Internal Data Search by Corporation Name
Data Search on: Eastman Chemical
The titles below have an association with your requested corporate name
Eastman Cyphrex for Versatile Filtration Applications
Eastman Cyphrex thermoplastic microfibers can be made from a wide range of polymers in various shapes and sizes. These fibers are easily dispersed and processed, allowing for blending with other fibers including glass, cellulosic and synthetic.
Revision Date: 4/7/2014
Tags: Eastman Chemical, Microfiber, Filter Media, Air Filter, Air Filtration, International Filtration News
Eastman's Cyphrex Microfiber Meets Filtration Needs
Eastman Chemical Company's Cyphrex microfibres for the filtration market have been developed to offer a number of tunable fiber properties including size, shape and material to meet specific end-use applications.
Revision Date: 3/14/2014
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Eastman Chemical, Filter Media, Air Filter, Air Filtration, Filtration & Separation