Magyar Szenbanyaszati Troszt (MSZT) Tatabanya and Oroszlany coal mining region, 8,900
      (Hungarian Coal Mining Trust)   45 kilometers west of Budapest    
Do. do. Mecsek coal mining region, near Pecs and 3,100
Komlo, north of the Yugoslav border
Do.     do.   Borsod coal mining region, 130 kilometers   5,200
          northeast of Budapest    
Lignite  do. Thorez opencast mine at Visonta, 80 7,000
kilometers northeast of Budapest
Manganese     Orszagos Erc-es Asvanybanyak   Urkut manganese ore mines, 120 kilometers   160
      (National Ore and Mineral Mines)   southwest of Budapest    
Natural gas million cubic feet Hungarian Oil and Gas Co. (MOL) Szeged and Algyo gasfields, southern 152,000
Do.     do.   Hajduszoboszo gasfields, 180 kilometers   50,000
          east of Budapest    
Do. do. Smaller gasfields are Szank, Kardoskut, Bekes, 39,000
Berefurdo, and others
Perlite     Perlit 92 Kft [Navan Resources PLC (Ireland)   Palhaza, northeastern Hungary; open pit   150
and Hungarian Grouip mine and processing plant
Crude million Hungarian Oil and Gas Co. (MOL) Szeged-Algyo Field, near Romanian-Yugoslav 7
42-gallon barrels       border; 50% of total capacity    
Refined     Subsidiaries of Hungarian Oil and Gas Co. (MOL):        
Do. do.   Danube Petroleum Refining Co. Szazhalombatta 55
Do. do.   Tisza Petroleum Refining Co.   Leninavaros   22
Do. do.   Zala Petroleum Refining Co.   Zalaegerszeg   4
Silica Uveg-Asvany Kft.  [Navan Resources PLC   Mine and plant at Fehevaresugo 660
(Ireland) and Hungarian Group]
Steel     Dunaferr Dunai Vasmu Rt   60 kilometers south of Budapest   1,400
Do.     OAM-Ozdi Acelmuvek Kft   120 kilometers northeast of Budapest   360
Do.     DAM-Steel   Diosgyoer, 145 kilometers northeast of Budapest   850