(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Alumina, gross weighte    thousand tons 1,233 2 1,200   1,200   1,200   1,200  
Primary     2,389,835 2,373,460 2,582,746 2,708,910 2,791,915
Secondary     112,000   148,000   180,000   180,000 r 180,000  
Total     2,501,835 2,521,460 2,762,746 2,888,910 r 2,971,915
Antimony3     357 433 234 143 88
Mine output, Bi content3     311 243 258 189 145
Metal, refinede     250 r 250 r 250 r 250 r 250
Mine output, Cd content3     1,390 1,051 979 896 710
Metal, refined     1,911 1,941 1,429 1,400 e 1,400
Calcium    kilograms 224,864 170,246 133,200 135,000 e 135,000
Mine output, Co content3     5,324 5,298 5,334 5,148 r 4,304
Shipments4     2,015 2,022 2,112 2,065 r 1,743
Refined, including oxide     3,972 4,079 4,063 4,100 4,100
Columbium and tantalum:    
Pyrochlore concentrate:    
Gross weight     5,140 5,070 7,070 7,410 r 7,270
Nb content     2,313 2,280 3,180 3,333 r 3,270
Tantalite concentrate:    
Gross weight     208 228 308 232 220
Ta content     54 r 57 77 58 55
Nb content     10 r 11 15 12 11
Mine output, Cu content3     581,583   633,855   683,531 r 584,195 r 534,287  
Primary, blister     542,439 545,514 552,512 538,790 543,282
Secondary and scrap     66,782 66,800 74,128 74,000 e 74,000
Total     609,221   612,314   626,640   612,790   617,282  
Primary     476,079 551,393 567,720 494,522 r 454,866
Secondary     72,484   61,300   42,800   24,800 r 26,800  
Total     548,563 612,693 610,520 519,322 r 481,666
Gold, mine output    kilograms 157,617 156,207 158,875 151,904 r 140,559
Iron and steel:    
Iron ore and concentrate:    
Gross weight    thousand tons 33,900 35,247 26,981 30,902 r 32,957
Fe content    do. 21,650 22,744 17,186 19,684 r 20,993
Pig iron    do. 8,783 8,900 8,780 8,800 8,800
Direct-reduced irone    do. 920 2 920   920   920   920  
Ferroalloys, electric arc furnace:e    
Ferrosilicon    do. 56 56 56 56 56
Silicon metal    do. 30 30 30 30 30
Ferrovanadium    do. 1   1   1   1   1  
Total    do. 87 87 87 87 87
Crude steel    do. 16,300 15,900 16,300 16,300 e 16,300
Mine output, Pb content     162,180   148,769   153,932   101,330 r 81,268  
Metal, refined:    
Primary     137,172 159,152 r 127,007 133,815 112,475
Secondary     129,243   125,141 r 103,921   117,449   110,742  
Total       266,415   284,293 r 230,928   251,264   223,217  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Lithium, spodumenee     22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500
Magnesium, metal, primarye     80,000 80,000 83,000 88,000 54,000
Molybdenum, mine out, Mo content     6,250 7,457 8,556 7,953 r 9,671
Mine output, Ni content3     176,749 190,793 184,300 189,297 r 162,756
Refined5     124,260 134,225 140,591 144,476 124,418
Platinum-group metals, mine output    kilograms 13,872 16,110 20,694 24,372 r 18,514
Selenium, refined6    do. 359,000 335,000 238,000 175,000 r 253,000
Mine output, Ag content     1,174,000 1,212,000 1,265,000 1,407,558 r 1,309,274
Refined     1,246,000 1,188,000 1,224,400 1,352,002 r 1,275,797
Tellurium, refined6     64,000 53,000 51,000 39,000 r 40,000
Titanium, slagse, 7     950,000 950,000 1,100,000 r 1,100,000 r 1,104,000
Uranium oxide, U content     10,157 10,683 12,991 12,855 r 9,906
Mine output, Zn content     963,321 1,002,242 1,012,048 923,931 r 788,328
Metal, refined, primary     776,927 779,892 661,172 793,475 761,199
Asbestos     337,000 307,000 277,000 242,241 r 240,500
Barite     123,000 121,000 23,000 17,000 r 23,000
Cement, hydraulic8    thousand tons 12,625 12,612 12,986 13,710 r 14,063
Clay and clay products9    value, thousands $164,718 $175,449 $194,580 $233,244 r $234,775
Diamond    carats 2,429,000 2,533,750 3,716,000 4,937,000 r 11,200,000
Diatomitee     10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Gemstones, amethyst and jade     218 235 148 246 r 114
Gypsum and anhydrite    thousand tons 9,345 9,232 7,821 8,809 r 8,330
Lime8    do. 2,565 2,525 2,213 2,248 r 2,216
Magnesite, dolomite, brucitee     180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000
Mica, scrap and flakee     17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500
Nepheline syenite     676,000 717,000 710,000 717,000 r 697,000
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia     4,134,900 4,129,000 3,438,700 3,440,000 3,440,000
Potash, K2O equivalent    thousand tons 8,475 9,202 8,237 8,361 r 9,131
Pyrite and pyrrhotite, gross weighte     5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Salt    thousand tons 12,686 11,994 13,725 12,736 r 13,390
Sand and gravel    do. 242,369 238,494 236,486 238,120 r 235,574
Silica, quartz10    do. 1,702 1,514 1,613 1,540 r 1,586
Sodium compounds, n.e.s.:e    
Sodium carbonate, soda ash    do. 300 300 300 300 300
Sodium sulfate, natural11    do. 305 2 305 305 305 305
Stone12    do. 130,226   139,188   124,758   124,746 r 119,356  
Sulfur, byproduct:    
Metallurgy    do. 843 849 762 703 r 589
Petroleum    do. 8,656   8,621   8,154   7,671 r 7,920  
Total    do. 9,499 9,470 8,916 8,374 r 8,509
Talc, pyrophyllite, soapstonee    do. 79 2 90 90 90 90
Carbon blacke     165,000   165,000   165,000   165,000   165,000  
Coal, run-of-mine:    
Bituminous and subbituminous    thousand tons 60,834 58,037 59,042 55,408 r 50,929
Lignite    do. 11,663   11,126   11,319   11,200   11,234  
Total    do. 72,497 69,163 70,361 66,608 r 62,163
Coke, high-temperature    do. 3,307 3,307 3,300 3,300 e 3,300
Natural gas:    
Gross    million cubic meters 190,912 195,457 200,709 200,890 193,253
Marketed    do. 162,219   166,078   171,388   171,348   164,834  
Natural gas liquids:    
Pentanes plus    thousand 42-gallon barrels 67,735 67,700 66,000 66,000 e 66,000
Condensate    do. 2,930   2,900   2,800   2,800 e 2,800  
Total    do.   70,665   70,600   68,800   68,800 e 68,800  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Peat     1,253 1,277 1,319 1,385 r 1,341
Crude13    thousand 42-gallon barrels 768,934   803,919   816,505   861,730 r 907,018  
Refinery products:e    
Propane, butane, naphtha, liquefied petroleum gas    do. 12,700 13,300 13,700 14,800 r 14,900
Aviation    do. 790 900 850 1,050 r 1,000
Other    do. 218,000 228,000 235,000 255,000 r 260,000
Petrochemical feedstocks    do. 28,500 29,800 30,800 33,700 r 34,100
Jet fuel    do. 29,700 31,100 32,100 35,300 r 35,700
Kerosene    do. 1,700 1,700 1,800 2,100 r 2,100
Distillate fuel oil, diesel and light    do. 167,000 175,000 180,000 194,000 r 19,500
Lubricants including grease    do. 6,700 7,000 7,200 7,500 r 7,600
Residual fuel oil, heavy    do. 43,100 45,100 46,500 50,600 r 51,200
Asphalt    do. 22,100 23,200 23,900 26,300 r 26,100
Petroleum coke    do. 6,200 6,500 6,700 7,400 r 7,500
Unspecified    do. 22,500 23,600 24,300 26,800 r 27,200
Refinery fuel and losses14    do. 21,800 22,800 23,500 25,300 r 25,600
Total    do.   581,000   608,000   626,000   680,000 r 513,000  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  pPreliminary.  rRevised.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through July 2004.
2Reported figure.
3Metal content of concentrates produced.
4Cobalt content of all products derived from Canadian ores, which includes cobalt oxide shipped to the United Kingdom for futher processing and nickel-
cobalt matte shipped to Norway for refining.
5Nickel contained in products of smelters and refineries in forms, which are ready for use by consumers.  Natural Resources Canada has revised all refined
nickel figures to conform with International Nickel Study Group (INSG) guidelines.
6From all sources, which includes imports and secondary sources.  Excludes intermediate products exported for refining.
7Refined UGS and SOREL slags have titanium oxide content of 94.5% (chloride process) and 80% (sulfide process), respectively.
8Producers' shipments and quantities used by producers.
9Includes bentonite products from common clay, fire clay, stoneware clay, and other clays.  Values are in current Canadian dollars.
10Producers' shipment of quartz.
11Excludes byproduct production from chemical plants.
12Crushed, building, ornamental, paving, and similar stone.
13Includes synthetic crude, from oil shale and/or tar sands.
14Refinery fuel represents total production of still gas, which includes a small amount sold.