August / September 2019


McIlvaine Company


Janicki Increases Composite Manufacturing with Cleanroom

Janicki Industries has expanded its manufacturing capacity with a new 15,000 sq. ft. of cleanroom in a building next to its current facility in Hamilton, WA, USA. The new facility will be used for the production of flight-quality, aerospace parts made of advanced composite materials.

These composite materials will include carbon fiber, and will be used in commercial jetliners, military aircraft, and space exploration.

The 90,000 sq. ft. will be a high bay assembly space with four overhead cranes. Within this space there is 15,000 sq. ft. of cleanroom and a 5,000 square-foot drive-in freezer for storing carbon fiber material.

According to Janicki, the new building was designed by Carletti Architects and built by Chad Fisher Construction.

Construction took a year and on the roof is a climate control system. There are 30 variable refrigerant volume (VRV) heat pumps linked together and connected to a computer system that monitors the temperature and humidity. The system then turns on the appropriate heat pump to keep the climate perfect for making carbon fiber parts.


Asian Space Program Contracts South African Company

An Asian national space agency has chosen South Africa-based NewSpace Systems to supply the majority of its core satellite components. Africa News reported that the manufacturer of satellite subsystems and components won the bid to provide five of six components for the country’s national program.

“Without giving too much away, we’re excited to announce that as of this month, the NewSpace Systems (NSS) team will be supporting yet another space agency in achieving their national satellite strategy,” said the company in its latest newsletter.

The company has already supplied satellites to 11 national space agencies across five continents. “Being that this is happening as a result of a competitive tender, this highlights the competitiveness of NewSpace in the international market,” the company stated.

NewSpace Systems has ISO 14644-1 certified cleanrooms for manufacturing of satellite subsystems and components, operated by ESA accredited technicians. The company also uses ESA-approved flight materials and the rigorous ECSS manufacturing standards.

The company was established as a result of a joint venture between South African company SCS Aerospace Group and the Dutch SSBV Group in 2013. Since that time, the company has made

great strides in the area of attitude control solutions for small satellites. For example, nSight-1, a commercial private nanosatellite developed in South Africa, which was assembled in the company’s cleanroom in South Africa.


McIlvaine Company

Northfield, IL 60093-2743

Tel:  847-784-0012; Fax:  847-784-0061


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