(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001   2002e   2003e  
Bauxite, gross weight3    thousand tons 160 185 174 r 170 r 168
Crude    do. 550 500 600 600 500
Calcined    do. 450 462 480 500 450
Primary    do. 455 441 462 463 4 445 4
Secondary    do. 239 260 253 262 4 240 4
Antimony, metal, including reguluse   500 500 500 500 500
Cadmium metal     195 160 176 63 r, 4 --
Cobalt, metal:    
Powdere     600 600 600 500 500
Chloride     180 204 199 175 4 181 4
Mine output, Cu content     100 100 -- -- --
Metal, secondary:    
Blister     1,000 1,000 500 r -- r --
Refined     1,800 1,500 1,500 500 --
Gold, mine output, Au content  kilograms 3,570 e 2,632 2,510 1,724 r, 4 1,470 4
Iron and steel:    
Pig iron    thousand tons 13,854   13,661   12,004   13,224 r, 4 12,756 4
Ferroalloys, electric furnace:e  
Ferromanganese    do. 138 4 140 130 130 130
Ferrosilicon    do. 100 110 100 100 100
Silicon metal    do. 65 60 65 65 65
Other    do. 100   100   100   100   100  
Total    do. 403 r 410 r 395 r 395 r 395
Crude    do. 20,211 21,002 19,431 20,524 4 19,803 4
Hot-rolled    do. 17,294 17,722 16,593 18,561 r, 4 18,400 4
Smelter, secondary     205,000   209,000   132,000 e 105,000 r, 4 -- 4
Primary     124,000 e 109,868 98,257 83,575 r, 4 1,535 4
Secondary     155,000 e 158,226   143,338   111,643 r, 4 96,155 4
Total     279,000 e 268,094 241,595 195,218 r, 4 97,690 4
Magnesium metal, including secondarye   16,200 16,500 4,000 5 -- --
Nickel metal6     9,458 10,100 11,033 11,440 r, 4 11,138 4
Mine output, Ag content    kilograms 1,140 720 4 800 600 500
Metal, Ag content of final smelter products  do. 500 500 450 400 400
Tin, secondary     1,506 1,257 1,644 1,600 1,500
Tungsten, mine output, W content of powdere   500 500 500 500 500
Zinc metal, including slab and secondary   331,103 347,705 343,805 338,924 4 268,408 4
Barite, BaSO3 equivalent     76,000 91,000 81,000 80,000 81,000 4
Bromine, elementale     8,000 7,900 4 7,800 6,000 6,000
Cement, hydraulic    thousand tons 19,257 20,191 19,839 20,000 20,000
Kaolin and kaolinitic clay (marketable)  do. 330 380 375 339 r, 4 323 4
Refractory clay, unspecified    do. 14 12 14 15 15
Diamonds, synthetic, industriale  thousand carats   3,600   3,600   3,600   3,600   3,600  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001   2002e   2003e  
Diatomitee    thousand tons 75 75 85 80 80
Feldspar, crudee    do. 638 642 4 650 659 r, 4 671 4
Crude    do. 250   250   250   250   250  
Acid- and ceramic-grade    do. 86 85 95 95 79
Metallurgical grade    do. 20   20   20   10   10  
Total    do. 106 105 115 105 89
Gypsum and anhydrite, crudee  do. 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 3,500
Kyanite, andalusite, related materialse  do. 70 65 65 65 65
Lime, quick and hydrated, dead-burned dolomite  do. 3,094 3,000 e 3,000 e 3,000 3,100
Micae     10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia  thousand tons 1,580 1,620 1,373 r 1,172 r, 4 1,153 4
Pigments, mineral, natural, iron oxidee   1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000
Phosphates, Thomas slag    thousand tons 50 50 50 50 50
Potash, K2O equivalent (marketable)  do. 345 321 257 139 r, 4 --
Pozzolan and lapillie    do. 450   450   400   400   400  
Rock salt    do. 100 e 386 596 446 r, 4 439 4
Brine salt, refined    do. 1,730 1,774 1,727 1,741 r, 4 1,718 4
Marine salte    do. 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Salt in solution    do. 4,057 r 3,956   3,774   3,620 r, 4 3,516 4
Total    do. 6,787 7,116 r 7,097 r 6,807 r, 4 6,673 4
Sodium compounds:e    
Soda ash     1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Sodium sulfate     120 120 120 120 120
Stone, sand and gravel:e    
Limestone, agricultural and industrial   11,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000
Slate, roof     30 30 30 30 30
Sand and gravel:    
Industrial sands     6,500 e 5,359 5,062 5,179 r, 4 5,089 4
Other sand, gravel, and aggregates   165,000   181,020   172,764   166,788 r, 4 160,884 4
Sulfur, byproduct:e    
Of natural gas     600 500 550 500 450
Of petroleum     250 150 150 150 150
Of unspecified sources     250   150   150   150   100  
Total     1,100 800 850 800 700
Crude     405,300 376,000 367,000 343,200 r, 4 345,600 4
Powdere     300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
Asphaltic materiale     24,000 24,000 25,000 20,000 20,000
Carbon blacke     250,000   250,000   250,000   200,000   200,000  
Coal, including briquets:    
Anthracite and bituminous    thousand tons 4,033 3,805 2,364 1,483 r, 4 1,730 4
Lignite    do. 894   297   324   148 r, 4 9 4
Total    do. 4,927 4,102 2,688 1,631 r, 4 1,739 4
Briquetse    do. 163 4 200 200 175 175
Coke, metallurgical    do. 5,312 5,327 5,091 4,552 r, 4 4,601 4
Gas, natural, marketed    million cubic meters   2,500 e 1,873   1,810 e 1,750 r, 4 1,520 4
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001   2002e   2003e  
Crude    thousand 42-gallon barrels 13,380   11,591   10,082   9,825 r, 4 9,150 4
Refinery products:    
Liquefied petroleum gas    do. 29,012 30,937 29,000 e 24,360 r, 4 29,000 4
Gasoline, all kinds    do. 146,855 132,107 140,000 e 140,000 140,000
Kerosene and jet fuel    do. 52,948 48,872 48,800 e 48,800 40,800 4
Distillate fuel oil    do. 238,451 250,417 250,000 e 91,758 r, 4 97,726 4
Residual fuel oil    do. 59,121 57,776 69,000 e 61,938 r, 4 67,266 4
Other products    do. 46,872 46,179 45,000 e 45,000 45,000
Refinery fuel    do. 868   1,148   1,200 e 1,200   1,200  
Total    do. 574,127   567,436   583,000 e 413,056 r, 4 420,992 4
Mine output, U content     625 318 182 14 r --
Chemical concentrate, U3O8 equivalent     424   302   156   12 r, 4 --  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to total shown.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through October 2004.
2In addition to the commodities listed, France produced germanium from domestic ores.  Unfortunately, actual output is not regularly reported.  France also
produced large amounts of stone, but statistics on output are not available.
3Reprocessed bauxite not for metallurgical use.
4Reported figure.
5Plant closed in June 2001.
6Excludes secondary production from nickel/cadmium batteries.
*Revised on October 20, 2005.