Mercury Control for Coal-fired Power Plants will be the Hot Topic for Thursday January 8, 2009 at 10 a.m. CST

We heard during the Hot Topic Hour in November 2008, right before Thanksgiving, that there are a variety of fates possible for CAMR and CAIR.  The discussion focusing on the future regulation of utility air emissions raised more questions than answers.  However, although the exact magnitude of and time line for the reduction of mercury emissions that will be required is still uncertain, what is certain is that there will be some form of mercury mitigation in operation at most if not all coal-fired power plants within the next five to ten years.  Therefore, mercury control systems and technology continues to be a Hot Topic for utility personnel, regulators and suppliers of equipment. 

At the last Hot Topic Hour on Mercury Control in July 2008, more than three hours of high level discussion were generated among more than 60 participants with the input from eight expert presenters from suppliers of control systems, materials and technology.  Several of these experts will be speaking again on January 8th to provide an update on the current developments at their companies and report on the on-going testing of mercury control systems and technologies and the performance of equipment installed and operating.  They will be joined by additional industry experts providing new information on developing technologies.  

The speakers are:

Sid Nelson of Albemarle Sorbent Technologies will discuss the latest developments at Sorbent Technologies.  (For anyone that did not know, Sorbent Technologies was acquired by Albemarle Corporation in August 2008.)  (330) 425-2354, .

Dr. Jochin Jensen, Environmental Technology Research & Development at Haldor Topsoe, .

Anne Minga, Environmental Engineer at Kuttner North America LLC, a previous speaker who will provide new information on activated carbon optimization strategies including improving contact time and reusing activated carbon in coal-fired power plants.  She will also present some interesting data on co-fired with biomass power plants and HAP metals from various other combustion sources. (262) 284-4483, .

Rob Nebergall, Business Manager, Emissions at Norit Americas, Inc., (903) 935-4774, .

Dr. Gokhan Alptekin, Senior Manager, Projects at TDA Research, Inc. will present data on a new non-carbon sorbent for mercury removal from flue gases. (303) 940-2349, .


Steve Derenne, Principal Engineer, Fossil Operations at WE Energies will update us on the performance of the TOXECON systems at Presque Isle. (414) 221-4443, .

Either Katherine Dombrowski or Scott Miller from URS Corporation will discuss some of the testing of mercury control systems and technology that URS has been involved in. (512) 419-5966, .

Dr. David Mazyck, Executive VP & Chief Technology Officer at Mazyck Technology Solutions, LLC will provide an update on testing of the photocatalytic mercury sorbent under development by his company. (352) 378-4950, .


To register for the January 8, 2009 “Hot Topic Hour” at 10:00 a.m. CST, click on: .


Bob McIlvaine

847 784-0012