(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Primary     206,529 r 262,394 r 245,052 r 268,805 r 271,932
Secondarye     16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000
Mine output, Cd content   140 137 160 153 126
Refined     -- r -- 34 -- 25
Mine output, Cu content   210,126 145,197 191,677 204,027 199,020
Refinede     16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000
Gold, mine output, Au content kilograms 38,515 25,954 30,632 r 32,506 r 29,744
Iron and steel:                      
Pig iron   thousand tons 1,985 2,186 r 1,916 r 2,180 r 2,402
Sponge iron (direct reduction) do. 989   1,420   1,276 r 1,476 r 1,736  
Total   do. 2,974 3,606 r 3,192 r 3,656 r 4,138
Ferroalloys, electric furnace:                      
Ferrosilicomanganese   -- 4,900 5,150 5,000 e 5,000 e
Ferrosilicon     2,568   2,500   2,740   2,700 e 2,700 e
Total     2,568 7,400 7,890 7,700 e 7,700 e
Steel, crude   thousand tons 3,799 r 4,474 r 4,107 4,363 5,033
Semimanufactures2 do. 2,973 r 4,174 3,859 r 3,821 r 4,680
Mine output, Pb content   15,256 14,115 12,334 12,011 12,079
Smelter, primarye   14,200   14,200   14,200   14,200   14,200  
Primary       500 8,665 9,473 10,567 11,011
Secondary     25,195   27,000   25,960   33,000 r 30,300  
Total     25,695   35,665   34,473   43,567 r 41,311  
Silver, mine output, Ag content kilograms 73,785 78,271 152,802 125,868 133,917
Uranium, mine output, U3O8 content do. 4,000 -- -- -- --
Mine output, Zn content   34,192   34,858   39,703   37,325   29,839  
Metal, smelter:                      
Primary       40,223 36,359 39,727 38,699 39,221
Secondary     3,220 e 2,910   3,180   3,098   3,139  
Total     43,443   39,269   42,907   41,797   42,360  
Asbestos     259 254 203 r 155 r 166
Barite     4,365 5,472 6,955 r 3,048 r 3,261
Boron materials, crude   245,450 512,624 633,520 r 509,630 r 545,304
Cement, hydraulic thousand tons 7,187 6,121 r 5,545 3,911 r 5,217
Bentonite     128,809 123,092 104,335 120,006 r 128,406
Common     2,294,857 2,374,294 1,515,002 r 1,506,146 r 1,611,576
Foundry earthe   100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Fuller's earth (decolorizing clay)e   1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Kaolin     52,665 34,023 12,367 r 9,956 r 10,653
Diatomite     34,056 17,663 17,090 r 23,314 r 24,946
Feldspar     62,926 59,466 48,522 r 82,642 r 88,427
Fluorspar     12,704 11,200 9,075 5,168 r 5,530
Gypsum, crude   647,001 582,337 371,527 r 362,556 r 387,936
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Lithium: r, 3    
Carbonate     1,592 2,161 -- 906 2,850
Chloride     2,794 5,182 4,512 4,729 4,700
Mica     3,097 4,665 r 2,120 r 1,770 r 1,894
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia   87,700 189,800 596,600 616,700 723,900
Perlite     21,008 17,521 17,916 r 17,152 r 19,725
Phosphates, Thomas slage,  4   -- r -- r -- r -- r --
Pumice     17,662 15,512 2,097 r 3,070 r 3,531
Salt     1,263,423 1,348,514 1,269,814 r 1,080,396 r 1,156,023
Sand and gravel:  
Construction     18,567,501 12,450,441 10,717,609 r 9,796,605 r 11,266,096
Silica sand (glass sand)   262,640 495,903 891,127 r 280,065 r 299,669
Gravel     6,962,668 5,967,771 4,580,713 r 5,480,427 r 6,302,490
Basalt     1,024,534 363,277 436,947 r 177,090 r 203,654
Calcite, nonoptical   42,509 34,024 96,269 r 85,299 r 91,270
Calcium carbonate, chalke   30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Dolomite     715,273 744,041 303,695 r 278,361 r 320,116
Limestone     12,626,797 10,605,739 6,073,902 r 7,060,763 r 8,119,879
Marble, onyx, travertine   247,040 218,800 38,228 r 38,838 r 44,664
Flagstone     85,520 199,135 146,909 r 155,079 r 178,343
In blocks     68,350 48,605 41,317 r 40,450 r 46,518
Crushed     11,554,211 10,360,967 5,570,812 r 3,785,570 r 4,353,407
Quartz, crushed   98,368 78,024 49,720 r 93,614 r 100,167
Quartzite, crushed   400,000 776,011 386,336 r 247,394 r 284,503
Rhodochrosite   23 17 17 r 22 r 24
Gemstones (agate, amethyst, apolo, tourmaline, etc.) kilograms 7,030 19,058 10,200 r 1,250 r 1,338
Sandstonee     200 200 200 200 200
Serpentine, crushed   171,050 143,000 -- r 826 r 950
Shell, marl     176,180 272,728 177,854 r 169,577 r 195,014
Tuff, (tosca)   thousand tons 2,455 4,940 4,626 r 2,721 r 3,129
Strontium minerals, celestite   2,141 4,656 2,440 r 3,106 r 3,323
Sulfates, natural:   
Magnesium (epsomite)   6,900 6,900 6,900 r 6,900 r 7,383
Sodium (mirabilite)   6,879 10,446 11,856 r 10,081 r 10,787
Talc and related materials:                      
Pyrophyllite     3,400 3,877 2,155 r 1,770 r 1,894
Steatitee     300 300 300 300 300
Talc     10,542   6,730   1,665 r 1,643 r 1,759  
Total     14,242 10,907 4,120 r 3,713 r 3,953
Vermiculite     2,800 -- 1,110 r 1,050 r 1,124
Zeolite     150 -- -- r -- r --
Asphalt and bitumen:  
Natural (asphaltite)   60 50 -- r -- r --
Byproduct of refinery   743,125 532,922 393,681 318,290 479,389
Coal, bituminous thousand tons 354 246 150 r 56 r --
Coke, all types, including breeze do. 1,482 1,496 1,556 1,582 1,695
Gas, natural:    
Gross   million cubic meters 42,425 r 44,872 r 45,994 r 45,819 r 50,664
Marketed   do. 34,559 37,412 37,145 36,468 r 41,119
Natural gas liquids thousand 42-gallon barrels 16,300 18,200 18,000 18,000 e 18,000 e
Peat, agricultural (turba)   10,542 10,159 1,067 r 8,208 r 8,782
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003  
Crude   thousand 42-gallon barrels 292,525 r 281,547 r 285,381 r 275,894 r 270,349
Refinery products:                      
Liquefied petroleum gas do. 21,125 22,903 23,913 12,208 13,224
Motor gasoline do. 70,299 64,853 59,655 50,389 55,378
Aviation gasoline do. 686 107 10,000 e -- 340
Jet fuel   do. 12,496 12,153 10,580 10,286 8,949
Kerosene   do. 1,055 667 570 305 218
Distillate fuel oil do. 80,501 77,874 77,321 71,061 74,522
Residual fuel oil do. 11,806 10,628 12,149 11,727 12,693
Lubricants   do. 1,311 2,141 2,246 2,275 2,945
Other   do. 19,232 19,146 22,171 27,438 28,860
Refinery fuel and losses do. 5,432   5,039   5,050   5,370   6,027  
Total   do.   213,079 205,433 212,555   180,319   190,666  
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.  rRevised.  --Zero.
1Table includes data available through September 30, 2004.
2Hot-rolled semimanufactures only; excludes castings and cold-rolled semimanufactures produced from imported hot-rolled semimanufactures.
3New information was available from Argentine sources that prompted major revisions in how lithium production is reported.
4Thomas slag production was estimated from the Thomas crude steel reported in La Siderurgia Argentina annual, which is published by the Instituto
Argentino de Siderurgia.