(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
Alumina, Al2O3 equivalent:   583 652 600 720 830
Primary   633,804 643,545 651,600 652,900 3 660,782 3
Secondary   482,658   572,257   620,300   666,148 3 680,385 3
Total   1,116,462 1,215,802 1,271,900 1,319,048 3 1,341,167 3
Arsenic, white, Ar2O3 contente   200 200 200 200 200
Cadmium, metal, refinery including secondary 1,145 458 r 539 r 422 3 640
Cobalt, metal, including alloyse   500   500   500   500   500  
Copper, metal:  
Primary   250,200 r 211,200 r 317,700 r 295,300 3 288,800
Secondary   355,600 r 360,400 r 245,200 r 269,900 3 306,600
Total   605,800   571,600   562,900   565,200 3 595,400 3
Primary   242,000 r 245,000 r 352,400 r 330,900 3 242,500
Secondary   453,600 r 464,400 r 341,400 r 264,900 3 355,000  
Total   695,600 709,400 693,800 595,800 3 597,500 3
Iron and steel:  
Pig iron  thousand tons 27,932 30,846 29,184 29,427 3 29,461 3
Ferroalloyse, 4   90 80 72 80 80
Of which ferrochromium   17 22 19 20 18
Steel, crude   42,056 46,376 44,803 r 45,015 3 44,809 3
Semimanufactures   35,879 38,974 37,011 38,136 3 37,000
Smelter   160,600   170,000 e 155,900 r 141,200 3 132,200  
Primary   169,557 210,515 153,743 141,084 3 133,417 3
Secondary   204,000   204,000 e 219,640   238,700 3 221,229 3
Total   373,557 414,515 373,383 379,784 3 354,646 3
Platinum-group metals, metal, refinede   60,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Selenium, metal   100,000 100,000 e 100,000 e 100,000 100,000
Silver, metal, refinede   500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 200,000
Tin, metal, primary and secondarye   1,000 500 100 100
Uranium concentrate, U3O8 contente   250 280 3 260 285 3 134 3
Zinc, metal, including secondary   332,852 327,500 358,300 378,560 3 388,112 3
Natural, pumice   250,000 200,000 124,000 r, 3 43,000 3 45,000
Artificial, corundum   50,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 50,000
Barite, marketable (contained BaSO4)   118,500 111,800 108,100 r 101,000 109,500 3
Boron materials, processed boraxe   1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Brominee   500 500 500 500 500
Clinker, intended for markete   1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Hydraulic   36,219 35,207 30,989 23,311 3 21,513 3
Chalk, crude, including ground     400 e 1,061 r 1,045 r 1,022 3 1,000  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
Bentonite  thousand tons 477 465 448 r 495 3 480
Ceramic clay  do. 3,543 4,100 5,500 r 4,700 4,300
Fire claye  do. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Fuller's earthe  do. 500 500 500 500 500
Kaolin, marketable  do. 3,543 3,655 3,779 r 3,682 3 3,503 3
Other, including brick claye  do. 20,000 21,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Diatomite  do. 53 54 50 50 50
Feldspare   500,000   544,000   500,000   500,000   500,000  
Acid-gradee   26,800 29,600 29,400 r 33,400 32,300
Metallurgical-gradee   1,500   1,500   1,000 r 1,000   1,000
Total   28,300 31,100 30,400 r 34,400 33,300  
Graphite, marketable   300 300 e 300 e 300 300
Gypsum and anhydrite, marketablee  thousand tons 4,600 2,300 r 2,000 r 1,761 3 1,748 3
Lime, quicklime, dead-burned dolomite   6,440 6,850 6,630 r 6,620 6,630 3
Magnesium salts, byproduct of potash mininge 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia   2,406 2,473 2,522 2,623 3 2,803 3
Phosphate materials:e  
Phosphatic fertilizers, P2O5 content   700 700 700 700 800
Thomas slag:  
Gross weight  thousand tons 150 200 200 e 200 150
P2O5 content   19,000 20,000 20,000 e 20,000 18,000
Pigments, mineral, naturale  thousand tons 400 400 400 419 3 429 3
Potash, K2O content  do. 3,543 3,407 3,549 r 3,472 3 3,563 3
Pumice, marketablee  do. 500 500 500 500
Salt, marketable:  
Evaporated  do. 897 932 846 r 858 3 727 3
Rock and other   6,921 4,904 5,052 r 14,774 3 15,573 3
Sodium compounds, n.e.s.:e  
Soda ash, manufactured  thousand tons 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Sulfate, manufactured  do. 100 100 100 100 100
Stone, sand and gravel:  
Dimension, crude and partially workede   200 r 200 r 200 r 237 3 167 3
Dolomite and limestone, industrial  do. 81 75 r 69 r 76 3 106 3
Quartz and quartzitee   25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Slatee   70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000
Sand and gravel:  
Building sand and gravel  thousand tons 382,700 343,200 324,200 r 303,500 3 296,900 3
Gravel, including terrazzo splitse  do. 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Foundry  do. 3,500 3,500 e 3,500 e 2,500 2,500
Industrial, glasse  do. 10,000   8,500   8,500   7,500   7,500  
Sulfur, byproduct:  
Metallurgye  thousand tons 504 618 684 754 697
Natural gas and petroleum  do. 1,824 1,735 r 1,749 r 1,745 3 1,661
Othere  do. 60   100   100   100   100  
Total  do. 2,388 2,453 r 2,533 r 2,599 3 2,458
Talc and steatitee   9,000 8,000 7,000 r 7,000 6,000
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
Asphalt and bitumen, naturale   9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Anthracite and bituminous, marketable   43,849 33,590 r 27,361 r 26,363 3 25,873 3
Lignite     162,242   168,051 r 175,364 r 181,778 3 179,085 3
Of anthracite and bituminous coal   thousand tons 8,568 9,115 7,289 7,226 3 7,827 3
Of lignitee  do. 175 175 173 r 154 3 171 3
Fuel briquets:  
Of anthracite and bituminous coal  do. 174 146 r 140 r, e 124 3 114 3
Of lignite, including dust and dried  do. 2,072   1,819 r 1,740 r 1,365 3 1,475 3
Blast furnace  million cubic meters 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000
Coke oven  do. 2,000   2,000   2,000   1,000   1,000  
Total  do. 6,000 6,000 6,000 4,000 4,000
Gross  do. 23,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 24,000
Marketed  do. 21,200 3 21,720 r, 3 21,698 r, 3 21,529 3 22,091 3
Agricultural use thousand cubic meters 9,473 9,648 9,722 r 9,788 3 8,497 3
Fuel usee  do. 175,000 160,000 -- r -- 3     --
Crude thousand 42-gallon barrels 19,728   22,658   23,603   27,758 3 28,568 3
Refinery products:
Liquefied petroleum gas  do. 31,888 32,688 35,032 r 34,289 3 35,450 3
Gasoline, including aviation  do. 228,038 229,101 293,378 r 308,252 3 312,764 3
Naphtha  do. 82,648 82,085 82,548 r 83,229 3 83,773 3
Mineral jelly and wax  do. 1,472 1,575 r 1,554 r 1,645 3 1,699 3
Kerosene and jet fuel  do. 233,046 r 234,461 r 227,153 r 246,822 3 269,312 3
Distillate fuel oil  do. 343,167 345,637 349,853 r 351,114 3 350,411 3
Refinery gas  do. 2,706 3,269 3,276 r 3,505 3 4,196 3
Lubricants  do. 11,298 10,556 10,675 r 10,737 3 10,042 3
Nonlubricating oils  do. 8,197 8,100 7,197 r 7,348 3 7,208 3
Residual fuel oil  do. 17,399 r 15,756 r 16,257 r 12,847 3 8,527 3
Bitumen and other residues  do. 22,228 22,592 19,450 r 21,252 3 21,337 3
Bituminous mixtures  do. 1,199 1,210 r 1,100 1,209 3 1,198 3
Petroleum coke  do. 10,428 5,819 9,328 r 9,031 3 9,984 3
Unspecified  do. 16,254   11,977   9,919 r 10,920 3 8,932 3
Total  do.   1,009,968 r 1,004,826 r 1,066,720 r 1,102,200 3 1,124,833 3
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to total shown.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through October 2004.
2Data are from a combined Germany.
3Reported figure.
4Includes speigeleisen, unspecified crude iron, and blast furnace ferromanganese with 2% or more carbon.