Information Technology


The McIlvaine Company has prepared an extensive report entitled “Information Technology for Electricity Generation 1999 to 2004 (This report is now available in hard copy for $1900).


The forecasts were segmented into automation systems, field devices, plant design and training and external interface. The explanation of these segments and a relevant flow diagram are described here.


The following table shows the applicable revenue factors in $/kw for each different generator type:


Capacity Ratios: Information Technology: Power

Coal Gas Turbine Nuclear
New Existing New Existing New Existing
  $/kw % $/kw % $/kw % $/kw % $/kw % $/kw %
New Plant Total  1,200.0 100.0%          500.0 100.0%      1,800.0 100.0%    
Total IT        75.0 6.3%          4.0 0.3%        20.0 4.0%          1.0 0.2%      122.0 6.8%          6.0 0.3%
Automation Systems        55.0 4.6%          3.0 0.3%        15.0 3.0%          0.5 0.1%      100.0 5.6%          4.5 0.3%
Field Devices        10.0 0.8%          1.0 0.1%          3.0 0.6%          0.3 0.1%        12.0 0.7%          0.5 0.0%
Plant/Design and Training          5.0 0.4%          0.5 0.0%          1.5 0.3%          0.3 0.1%          5.0 0.3%          0.5 0.0%
External Interface          5.0 0.4%          0.7 0.1%          1.4 0.3%          0.1 0.0%          5.0 0.3%          0.5 0.0%


These factors can be used to generate approximate revenues in any country for each of the fuel types. The relevant charts are in Power.


Chemical Industry


Revenues for the same categories of information technology can be approximated in other industries using the percentage charts.


For the chemical industry the U.S. capital investment in 2004 is $14 billion. Using the same percentages for chemical as for power the following revenue factors are obtained.


Capacity Ratios: Information Technology: Chemical

New Existing
  $ Mil % $ Mil %
New Plant Total     14,000.0 100.0%    
Total IT           882.0 6.3%        42.0 0.3%
Automation Systems           644.0 4.6%        42.0 0.3%
Field Devices           112.0 0.8%        14.0 0.1%
Plant/Design and Training             56.0 0.4%             -   0.0%
External Interface             56.0 0.4%        14.0 0.1%


So if you want to see forecasts for total IT for new chemical plants in any country in any  you would enter the U.S. 2004 revenue of $882 million. For IT expenditures for existing plants you would enter the $42 million. The relevant chemical chart is Chemicals.