(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
Aluminum, metal, secondary  tons 143,000   158,100   149,900 r 151,100 r 150,000  
Copper, refined:    
Primary    do. 5,000 1,000 -- r -- r -- 2
Secondary    do. 77,573   78,000   68,642 r 64,932 r 65,084 2
Total    do. 82,573 79,000 68,642 r 64,932 r 65,084 2
Gold, mine output, Au contente  kilograms 100 100 50 50 25
Iron and steel:    
Iron ore and concentrate:  
Gross weight     1,752 1,859 1,843 1,900 e 1,800
Fe content     553 586 581 600 e 570
Pig iron     3,913 4,318 4,375 4,669 4,600
Ferroalloys, electric arc furnacee   12 12 9 10 10
Crude steel     5,213 5,725 5,887 6,208 6,261 2
Semimanufactures     4,657 5,035 5,251 5,300 e 5,300
Lead, refined, secondarye  tons 24,500 24,000 22,000 20,000 20,000
Manganese, Mn content of domestic iron oree  do. 20,000 20,000 18,000 16,000 16,000
Tungsten, mine output, W content of concentrate  do. 1,610 1,600 e 1,237 1,400 e 1,400
Cement, hydraulic     3,817 3,799 3,863 3,800 e 3,800
Illite     190 e 305 300 e 60 r 60
Crude     152 119 90 e 100 100
Marketablee     50 50 40 50 r 100
Othere     2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600
Graphite, crude    tons 2,635 669 116 -- r --
Gypsum and anhydrite, crude   999 946 929 962 r 1,004 2
Limee     2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Crude     749 726 681 728 r 767 2
Sintered or dead-burned   325 270 202 200 200
Caustic calcinede     60 60 60 60 60
Nitrogen, N content of ammoniae  tons 450 450 440 400 400
Pigments, mineral, micaceous iron oxidee  do. 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Pumice (trass)    do. 4,272 3,961 4,000 e 4,000 4,000
Rocke     1 1 1 1 1
In brine    thousand cubic meters 2,692   3,130   2,986   3,212 r 3,422 2
Sand and gravel:    
Quartz sand     685 r 698 r 700 r, e 835 r 944 2
Other sand and gravele     18,000   18,000   18,000   5,261 r 6,079 2
Total     18,685 r 18,698 r 18,700 r, e 6,096 r 7,023 2
Sodium compounds, n.e.s., manufactured:e  
Soda ash     150 150 150 150 150
Sulfate     100 100 100 100 100
Dolomite     7,968 7,152 6,172 5,836 r 6,079 2
Quartz and quartzite     409   372   402   362 r 283  
Limestone and marble     26,409 23,824 23,799 24,884 r 24,477 2
Basalt     5,201 4,933 5,000 e 4,533 r 4,669 2
Marl     1,423 1,559 1,569 1,534 r 1,069 2
Crushed stonee     12,000   12,000   12,000   12,000   12,000  
Total     45,033   42,316   42,368   42,951 r 42,215 2
Grand total       53,410   49,840   48,942   49,149 r 48,577 2
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
Sulfur, byproduct of petroleum and natural gas  tons 9,468 9,646 9,500 e 9,500 9,500
Talc and soapstone, crude  do. 1,129,516 133,060 140,000 e 138,195 r 137,596 2
Coal, brown and lignite   1,137 1,255 1,194 1,413 r 1,152 2
Coke     1,400 1,400 1,411 1,394 r 1,400
Natural gas:    
Gross    million cubic meters 1,791 1,805 1,954 2,015 r 2,030 2
Marketede    do. 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Oil shale    tons 496 440 408 396 r 432 2
Crude    thousand 42-gallon barrels 6,879   7,024   7,178   7,176 r 6,976 2
Refinery products:    
Liquefied petroleum gas    do. 241 186 200 e 159 r 245 2
Gasoline    do. 18,196 15,413 16,000 e 17,017 r 15,394 2
Kerosene and jet fuel    do. 4,256 4,360 4,500 e 3,888 r 3,576 2
Distillate fuel oil    do. 27,387 25,897 26,000 e 27,457 r 26,987 2
Residual fuel oil    do. 8,521 6,325 6,000 e 6,732 r 7,009 2
Unspecified    do. 8,673 14,748 15,000 e 30,387 r 26,169 2
Refinery fuel and losses  do. 5,497 5,149 5,000 e 4,550 r 4,739 2
Total    do.   72,771   72,078   72,700 e 90,190 r 84,119 2
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown. rRevised.
1Table includes data available through May 2004.
2Reported figure.
3Excludes stone used by the cement and iron and steel industries.
*Revised on October 20, 2005.