Populating the Decision Trees

There are four Power Plant Air Quality Decision Trees:

The branch design is extremely important. Remember that decision making is a classification effort. The layout of all the branches is provided below. You can drill down to determine whether you would recommend adding additional branches.

You can first determine whether your company is listed as a source in each of the appropriate branches. Unless you are a subscriber, you will be unable to determine what is presently written about you. Nevertheless, you can send us the following information for each branch:


Company Profile: This should be no more than 300 words describing the corporate structure, experience and general activities in power plant air quality (this will apply to all branches)


Product information: Provide descriptions and or specific links to sections of your website which describe the product appropriate to the specific branch. There should be a separate product description under each appropriate branch. Do not include too much detail such as dimensions of products. Just provide a link to this type of data. The reader should be able to determine the relevance of the product within a few paragraphs.


Where your product has been discussed as part of a hot topic hour, the power points from that discussion are automatically included in the product description section. We are discussing some product categories several times per year and others only once. So a good way to populate the product category in a branch is through the hot topic hour.


Much of the world's most valuable product information is in the laptop computers of power industry travelers. Incorporating these power points into the decision trees is therefore important. If you have streaming media presentations on your site then a link can be provided to them. Another alternative is to conduct a separate webinar on your product through McIlvaine. However, there would be a cost for this.


Case histories: You can provide case histories or provide links to these documents on your website. However, they have to be relevant to the branch subject. If you do not have suitable case histories, McIlvaine can be of assistance in creating them.


References: All you need to do is send us your reference lists. We will add them into the Utility database. There is an automatic query system which can then display the complete list of plants with your product. This database is updated weekly, so you can send us new references as you receive them.


Here are the links to the four decision trees. You can maneuver through each of them using the sequential option or go directly to your company listing in the source search.

Contacts for the networking directories: These directories are designed for various types of networking, not just sales. So your management, research, and engineering people should be listed along with sales people. You can check to see how many people from your company are already listed at each location in the OEM Directory search by company.


You can check on the inclusion of any individual through the person search. You can also help us eliminate people who are no longer in your employ but may still be displayed in the directory. Please send us name, titles, phone number, cell phone, and email addresses.


Here is the link to the OEM Networking Directory (with number of people listed at each supplier of products and services at each location).