(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Country and commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003 e
Clays    thousand tons   600   622   557   487 r 500  
Dolomite       30,000   5,272   4,525   5,500 r 5,000  
Golde    grams   6,000   7,000   650 3 1,000   1,000  
Limee       1,250   1,250   1,200   1,200   1,200  
Limestone4    thousand tons   320 e 217   1,140 r 355 r 400  
Marl    cubic meters   1,300 e 728   1,143   1,148 r 1,140  
Sand and gravel5    thousand cubic meters   140 r, e 150 r, e 165 r 109 r 130  
COSTA RICA                  
Cement    thousand tons   1,260 r 1,050 r 1,200 r 1,200 r, e 1,300
Clays, commone       415,000   418,000   420,000   420,000   419,000  
Diatomite       18,000 e 34,704   26,350   26,400 e 26,450 3
Golde    kilograms   165   50 r 100   100   110  
Iron and steel, semimanufacturese     80,025 3 80,000   80,000   80,000   75,000  
Limee       9,800   9,800   9,000   9,900   9,900  
Petroleum, refinery productse, 6  thousand 42-gallon barrels   5,480   5,500   5,500   5,500   5,450  
Pumicee       8,000   8,000   8,000   8,000   8,000  
Salt, marinee       37,000   37,000   37,000   37,000   36,800  
Silver    kilograms   112   100   100 e 100 e 110  
Stone, sand and gravel:                        
Crushed rock and rough stone  thousand tons   109   201   200 e 200 e 200  
Limestone and calcareous materials  do.   978   905   900 e 900 e 920  
Sand and gravele    do.   1,650   1,650   1,500   1,500   1,550  
Sandstonee    do.   3,300   3,300   3,300   3,300   3,250  
EL SALVADOR                  
Aluminum, metal including alloys, semimanufacturese   2,650   2,650   2,650   2,650   2,600
Cement, hydraulic       1,031   1,064   1,174   1,318   1,390  
Fertilizer materials:e                          
Phosphatic       13,700   13,600   13,600   13,600   13,600  
Other mixed materials     56,500   56,500   56,500   56,500   56,000  
Gold    kilograms   71 e --   --   --   --  
Gypsume       5,600   5,600   5,600   5,600   5,600  
Limestone    thousand tons   1,400 r 1,400 r 1,425 r 1,631 r 1,190  
Petroleum, refinery productse, 6  thousand 42-gallon barrels   6,300   6,300   6,300   6,300   6,300  
Salt, marine       33,634 r 32,444 r 31,610 r 31,552 r 31,366 3
Silver    kilograms   20   --   --   --   --  
Steel, semimanufactures     33,501   40,506 r 38,502 r 48,832 r 56,900  
Basalt  thousand cubic meters   --   --   243   318   936 3
Baritee       75   113   700 r, 3 100   100  
Cement, hydraulic    thousand tons   1,900 r 1,960 r 2,000 r 1,800 r, e 1,900  
Bentonite       4,301   3,317   3,000 e 4,436 r 6,438 3
Kaolin       61 e 77 e 227 r 372 r 1,497 3
Unspecified       20,000 e 20,000 e 73,267 r 64,683 r 65,000  
Feldspar       17,072   17,804   6,809 r 11,843 r 9,320  
Gold    kilograms   4,449   4,500   4,500 e 4,500 e 4,550  
Gypsum       110,173   212,109   96,817 r 80,571 r 66,981 3
Iron and steel:                      
Iron ore, gross weight     10,536   16,254   15,000 e 35,226 r 23,000  
Steel, semimanufactures     119,056   166,453 r 201,802 r 216,108 r 226,000  
Lead, metal including secondary     115 e 57 r, e 50 r 39 r 19 3
Lime, hydrated7 -- r -- r 182 r, e 547 r 386 3
Natural gas, gross    thousand cubic meters   732   622   630 e 650 e 670  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Country and commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003 e
Crude    thousand 42-gallon barrels   8,489   7,571   8,500 r, e 9,015 r 9,028 3
Refinery productse, 6    do.   7,300 3 7,300   7,600   7,600   7,550  
Pumice    cubic meters   238,425   261,947   264,322 r 377,403 r 273,933 3
Salte       50,000   50,000   50,000   50,000   60,000  
Stone, sand, and gravel:                        
Dolomite       23   63   87 r, e 24,881 r 613 3
Limestone    thousand tons   4,396   4,532   2,775   3,040   3,773 3
Block    cubic meters   10,222   10,200   15,039 r 3,185 r 10,000  
Chips and pieces       112,290   111,211 r 11,448 r 99,293 r 100,000  
Sand and gravel5    thousand cubic meters   1,100 r, e 1,700 r, e 684 r 1,066 r 711 3
Silica sand    thousand tons   116   173   161 r 38 r 30 3
Stone, crushede       50,000   50,000   50,000   50,000   50,000  
Talce       --   --   --   568 r 1,590  
Building materials:e    
Limestone       985,743 3 1,230,478 3 1,230,000   1,230,000   1,230,000  
Marble    square meters   95,000   95,000   95,000   95,000   90,000  
Cadmium, Cd content of lead-zinc concentratese   75   75   75   75   60  
Cement    thousand tons   1,200 r 1,284 r 1,321 r 1,360 r, e 1,400  
Gold    kilograms   879   878   4,574   4,984   5,000  
Gypsum       55,848   59,211   59,500   60,000 e 60,000  
Iron oxide pigments       --   69,969   70,941   71,000 e 71,000  
Lead, mine output, Pb content     3,764   4,805   6,750   8,128   8,000  
Pozzolan       --   186,948   189,999   190,000 e 190,000  
Rhyolite       --   35,680   32,700   32,700 e 33,000  
Salte       25,000   25,000   25,000   25,000   26,000  
Silver    kilograms   38,153   31,958   46,831   52,877   48,000  
Zinc, mine output, Zn content     31,095   31,226   48,485   46,339   46,500  
Bentonite       5,280   6,490   6,000 e 6,000 e 6,300  
Cement       570,000 r 530,000 r 513,793   549,403 r 590,000  
Gold, mine output, Au content  kilograms   4,448   3,673   3,840 r 3,493 r 3,029 3
Gypsum and anhydrite, crude     26,880   28,170   34,369 r 28,153 r 30,642 3
Limee       58,000   58,000   55,000   56,000   55,000  
For cement       600,000 r 702,000 r 621,000 r 787,000 r 789,000 3
For other uses       -- r 4,540 r 8,900 r 3,310 r 1,600 3
Petroleum, refinery productse, 6  thousand 42-gallon barrels   5,600   5,650   5,650   5,650   5,700  
Salt, marine       26,880   16,100 r 17,710 r 29,710 r 31,320 3
Sand and gravel5    thousand cubic meters   740 r, e 970 r, e 708 r 492 r 636  
Silver, mine output, Ag content  kilograms   -- r 1,589 r 2,532 r 2,198 r 2,040 3
Stone, crushed    thousand tons   4,045 r 4,689 r 5,639 r 5,859 r 5,400  
Cement       900,000 r 950,000 r 820,000 r 770,000 r 770,000  
Clays:e, 9      
For cement    cubic meters   27,000 r 165,557 r, 3 64,246 r, 3 64,000 r 64,000  
For products    do.   4,400 r 4,300 r 4,300 r 4,300 r 4,300  
Golde    kilograms   1,500   -- r, 3 -- r, 3 -- r --  
Limee       3,500   3,500   3,500   3,500   3,500  
Petroleum, refinery productse, 6  thousand 42-gallon barrels   10,000   10,000   --   --   --  
Salt, marinee       22,500   22,500   22,500   22,500   23,000  
Silvere    kilograms   2,000   -- r, 3 -- r, 3 -- r --  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Country and commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003 e
Stone, sand and gravel:e  
Limestone4     275,000   939,000 r, 3 469,000 r, 3 270,000   270,000  
Sand and gravel5    thousand cubic meters   1,200   1,997 r, 3 441 r, 3 1,200   1,200  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through April 2004.
2In addition to the commodities listed, some additional construction materials (clays, gravel, miscellaneous rock, sand, and weathered tuffs) were presumably
 produced to meet domestic needs.  Available information is inadequate to make reliable estimates of output levels.
3Reported figure.
4Some figures that were reported or estimated as a volumetric measure (cubic meters) were converted to a weight measure equivalent (metric tons) by multiplying
 by an average density of 2.72 for limestone.
5Some figures that were reported or estimated as a weight measure (metric tons) were converted to a volumetric measure equivalent (cubic meters) by dividing
by an average density of 2.5 for sand and gravel (mixed) to compare with figures reported in cubic meters.
6Includes aviation and motor gasoline, diesel, distillate fuel oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas.
7Reported figures for production of lime as a separate commodity in Guatemala were not received prior to 2001.
8In addition to the commodities listed, Nicaragua produced a variety of industrial minerals to meet domestic needs.  Output of these materials was not reported,
and available information is inadequate to make reliable estimates of output levels.
9Figures that were previously estimated in metric tons were converted to a volumetric equivalent (cubic meters) by dividing by an average density of 1.7 for clay
(compacted) to compare with the two figures for 2000 and 2001 reported in cubic meters.