Analysis of the Nonwovens Industry in
Asia-Pacific 2004-2009


Analysis of the Asia Pacific nonwovens industry
by TEchnology is released

As the Asia-Pacific region continues to play an increasingly important role in both technical developments and market demand, INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has compiled a groundbreaking report on the size and potential of one of the world’s key markets for nonwovens and engineered fabrics.

The “Analysis of the Nonwovens Industry — Asia-Pacific: 2004-2009” is one of the most in-depth reviews ever published of the growing Asia-Pacific market. The 81-page report includes technology updates, production capacity reports and projections for consumption and production in the region through the end of the decade.

One of the highlights of the Report is an analysis and estimate of the growth of nonwovens output by technology in the region. As supply and demand is roughly in balance at this point, there will be considerable investment needed to expand the region’s nonwoven production capacity. This report provides a guide as to where the investment will be required by technology and the dollars required to meet the forecast 2009 volume.

In addition, the Report provides an estimate of the current demand for each of the key staple fibers and resins consumed by the nonwoven industry in 2004, along with a forecast for demand in 2009.

Among the important findings of the Report:

China is now the third largest nonwoven producing region behind North America and Europe. The country’s nonwoven industry more than quadrupled during the past decade and exceeded 600,000 tonnes of output in 2004. The Report forecasts that China’s nonwoven industry’s tonnage output will continue to expand in the double digit range per year through 2009. Driving this growth is the country’s rising affluence which creates demand for consumer products using nonwovens ranging from diapers to cars.

Analysis of the Nonwovens Indu stry — Asia-Pacific: 2004-2009” also reviews the nonwovens industry’s growth by nonwoven technology in the 10 major producing countries in the Asia Pacific region: Australia/New Zealand, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand. While 10 Asia Pacific countries are studied, the report provides higher detail on the larger industries of China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

The report tracks the production growth in metric tonnes of each of the major nonwoven technologies over the previous decade (1994-2004) and provides a five-year forecast through 2009. The four key nonwoven technologies include:

  1. Carded Technologies
  2. Spunlaid Technologies
  3. Airlaid Pulp
  4. Wetlaid

INDA’s mission is to promote the growth and profitability of the nonwovens industry. It is also our role to serve the worldwide interests of our many members and consumers of the industries’ products. To that end, we are publishing this report on the eastern Asia Pacific nonwoven industry to provide a benchmark of the industry’s position at the beginning of the 21 st century and its outlook for growth.

The “Analysis of the Nonwovens Industry — Asia-Pacific: 2004-2009” is available for INDA members for $2,200. To order, go to the INDA Bookstore at