(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)
Commodity2, 3   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003p  
Cadmium, refinede   10   10   10 10   10  
Gold   kilograms --  --  300   369 365
Iron and steel:        
Iron ore, gross weight thousand tons 1,336   1,645   1,291   1,202   1,378  
Pig irone do. 1,000   1,100   1,250   1,300 r 1,300  
Steel, crude do. 758   842   850 e 1,091 r  1,051  
Concentrate, Pb content   1,215   818   891   1,105   1,108  
Metal, refinede   5,700   6,100   6,000 6,000   6,100  
Mercury kilograms 240,327   215,625   320,091   307,119   17,571  
Silvere do. 1,400   1,400 1,700 1,700   1,700  
Concentrate, Zn content   9,808   10,452   10,693   8,576   5,201  
Metal, smelter outpute   32,200   34,000 34,000 26,136 4 32,200
Barite, crude   50,510   51,925   43,020   51,773   45,649  
Cement, hydraulice, 5 thousand tons 7,500   8,300   8,300   9,000   9,000  
Bentonite   15,491   22,708   21,286   27,178   25,346  
Fuller's earth   2,489   3,431   3,254   3,521   2,573  
Kaolin   16,833   11,616   13,356   9,505   16,591  
Diatomite   2,563   2,500 e 2,863   3,185   2,595  
Feldspar   2,820   707   --    --    --   
Gypsum6 thousand tons 1,316   1,341   281   322   350  
Lime, hydraulice   76,000   96,000   100,000   100,000   100,000  
Marble           209 392 495
Blocks thousand cubic meters 17 25 33 23 24
Crushed stone   67,090   81,907   109,872 108,682 105,249
Slabs   thousand square meters 280 250 224   215   180
Nitrogen, N content of ammonia7   455,400   457,900   482,000 r 563,100   578,200  
Phosphate rock:            
Gross weight thousand tons 1,096   877   939   740   905  
P2O5 contente do. 340   265   280   230   280  
Pozzolan e   350,000 360,000 362,000 451,000 500,000
Salt, brine and sea salt   163,748   182,000   184,682 r 205,321 r 191,017  
Sand   thousand cubic meters 200 200 209 392 495
Sulfur, S content of sulfuric acide   16,300   11,800   7,200   19,300   20,000  
Coke   thousand tons 400 e 409 441 450 e 450 e
Gas, natural:  
Gross million cubic meters 128,783   139,499   140,740   139,998   137,634  
Dry8   do. 97,151   100,092   102,332   101,557   98,754  
Helium, liquide do. 16 4 10   16 r 17   19  
Methanol   NA NA 94,030 91,470 115,690
Natural gas plant liquids thousand 42-gallon barrels 85,411   95,619   99,800   100,850   98,100  
Crude, including condensate do. 457,158   476,288   464,600   499,890   580,000  
Refinery products:                      
Liquefied petroleum gas do. 6,191   6,322   6,600   6,870 r 7,050  
Gasoline do. 20,310   17,964   17,390   16,540   16,150  
Naphtha do. 32,757   32,124   34,370   33,690   34,230  
Kerosene and jet fuel do. 10,428   12,458   11,510   10,770 r 10,170  
Distillate fuel oil do. 48,132   44,820   49,790   45,100 r 46,150  
Lubricants do. 777   770   790   875   980  
Residual fuel oil do. 37,842   36,803   42,930   38,850 r 41,150  
Other do. 2,884   3,044   2,850   2,690   2,120  
Total do. 159,321   154,305   166,230   155,385 r 158,000  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 1--Continued
eEstimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.   pPreliminary.
 rRevised.  NA Not Available.  -- Zero.
1Table includes data available through July 23, 2004.
2In addition to the commodities listed, secondary aluminum, secondary lead, and secondary copper may be produced in small
quantities; crude construction materials for local consumption, and copper, fertilizer, marble slabs, methanol, perlite, urea,
and volcanic tuff are produced, but available information is inadequate to make estimates of production levels.
3In addition to the commodities listed, about 700 metric tons per year of caustic soda had been estimated to be produced.
4Reported figure.
5Erroneous cement units (metric tons instead of thousand tons) were used in previous Algeria production tables published
during the period 1997 to 2000.
6Includes about 50,000 metric tons per year of plaster.
7Additional nitrogen was produced by Helios s.p.a., which is a helium liquids production company.  In 1999, the last year for
which data are available, Helios produced more than 68,000 42-gallon barrels of liquid nitrogen and 14 million cubic meters
of gaseous nitrogen.
8Excludes gas used in reinjection, flaring, venting, and transmission losses.