(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
  Major operating companies Annual
Commodity and major equity owners  Location of main facilities capacity
Alumina     Aluminium Pechiney (Alcan Inc., 97.95%)   Plant at Gardanne   700
Aluminum         Aluminum smelters at:    
Do.     do.   Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Savoie Province   120
Do.     do.   Nogueres, Pyrenees, Atlantiques Province   115
Do. do. Lannemezan, Hautes-Pyrenees Province 63
Do.     do.   Auzat, Arieege Province   44
Andalusite     Denain-Anzin Minéraux Refractaire Ceramique Glomel Mine, Brittany   75
Antimony, metal   Société Nouvelle des Mines de la Lucette   Plant at Le Genest, Mayeene Province   10
Barite     Barytine de Chaillac   Mine and plant at Chaillac, Indre Province   150
Do.     Société Industrielle du Centre   Mine at Rossigno, Indre Province   100
Cadmium metric tons   Compagnie Royal Asturienne des Mines   Plant at D'Auby-les-Douai, Nord Province   200
Cement     Eight companies, the largest of which are:   80 plants, including:   23,233
Do.     LaFarge S.A.   15 plants; largest at St. Pierre-la-Cour (1,160) 7,815
Do.     Société des Ciments Français   13 plants; largest at Gargenville (1,100)   6,190
Coal     Charbonnages de France (CdF), including:        
Do.     Centre-Midi Basin   Open pit mines in western France (closed 2001) 0
Do.     Lorraine Basin   Underground mines in eastern France   2,500
Cobalt, metal metric tons   Société Métallurgique le Nickel (SLN)   Plant at Sandouville, near Le Havre   600
Copper, metal     Compagnie General d'Electrolyse du Palais   Electrolytic plant at Palais-sur-Vienne   45
Do.     Société Française d'Affinage du Cuivre   Smelter at Poissy, Yvelines   11
Diatomite     Ceca S.A.   Mines and plants at Riom-les-Montagnne   100
          and St. Bauzille    
Feldspar     Denain-Anzin Minéraux S.A.   Mine and plant at St. Chely d' Apcher   55
Ferroalloys     Comilog International S.A.   Plant at Boulogne-sur-Mer   420
Do.     Pechiney Electrométallurgie   Plants at Bellegarde   387
Do.     Chromeurope S.A.   Plant at Dunkerque   25
Fluorspar Société Générale de Recherches et d'Exploitation Mines in southern France 150
      Minière (SOGEREM)        
Gold kilograms   Société des Mines du Bourneix (Government)    Saint Yrieix la Perche District   0
          (closed and dismantled, 2003)    
Do. do. Mines d'Or de Salsigne (Eltin Co., 51%; Mine near Carcassonne (closed) 3,000
      Ranger Co., 18%; Peter Hambro Plc., 10%)
Gypsum     S.A. de Materiel de Construction   Mine at Taverny   1,500
Kaolin     La Source Compagnie Minière   Kaolin d'Arvor Mine, Quessoy   300
Lead, metal     Métaleurop S.A.   Plant at Noyelles Godault   165
Magnesium, metal   Péchiney Electrométallurgie   Plant at Marignac (closed 2002)   15
Natural gas million cubic meters Société Nationale Elf Aquaitane (SNEA)   Gasfield and plant at Lacq   20,000
Nickel, metal     Société Métallurgia le Nickel (SLN)   Plant at Sandouville   16
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia   Grande Paroisse S.A.   Plant at Grandpuits   390
Crude barrels per day   Total S.A.   Paris Basin oilfields   1,000
Refined do.   do.   Refineries at Gonfreville and La Mede   446,000
Do.     Shell-Française   Refinery at Petite Couron   285,000
Do.     do.   Refinery at Berre   270,000
Do.     Elf Aquaitane-France   Refinery at Feyzin   120,000
Do.     do.   Refinery at Donges   200,000
Do.     do.   Refinery at Grandpuits   96,000
Do.     Société Française British Petroleum (S.F.B.P.) Refineries at Lavera   175,000
Do.     Esso S.A.   Refineries at Fos-sur-Mer   237,000
Do.     Mobil Oil Française   Refineries at Gravenchon   62,000
Do.     Cie. Rhenane de Raffinage (CRR)   Refinery at Reichstett   80,000
TABLE 3--Continued
(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
    Major operating companies       Annual
Commodity   and major equity owners   Location of main facilities   capacity
Potash, K2O     Mines de Potasse d'Alsace S.A. (MDPA)   Mines at Amelie and Marie-Louise (closed)   0
Salt, rock     Compagnie des Salins du Midi et des   Varangeville Mine at Saint-Nicolas-de-Port   9,000
      Salines de l'Est        
Steel     Arcelor S.A.   Dunkerque   7,500
Do.     do.   Fos-sur-Mer   4,200
Do.     do.   Seramange   3,000
Do.     Sollac Unimetal (Usinor Group, 100%)   Gadrange, Neuves Maisons, and Thonville   8,400
Sulfur     Société Nationale Elf Aquaitane (SNEA)   Byproduct from natural gas, Lacq plant   3,000
Talc     Talc de Luzenac S.A. (Rio Tinto Corp., 100%) Trimouns Mine near Ariege, Pyrenees   350
Uranium, U3O8 metric tons   Compagnie Général des Matières Nucléaires   Mines at Limousin, Vendee, and Herault   1,800
Zinc, metal     Umicore Group   Plant at Auby-les-Douai   220
Do.     Métaleurop S.A.   Plant at Noyelles Godault (closed)   110