(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Arsenic trioxidee              8,000            8,000            8,000            8,000            8,000
Mine output, Cu content3 thousand tons            4,391            4,602            4,739            4,581            4,904
Smelter, primary do.            1,474            1,460            1,503            1,439            1,542
Electrowon   do.            1,362            1,373            1,538            1,602            1,653
Primary, other do.            1,304              1,296              1,344              1,248              1,249
Total   do.            2,666            2,669            2,882            2,850            2,902
Gold, mine output, Au content kilograms          48,069          54,143          42,673          38,688          38,954
Iron and steel:                                             
Ore and concentrate:  
Gross weight   thousand tons            8,345            8,729            8,834            7,269            8,011
Fe content   do.            5,215            5,455            5,437            4,398            4,500
Pig iron   do.            1,030            1,024               897               934 r               988  
   Ferromanganese              2,833            4,011            2,213  -- r   -- e
   Ferromolybdenum              2,079            1,454            1,784            1,784 r            3,170 e
   Ferrosilicomanganese              2,048            1,800  -- r   -- r   -- e
   Ferrosilicon              1,000    -- r   -- r   -- r   -- e
   Total                7,960 r             7,265 r             3,997 r             1,784 r             3,170 e
Steel, crude    thousand tons            1,291            1,352            1,247            1,280            1,377
Semimanufactures do.            1,303            1,300 e            1,067            1,150            1,197
Lead, mine output, Pb content                 608               785            1,193            2,895            1,697
Manganese ore and concentrate:  
Gross weight              40,505          41,716          31,320          12,195          19,641
Mn contente              11,915 5          12,271 5            9,130            3,190            3,200
Mine output, Mo content            27,270 r          33,639 r          33,492          29,467 r          33,375
Oxides                9,699 r            9,724 r             8,813            7,716 r            5,398
Rhenium, mine output, Re contente, 6   kilograms          14,000          17,100          17,800          15,400 5          15,400
Seleniume    do.          49,000          40,000          40,000          40,000          40,000
Silver                1,381            1,242            1,349            1,210            1,313
Zinc, mine output, Zn content            32,263          31,403          32,762          36,161          33,051
Barite                   823            1,026               584               384               229
Borates, crude, natural, ulexite          324,691        337,966        327,743        431,293        400,603
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons            3,036            3,377            3,513            3,522            3,600 e
Bentonite                1,104            1,314            1,695               632 r               748
Kaolin                4,361            6,445            5,300            6,164          11,500
Other, unspecified            53,721          23,387          28,330          35,091          51,622
Diatomite              14,477          13,384          22,705          30,274          25,594
Dolomite              20,016          12,506          29,940          31,439          17,308
Feldspar                1,346            2,311            2,867            3,069            6,690
Crude   thousand tons               886               376               517               610               662
Calcined   do.               188               176               175               229               190
Iodine, elemental              9,317          10,474          11,355          11,648          15,580
Lime, hydraulice thousand tons            1,000            1,000            1,000            1,000            1,000
Lithium carbonate            30,231            35,869            31,320            35,242            41,667  
Nitrogen, natural, crude nitrates:  
Sodium, NaNO3 thousand tons               751               800               868 e               951               919
Potassium, KNO3 do.               165                 188                 204 e               223                 215  
Total   do.               916               988            1,072            1,174            1,134
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
INDUSTRIAL MINERALS--Continued                      
Phosphate rock (apatite):  
   Gross weight            12,074          12,474          11,511          11,066 r            9,389
   P2O5 content              3,139            3,889            3,589            3,411            2,894
Phosphorite                8,334            6,050            7,466            8,475          11,911
Pigments, mineral, natural, iron oxide              9,992  -- r   -- r   -- r   -- e
Potash, K2O equivalente           312,000 5        330,000        390,000        350,000        370,000
Potassium chloride, KCl thousand tons               600               550               648 e               665               680
Pozzolan   do.               958               830               785               826               825
Pumice      --  --  --               354        417,023
Quartz, common thousand tons               577               576               538               879               765
Salt, all types   do.            6,074            5,083            5,989            3,503            6,213
Sodium compounds, n.e.s.7, sulfate8            58,026          56,501          67,760          70,776          44,011
Sand and gravel, silicae thousand tons               300               300               300               300               300
   Limestone, calcium carbonate do.            5,618            5,395            5,563            5,888            5,901
   Marble                   828               812               782               633               828
Sulfur, byproduct, from smelters and oil refineries     1,040,000     1,100,000     1,160,000     1,275,000     1,300,000 e
Talc                2,231            2,421            4,177            3,537            4,374
Coal, bituminous and lignite thousand tons               508               509               578               452               359
Coke, coke oven do.               511               500 e               500               440               400 e
Gas, natural:    
Gross   million cubic meters            2,957            2,702            2,684            2,543            2,181
Marketede   do.            1,900            1,900            1,900            1,800            1,700
Natural gas liquids:e                      
Natural gasoline thousand 42-gallon barrels            1,000            1,000            1,000            1,000            1,000
Liquefied natural gas do.            2,000              2,500              2,500              2,500              2,500  
Total   do.            3,000            3,500            3,500            3,500            3,500
Crude   do.            2,314            2,050            2,425              2,116            1,319
Refinery products:9                  
Liquefied petroleum gas do.            7,516 r            7,040 r            7,768 r            7,914 r            7,534
Aviation   do.               119 r               116 r            5,381 r                 68 r                 97
Motor   do.          18,611 r          19,008 r          17,808 r          18,396 r          19,712
Jet fuel   do.            2,221 r            1,508 r            5,852 r            5,054 r            4,641
Kerosene   do.            4,683 r            4,409 r            1,281 r            1,185 r               681
Distillate fuel oil do.          26,411 r          28,776 r          29,295 r          29,345 r          30,297
Residual fuel oil do.            8,843 r          10,457 r          10,207 r            9,210 r          12,332
Unspecified   do.            5,007 r            6,368 r            1,898 r            2,124 r            2,119
Total   do.            73,411 r          77,682 r          79,490 r          73,296 r          77,413  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  rRevised.
1Table includes data available through November 2004.
2In addition to the commodities listed, pyrite is also produced, but available information is inadequate to make reliable estimates of output levels.
3Figures are the nonduplicate copper content of concentrates, blister and refined copper, measured at the last stage of commercial production, as reported by 
Comisión Chilena del Cobre.  Mine production reported by Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería for the same years was only slightly higher
(0.01% to 0.95% higher).
4Source:  Instituto Latinoamericano del Fierro y el Acero.
5Reported figure.
6Rhenium output based on information from Comisión Chilena del Cobre and includes rhenium content from Molymex S.A. de C.V. (Mexico) processed at
Molibdenos y Metales S.A. (Chile).
7n.e.s, not elsewhere specified.
8Includes production of natural sodium sulfate and anhydrous sodium sulfate, coproducts of the nitrate industry (salitre).
9Includes production from both imported and domestic petroleum, as reported by Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería.