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Nord Stream 2 Signs Deal with Allseas on Offshore Pipe Laying (T17)

The operator of the Nord Stream 2 project said on April 11 it had signed a contract with Swiss company Allseas for the offshore laying of natural gas pipelines along the bed of the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. The company will lay pipelines offshore in 2018 and 2019. Allseas will use three pipelaying vessels: Pioneering Spirit, Solitaire and Audacia. The contract follows a letter of intent agreed between both parties last December. Russia's Gazprom is the only shareholder of Nord Stream 2.

Revision Date:  5/1/2017

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Allseas, Pipeline, Offshore, LOI, Pipelaying, Russia, Germany